The Dances of Universal Peace are a spiritual practice that employs singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world's religions. Their intention is to raise consciousness and promote peace between diverse religions
The first annual Nevada county Health Fair was a great success for both the county and for Unity in the Gold Country. We showcased our Tai Chi and Qigong exercise classes as well as our healing clinic.
The three sculptures created and donated by Julianne Boger in 2008, received their blessings and dedication this October, fifteen years later. It was a beautiful ceremony. Julianne created three sculptures which she named Solace, Sisters, and Oneness. Solace is to give comfort and cheer in times of toorrow and despair. It was placed in a bed of smooth river rock signifying the stream of consciousness. Sisters symbolizes the bells of the Spanish Missions that created a path through our state during its early Spanish settlement. The bells were central to each community, calling people together throughout the day and in times of joy and danger. Oneness symbolizes harmony and unity.
The three sculptures together create an energetic triangle with the Sanctuary as their center. They provide and ever-expanding supply of loving kindness and protection to all who enter this sacred space.
Connections Gift Shop is the best place to get the perfect gift for yourself and others! We have a wonderful selection of unique, exceptional and inspiring items for you to choose from. All at amazing prices and tax is always included!
We are located at: Unity in the Gold Country
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, California
We are open during office hours, normally Monday thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m and open on Sunday morning at 10 AM sharp! You can call ahead 530-274-2463 to make sure we are open.
Please take a moment to browse the Bookstore inventory by watching this short video
Inspiring Women's December 2022 Angel Workshop with Joan Rose Staffen, author of Swimming the Inner Ocean. Joan introduced each woman to her own angel.
Today we welcome our new members to Unity in the Gold Country! We are grateful that at this time, you are walking with us in our exploration of the I AM.
The weekend of October 15-16 we were blessed with the presence and wisdom of Jeddah Mali. A wise teacher, she opened doors of insight for us. It was an incredible weekend filled with joy, blessings, and love. Jeddah has inspired us deeply.
What are your dreams and aspirations? This Sunday, March 20th, the Inspiring Women of Unity created Spring Boards of their hopes for this year.
New Board of Trustees members were nominated and elected during our annual general meeting on February 27th. Their Installation occurred on March 20th. Thank you board volunteers!