November 27, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website for frequent UGC updates!
Enjoy this audioThanksgiving message from Rev. Jerry, just for you:
(Be sure to press Play)
Patricia Haller, LUT
Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving. A time where we give thanks for all that has come our way, and the many blessings we have. This Sunday begins our Advent season with "Hope/Faith" being the theme of that first Sunday. As we gather tomorrow in the beautiful celebration of Thanksgiving, let us also give thanks for the qualities of Hope and Faith that we have in our lives. Staying hopeful and standing in faith for a greater and better future for all of us, in every aspect of our living. This Sunday we will look at the qualities of Hope and Faith and how important they are at the beginning of this Advent season.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Recently a friend sent me a link for a series of videos on Aging issues including health care. I found it very informative and a little concerning. Next Tuesday I will be showing one for our Spiritual Exploration series. My hope is to do one on December 6th, 13th and 20th. Starting on January 3rd we will begin a book study on Anna the Grandmother of Jesus which Jeddah Mali highly recommended. If you are interested in getting a copy of the book please call the office ASAP and let us know.
For several years now Marlene has been maintaining our website and it is more than a one person job! Please consider volunteering to work with Marlene keeping our website up to date and thriving. Email or call the office to find out more. We look forward to hearing from you!
“I am love”
Reverend Jerry in his talk today reminded me of a simple truth that had evaded me most of my adult life. That truth is “I am love”. Like most of us I somehow thought my satisfaction in life depended on people, (what they were doing or not doing to me-victim hood), places (my status or allegiance to the world) and things (the possession of material wealth). Under these notions love existed outside of self. As some say in psychology the locus of control was outside of self. Living in such a precarious construct, pitted me either for or against others in a wrestling match I often did not win. In this joyless appraisal of comparison to others, “comparison was the thief of joy”. And living in fear of losing what I had or not getting what I wanted kept me in a state of perpetual anxiety. I think these notions especially in our western culture create social isolation from others and a fragmentation of our essential selves. A few years back, I remember participating in our annual ceremony of welcoming in the New Year. After our communal meditation our congregation, simply wrote on a slip of paper the first thing that came to mind. That year I scrawled “I am love”. After doing so, I remember my surprise that resulted in writing down these short but powerful three words. What amazed me was that up until that time, that particular thought had never occurred to me. In all my searching, travels, and study I had never thought that thought in my whole life. I had unwittingly looked for love, acceptance and fulfillment outside of myself. In just a few moments, I experienced a shift that ah huh moment.
-I AM the source of love. I need not look any further. Paradoxically, since then, I have experienced that simple truth over and over again and because of that I have had some of the most loving, connective and restorative relationships in my life.
As I turned toward self for love I have found love everlasting.
I wish you all the very best of this Holiday season and the joy of loves deepest embodiment within.
Gratefully given,
Angela Apostal
We will have a Zoom link open for all those who want to participate but cannot be here in person on Sunday, December 4th. Via Zoom you will be able to see and hear all the action HOWEVER, your bidding must be on our website, unitygold.us. Watch and listen on Zoom, then join in on the bidding wars using the website.
STUFF THE BARRELL for the Food Bank of Nevada County
For November, your change will benefit the food bank and we will also continue to fill our barrels with non-perishable food items, You may bring food items in throughout the week, Mon - Thurs during office hours, and then of course on Sunday mornings. Let's help feed our community! We will continue to collect for
the Food Bank of Nevada County through the month of November.
Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HERE TO PARTICIPATE . . . go to our website, unitygold.us, and view and bid on items there. You can stay on top of it and outbid your competitors!
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
We want to celebrate you!
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Ann Somervell 11/23
Mae Kiser 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Rodric Anderson 11/27
Our hearts expand as we help provide comfort for others. As we move into these cold winter months let us help those without homes to feel more comfortable physically, and emotionally valued as fellow human beings. We are now collecting blankets, socks, t shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets for the homeless camp in Auburn. Lyn Sloan will make the deliveries of all we collect. Lyn has come to know many of those at the encampment personally, and knows how very appreciated our help will be.
The First Sunday of Advent - November 27
In the beginning, you tend to think that God really cares about your exact posture, the exact day of the week for public prayer, the authorship and wordings of your prayers, and other such things. Once your life has become a constant communion, you know that all the techniques, formulas, sacraments, and practices were just a dress rehearsal for the real thing – life itself – which can actually become a constant intentional prayer.
-Richard Rohr
The whole of Infinite Mind is present in its entirety in every experience of your life and every idea of your mind.
-Eric Butterworth
The ultimate essence of life mastery is heart-centered living. In every person's spiritual heart is an opening into divine Light, Love, and Joy. In moving through this opening we transcend resistances and obstructions and are welcomed into a paradise of answers, innovations, healing, reunions, and untold blessings.
-Richard Teel
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
November 20, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website for frequent UGC updates!
Birthing a Greater Reality
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Can you believe that it is the final Sunday of our 7 week program! It is difficult to summarize the whole book but that is what I am going to attempt this Sunday. Perhaps in a sentence it is that we are love and are being asked to step up and be it. Do join us for our service when we get to welcome our newest members, and for our annual potluck afterwards. We are so blessed to have such a great group of congregants and that we get to celebrate one another once again by breaking bread together. I am grateful for the love that you are!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
ONE OF OUR FAVORITE ACTIVITIES - We will be having a potluck immediately after the Sunday Service on November 20th to celebrate the end of our Fall Program, and our new members! Bring your favorite dish this Sunday!
For several years now Marlene has been maintaining our website and it is more than a one person job! Please consider volunteering to work with Marlene keeping our website up to date and thriving. Email or call the office to find out more. We look forward to hearing from you!
Message from across the veil…
If you have been listening to Rev. Jerry’s recent lessons…or been a member of the various classes here at Unity in the Gold Country…you would be hearing the constant refrain that Everything is Connected. Even that which we cannot see or cannot prove is within us and around us!
This week I would like to share with you a message that I believe came to me from my husband Greg, who passed in March of 2021. Not from the man Greg, but from the Love that he was and is. Early this summer I started hearing a series of statements that played over and over inside of me…so much so that I had to write them down. They have become my guide when I am presented with a choice or decision, because I know they came from the Heart of Love.
Maybe they will resonate with you!
1. Be brave.
2. Take a risk.
3. Don’t wait.
4. Life is short.
When the messages come from Love, we know we can trust them. Many blessings to all for a wonderful week ahead.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Patricia Plank
UGC BOT Secretary
Our hearts expand as we help provide comfort for others. As we move into these cold winter months let us help those without homes to feel more comfortable physically, and emotionally valued as fellow human beings. We are now collecting blankets, socks, t shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets for the homeless camp in Auburn. Lyn Sloan will make the deliveries of all we collect. Starting this Sunday, please bring in all you are able to give. Lyn has come to know many of those at the encampment personally, and knows how very appreciated our help will be.
The weekly evening Way of Mastery will be held via Zoom only through the winter months.
The monthly A Course in Miracles will be held via Zoom only through the winter months.
Matt Kahn will continue to be hybrid.
STUFF THE BARRELL for the Food Bank of Nevada County
Our Change for Change recipient for November is the Food Bank of Nevada County so we are double gifting! Your change will benefit the food bank and we also want to fill our barrels with non-perishable food items, especially stuffing mixes for Thanksgiving. You may bring food items in throughout the week, Mon - Thurs during office hours, and then of course on Sunday mornings. Let's help feed our community! We will continue to collect for
the Food Bank of Nevada County through the month of November.
A big thank you to all who donated food up to today. Larry Homan delivered two full barrels and more to the Food Bank today. You can only imagine how grateful they were to us.
Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HERE TO PARTICIPATE . . . go to our website, unitygold.us, and view and bid on items there. You can stay on top of it and outbid your competitors!
DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com. We are accepting new items until 11/21/22.
Please plan to bring the items here Monday through Wednesday, 11/21-11/23, 9am to 12 pm.
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
We want to celebrate you!
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Ann Somervell 11/23
Mae Kiser 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Rodric Anderson 11/27
President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are meeting this week, talking about the two country’s relationship, and about Taiwan, Ukraine, technology, and more. It’s easy to think that their conversations will not actually enhance the lives of those in their communities, but it can be seen as positive that they’re in the same room, talking. Let’s bless their union and the hearts of these two individuals who can influence a great many lives.
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we listen for what’s behind the words.” - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, in being with others, I seek to hear, rather than be heard. In our conversation, I listen with the “ear of the heart,” with a mindful and loving heart, unencumbered by internal chatter, personal ambition, or hidden agendas. I am one with my companion. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
We've received some outstanding auction items!! Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID!
All items are shown on our website and you can bid on the website too! You don't have to drive into the Center to bid. Out bit your competitors while lounging at home!
DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com. We are accepting new items until 11/21/22.
Please plan to bring the items here Monday through Wednesday, 11/21-11/23, 9am to 12 pm.
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
We've received some outstanding auction items!! Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID!
All items are shown on our website and you can bid on the website too! You don't have to drive into the Center to bid. Out bit your competitors while lounging at home!
DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com. We are accepting new items until 11/21/22.
Please plan to bring the items here Monday through Wednesday, 11/21-11/23, 9am to 12 pm.
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
November 13, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Waking Up
Rev. Jerry Farrell
The clarion call is going out through the world 'wake up'. As we look around at the craziness it might not be obvious that it is a time of awakening. But in order to wake up from sleep it sometimes takes someone shaking us in order to get us awake. Think of all the craziness as the Universe shaking humanity awake. Once awake what do we do? Join us Sunday in order to find out. There's a whole lot of shakin' and healin' going on!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
ONE OF OUR FAVORITE ACTIVITIES - We will be having a potluck immediately after the Sunday Service on November 20th to celebrate the end of our Fall Program, and our new members! Details next week!
It’s common these days to hear people say that they are spiritual but not religious. Or to hear people say that God isn’t in a building but is found outside near the ocean or in the forest trees. So why go to church? Why belong to a spiritual community? Well let me ask you, have you ever been on the prayer list? My family has been on the prayer list for the past several months due to challenging times and a sad, unexpected passing. The power of UGC’s spiritual community praying on our behalf has supported us and given us strength and comfort during these very difficult times. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the whole reason for belonging to a spiritual community. We feel so blessed and so grateful to have had your prayers focused on us and our highest good during these past months. Thank you!
Kurtis Zumwalt and family.
Embracing Transition
Dance Party for Interfaith Food Ministry
Kellie Garmire's new band, Blue Rider will perform at Wild Eye Pub on Mill Street in Grass Valley from 7-10 on November 17th
Come out and support a great cause and a great local music venue just in time to flood our local community with Thanksgiving abundance.
We have had several inquiries recently about a New Member Sunday and it is coming soon! Rev. Jerry will lead a New Member Orientation on Saturday, November 19th starting at 10 am. We will then celebrate our new members during our Sunday Service on Sunday, November 20th. Please be sure to complete the blue Membership Application which can be found on the desk in the entry and in the bracket on the wall just inside the sanctuary. It is important to have your completed membership application to Lezlie by Wednesday, November 16th.
The weekly evening Way of Mastery will be held via Zoom only through the winter months.
The monthly A Course in Miracles will be held via Zoom only through the winter months.
The daytime Way of Mastery completed the book and will be on a brief hiatus. This group will start again, from the beginning of the book, on January 9, 2023, at 1 pm.
Matt Kahn will continue to be hybrid.
STUFF THE BARRELL for the Food Bank of Nevada County
Our Change for Change recipient for November is the Food Bank of Nevada County so we are double gifting! Your change will benefit the food bank and we also want to fill our barrels with non-perishable food items, especially stuffing mixes for Thanksgiving. You may bring food items in throughout the week, Mon - Thurs during office hours, and then of course on Sunday mornings. Let's help feed our community!
Cybercrime Tech Tips with James.
The holiday season is fast approaching, and it is that time when we start thinking about buying presents, donating a little more to charities, and our inboxes start to fill up with emails trying to get us to purchase something we cannot live without. It is also that time of year when cybercriminals are hard at work trying to steal your money.
Read more from our Technology Manager, James Pycior.
We've received some outstanding auction items!! Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID!
DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com. We are accepting new items until 11/21/22.
Please plan to bring the items here Monday through Wednesday, 11/21-11/23, 9am to 12 pm.
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
We are now selling UGC logo merchandise in the bookstore. Awesome items to carry yourself or to gift.
This pocket or handbag size notebook has a notepad on one side and handy post it notes on the other side, and comes with the logo pen. All yours for the low price of $8! We also have UGC bottle openers for $6. These have picnics, host gift, camping, home use, and more written all over them!
We want to celebrate you!
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Ann Somervell 11/23
Mae Kiser 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Rodric Anderson 11/27
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. You see and experience a whole new world, a world of Source energy that wants you to reconnect to It and live a life of joyful well-being.” – Wayne Dyer
Affirmative prayer: I take precious time today to become still and contemplate the Source of life. I cast light on the vibrational truth of my being, and am pulled by its energetic temper of beauty and wholeness. I am inspired to reconnect to that which creates all that is, and to remember that I am an expression of pure joy. This, I cannot keep to myself. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
November 6, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Who do you think you are? Perhaps that question brings back uncomfortable memories if it was asked in an accusatory way. It is a question that we continue to ask throughout our lives. Depending on how we answer it we can end human suffering. Would you like to know how? Then join us on Sunday after you've enjoyed an extra hour of sleep and put on your best blue.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Last week there was a mix-up and the week 5 material was used so this week Rev. Jerry is backtracking to the week 4 material.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
ONE OF OUR FAVORITE ACTIVITIES - We will be having a potluck immediately after the Sunday Service on November 20th to celebrate the end of our Fall Program! Details next week!
And we are asking for your input - FINAL WEEK TO GIVE US YOUR INPUT!
For those of you who attended the Jeddah Mali workshops (or just the Friday evening), we hope you will take a few minutes to complete our short survey about your experience. Click here to access the survey. Your input is so valuable and we look forward to your reply.
Sandy will be leading a chaplains meeting here on Sunday, November 6th, at noon after the Sunday Service.
I have been never taken advantage of the healing clinic since I have been coming to Unity Church. It’s the second Sunday of every month. But in October I was guided to make a session with Patricia Haller. I also made a session for my husband Drew, with David Kyle. I thought it would be nice for us both to share this together. From the moment I walked in I could tell that the clinic was special. I loved seeing the people leaving, you could tell each one had a wonderful healing and experience.
After the session Drew and I met, and both looked at each other and said “Wow”. I want to acknowledge Kristy Stevens for making the healing clinic happen again. It stopped during the COVID times, and she’s done a wonderful service bringing it back to our center. You get a wonderful healing session with whoever you pick, and you make only a $20 donation. We are so blessed to have all these incredible healers in our community.
I also went the next weekend to the Jeddah Mali workshop. There are really no words I can use to describe how amazing it was, and she is. For quite a while now I have felt stuck in my spiritual life. But with the guidance of Patricia Haller, and Jeddah Mali that plug got pulled and I am forever grateful. What a beautiful community we have here at Unity.
Blessing and love,
Carly Tousley
FOR NOVEMBER IS . . . Yvonne Read!
Yvonne has been a member of Unity for 31 years, starting in Vacaville and then Grass Valley. She spent 20 years involved with Youth Ed starting at the preschool level in Vacaville with her own children and following them through as they grew. She was the Youth and Family Chaplain in Vacaville, as well. Yvonne then brought her long experience in Youth Ed to UGC including taking our teens to regional YOU retreats. She served on our BOT here in the Treasury position and has been tireless in volunteering in our events and fundraisers.
In her own words “I learned how to hug at Unity. I learned to trust in the Beloved One. I have established a meditation practice which enables me to reach expanded states of consciousness and gain wisdom, insights, and healing. I have developed beautiful and supportive friendships. I have become a more patient, kind, loving person and experience more joy. My life is grounded and I have a sense of safety. Unity has been here for me for 31 years. I feel so blessed to belong to such a loving community.”
Yvonne, we love and appreciate you so much. Thank you for you.
Unity BOT and congregation
We have ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month. Meeting tonight, from 6:30 - 8 pm. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695.
Embracing Transition
My dear sisters, we are all in one kind of a transition or another. Let us gather together for tea and talk. Patt Lind-Kyle is our perfect facilitator for this experience.
Saturday, Nov 12th from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm followed by our salad bar (the lettuce is provided so bring toppings and dressing.) Also fresh bread and real butter is great. Milk chocolate is considered essential.
Dance Party for Interfaith Food Ministry
Kellie Garmire's new band, Blue Rider will perform at Wild Eye Pub on Mill Street in Grass Valley from 7-10 on November 17th
Come out and support a great cause and a great local music venue just in time to flood our local community with Thanksgiving abundance.
STUFF THE BARRELL for the Food Bank of Nevada County
Our Change for Change recipient for November is the Food Bank of Nevada County so we are double gifting! Your change will benefit the food bank and we also want to fill our barrels with non-perishable food items, especially stuffing mixes for Thanksgiving. You may bring food items in throughout the week, Mon - Thurs during office hours, and then of course on Sunday mornings.
We have had several inquiries recently about a New Member Sunday and it is coming soon! Rev. Jerry will lead a New Member Orientation on Saturday, November 19th starting at 10 am. We will then celebrate our new members during our Sunday Service on Sunday, November 20th. Please be sure to complete the blue Membership Application which can be found on the desk in the entry and in the bracket on the wall just inside the sanctuary. It is important to have your completed membership application to Lezlie by Wednesday, November 16th.
We've received some outstanding auction items, 22 options to date!! Be sure to browse the items on the back wall of the sanctuary and bid, bid, BID!
PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
SOME NEW IDEAS HAVE COME IN . . . SERVICES CAN BE OFFERED AT AUCTION AS WELL: Reiki or driving people to the airport. Housesitting, dog walking, computer repairs, meal prep or delivering a meal, yardwork or housework. Everyone has some thing they can give and it’s a great way to build community and get to know each other.
We are now selling UGC logo merchandise in the bookstore. Awesome items to carry yourself or to gift.
This pocket or handbag size notebook has a notepad on one side and handy post it notes on the other side, and comes with the logo pen. All yours for the low price of $8! We also have UGC bottle openers for $6. These have picnics, host gift, camping, home use, and more written all over them!
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, November 13th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Offered this month: Body Talk, Energy Healing, Functional Symmetry, Reiki, Holy Fire Healing, and Spiritual Readings. Additional details on the flyers at UGC.
Call Kristie at 530-368-4465 to reserve your session.
We want to celebrate you!
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Ann Somervell 11/23
Mae Kiser 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Rodric Anderson 11/27
When James Warren saw a stranger sitting in the dirt at a bus stop in Denver, he knew immediately he could help. He built a bench from scrap wood with the words “Be Kind” etched into the seat, and placed it at the bus stop. Since then, he’s built seven more benches, each with his “Be Kind” motto. “It’s a message anyone can do. Spread a little bit more kindness in the world.”
“The sun is never denied the light it gives. Likewise, you are never denied the kindness you bestow.” - Matshona Dhliwayo, Canadian author and philosopher
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks for the kindness that I see everywhere and in everyone. Our relationships are underwritten by goodness and generosity, and our lives are lifted up, blessed, and made whole. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
October 30, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Rev. Angelika Schafer
"Ego is ignorant of essence." That is a rather stark statement from our 7 week study book. Ego attempts to protect us but in actuality it limits our expression of our true self. What the journey is all about is surrendering the ego to essence and living from there. Join us this Sunday when Angelika will take us through our paces with word, song and music.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
And we are asking for your input
For those of you who attended the Jeddah Mali workshops (or just the Friday evening), we hope you will take a few minutes to complete our short survey about your experience. Click here to access the survey. Your input is so valuable and we look forward to your reply.
UGC INCOME - October 2022
October income to date:
less Jeddah Mali scholarships in the amount of $2,710
less a one time, special gift in the amount of $5,000
Our actual income then to date is $13,811.50
We are deeply grateful.
Sandy will be leading a chaplains meeting here on Sunday, November 6th, at noon after the Sunday Service.
I can still feel the energy in our spiritual center from Jeddah Mali’s visit. I happened to run into Jeddah in Grass Valley after the weekend workshop had ended. I took the opportunity to ask Jeddah “why did you come all the way from the UK to Grass Valley and the UGC spiritual center?” She said without hesitation because she was invited. This sure speaks volumes to the power of asking – you don’t get what you don’t ask for. If I can turn that into a more positive statement – we asked and we received.
Jeddah continued to answer my question about coming to UGC and she said that she received guidance that this area was ready to receive her message without laying a lot of groundwork. She also said that this spiritual center and this area are ready to expand and go to the next level.
Well, I found that answer so invigorating that I wanted to share it with everybody else. I hope that we can maintain and expand the energy that Jeddah brought to us and I think the future is very bright. I was also very proud and encouraged when talking with several people that attended the workshop from out of town. One lady from Minneapolis commented that this place and building have an incredible energy and the people are so warm and friendly. She asked me if all Unity churches are like this one. I said yes they are, but this one is special.
Joe Darby
We have ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, The next meeting will be on November 3rd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695.
Embracing Transition
My dear sisters, we are all in one kind of a transition or another. Let us gather together for tea and talk. Patt Lind-Kyle is our perfect facilitator for this experience.
Saturday, Nov 12th from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm followed by our salad bar (the lettuce is provided so bring toppings and dressing.) Also fresh bread and real butter is great. Milk chocolate is considered essential.
It occurred to me, we have many book lovers here at UGC. Why not have our own mini used book store for novels. Historical fiction, funny life story novels, romance, memoirs, there are so many genres! Read your books then donate them here and purchase your next great read for just $1 per book. Summer beach reads turn into winter snuggle-in reads.
You will find the Novel Spot in the classroom labeled Strength, it's the top two shelves in the bookcase. Leave your money in the dish with the angel on the lid. I hope this takes off as another mini fund raiser, and a flow of wonderful book sharing.
Love y'all, Lezlie
We are now selling UGC merchandise in the bookstore. Awesome items to carry yourself or to gift.
This pocket or handbag size notebook has a notepad on one side and handy post it notes on the other side, and comes with the logo pen. All yours for the low price of $8! We also have UGC bottle openers for $6. These have picnics, host gift, camping, home use, and more written all over them!
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, November 13th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Offered this month: Body Talk, Energy Healing, Functional Symmetry, Reiki, Holy Fire Healing, and Spiritual Readings. Additional details on the flyers at UGC.
Call Kristie at 530-368-4465 to reserve your session.
We are looking for items you may have around the house, that are in very good shape, that you would like to donate to our Silent Auction. Items of a value of $50 or more are welcome. Begin now to go through your items and see what might be available to donate. PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, December 4th, right after service.
SOME NEW IDEAS HAVE COME IN . . . SERVICES CAN BE OFFERED AT AUCTION AS WELL: Reiki or driving people to the airport. Housesitting, dog walking, computer repairs, meal prep or delivering a meal, yardwork or housework. Everyone has some thing they can give and it’s a great way to build community and get to know each other.
We want to celebrate you!
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Pat Woodruff 10/29
Jan Roth 10/31
European concert pianist Paul Barton left the world stage to perform at the Elephants World Sanctuary in Thailand. In one recital, he played for an 80-year-old elephant, Ampan, who is almost blind. The piece he played for Ampan, “Clair de Lune,” was inspired by the poem of the same name, by 17th century French poet Paul Verlaine. See and listen to the love here.
“Your soul is a chosen landscape, singing all the while of all-conquering love and life so kind. Its song mingles with the moonlight.” – Paul Verlaine, Claire de Lune
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks that Spirit is in all life and that this Universal Presence knows Itself through relationships and music. Today, I revere this soulful, loving Intelligence which is everywhere present. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
October 23, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Evolutionary Trail Markers - 2
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Did you ever wonder why we are having the cultural wars that we see in society right now? Our 7 week Fall program book "Birthing A Greater Reality" explains why in this coming week's reading material. Join us on Sunday for a preview and for some great insights that might just help you to not just understand what is happening but survive it. Don't forget to wear yellow and look like a Canary!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
And we are asking for your input
For those of you who attended the Jeddah Mali workshops (or just the Friday evening), we hope you will take a few minutes to complete our short survey about your experience. Click here to access the survey. Your input is so valuable and we look forward to your reply.
It occurred to me, we have many book lovers here at UGC. Why not have our own mini used book store for novels. Historical fiction, funny life story novels, romance, memoirs, there are so many genres! Read your books then donate them here and purchase your next great read for just $1 per book. Summer beach reads turn into winter snuggle-in reads.
You will find the Novel Spot in the classroom labeled Strength, it's the top two shelves in the bookcase. Leave your money in the dish with the angel on the lid. I hope this takes off as another mini fund raiser, and a flow of wonderful book sharing.
Love y'all, Lezlie
Last weekend was such a special time here at UGC when Jeddah Mali graced us with her presence. Her message was a total affirmation of everything that we have been doing here at UGC. She is a great example of a spiritual teacher who is humble and hasn't lost her sense of humor. The meditations that she led us in were just amazing. The energy that she channeled was palpable in our own bodies. I think it isn't an exaggeration to say that she is a shaman in addition to everything else. A very special thing happened at the end of the weekend when she was asked about how we are supposed to relate to Jesus and Mary, whom she had referenced. While attempting to answer the question she choked up and relayed how their presence in her life has meant so much to her that she finds it difficult to speak about them without becoming emotional. It was clear that she had a tender relationship with them both. That was such a gift to us all and made the co-mingling of realms, or heaven and earth, very tangible. She is talking of coming back and all I can say is, if she does, don't miss out next time because this was a very special experience for those of us who attended. I have a feeling that its effects will still be unfolding in the next few weeks and months. It feels like something has shifted here at UGC because of her visit.
In Love,
Rev. Jerry
Your eyes are not deceiving you, we have handmade caramel corn for sale in the bookstore! Limited supply, just $8 per bag.
We will once again be holding our Fall Silent Auction! We are looking for items you may have around the house, that are in very good shape, that you would like to donate to our Silent Auction. Items of a value of $50 or more are welcome. Begin now to go through your items and see what might be available to donate. PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, November 20th right after service, so you do have a little bit of time to go through things and see what you would like to donate. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this a great Silent Auction!!!
Patricia Haller
We began on Sunday, October 9th with completion on Sunday, November 27th. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
A couple of the small groups are full and closed to additional sign ups. Still available:
The home of Mark and Shelly Wandro in Penn Valley, 650-235-6420, Wednesdays,
1 - 2:30 pm.
The home of Yvonne Read in Nevada City,
530-470-3770, Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8 pm
Please call the home in the location that works for you for more information.
We want to celebrate you!
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Pat Woodruff 10/29
Jan Roth 10/31
“I behold with awe and delight the illustrations of the One Universal Mind. I see my being imbedded in it. As a plant in the earth, so I grow in God. I am a form of him. He is the soul of me.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Affirmative prayer: Today, I live in a vivid experience of Oneness, knowing that pure Spirit is everywhere present. There is no place where the Divine ends and I begin. I live – we all live - in a seamless essence of love, power, and Infinite Beingness. I do not try to let God into my heart. Rather, I open my heart, and let God out. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
October 16, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Evolutionary Trail Markers
Rev. Madalyn Wade
Exploring our evolution, the transformational processes, is foundational to where we want to evolve. Awakening to further consciousness and presence is key. What we are shifting from?
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
If you would like to attend the free session Friday evening and have not reserved a seat DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU! Friday evening you may just show up and we will find a seat for you!
If you are attending the weekend workshops we know you are already registered and eagerly anticipating the weekend! Dress comfortably and remember to bring a lunch for Saturday.
We will be providing light lunch fare after the Sunday Service. We encourage you to bring dessert items, appetizers, or fruit.
In The Way Of Mastery, we are taught that we “abide in the perfection of a loving universe. Nothing can occur by accident.” What I have learned is that experiencing life with all its challenges, and still believing in a universe with nothing happening by accident, is made so much easier when you are living in a loving community.
When something unexpected happens like your boat having engine trouble while taking a group of friends out on the lake, and your reaction is being anxious regarding how to solve this problem, it helps to have a friend on board. The response from my friends was calmness, humor, and encouragement. I was able to change an uncomfortable experience into one of knowing I was being blessed by loving friendships. The reminders of “nothing can occur by accident” allowed the uneasiness to pass and acceptance that this was perhaps not a bad experience at all. The remainder of the evening was filled with much laughter, music, dancing, and swimming with good friends. We were making happy memories. This Unity community is a reminder to surrender to the loving universe and watch everyday miracles happen. I feel truly blessed.
Ann Somervell
It occurred to me, we have many book lovers here at UGC. Why not have our own mini used book store for novels. Historical fiction, funny life story novels, romance, memoirs, there are so many genres! Read your books then donate them here and purchase your next great read for just $1 per book. Summer beach reads turn into winter snuggle in reads.
You will find the Novel Spot in the classroom labeled Strength, it's the top two shelves in the bookcase. I will be bring in a vessel for you to leave your money. I hope this takes off as another mini fund raiser, and a flow of wonderful book sharing.
Love y'all, Lezlie
Your eyes are not deceiving you, we have handmade caramel corn for sale in the bookstore! Limited supply, just $8 per bag.
Hi From Jan Roth
Last Sunday after visiting Angela Apostal's art studio, Dennis and I dropped in to see Jan Roth. She is in good health after many recent challenges and sends her warmest regards to everyone. She has been attending online and has never missed a monthly donation to her beloved Unity in the Gold Country. Much love Jan.
WE love you, we miss you, we bless you.
Rev. Jerry
We will once again be holding our Fall Silent Auction! We are looking for items you may have around the house, that are in very good shape, that you would like to donate to our Silent Auction. Items of a value of $50 or more are welcome. Begin now to go through your items and see what might be available to donate. PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, November 20th right after service, so you do have a little bit of time to go through things and see what you would like to donate. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this a great Silent Auction!!!
Patricia Haller
We began on Sunday, October 9th with completion on Sunday, November 27th. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
A couple of the small groups are full and closed to additional sign ups. Still available:
The home of Mark and Shelly Wandro in Penn Valley, 650-235-6420, Wednesdays,
1 - 2:30 pm.
The home of Yvonne Read in Nevada City,
530-470-3770, Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8 pm
Please call the home in the location that works for you for more information.
We want to celebrate you!
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Pat Woodruff 10/29
Jan Roth 10/31
Scam Warning Re: Rev Jerry Email
If you get an email from RevJerryFarrell@gmail.com know that it is from a fake email address and not from him. Remember we will not send you a request for money or any kind of cards in an email ever. Any requests for assistance like that would be in the ebulletin or in a letter from us mailed to you directly. In any case, it is always good to speak to us in the office first before responding. Check and make sure it is really from us.
Rev. Jerry
Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger have won the Nobel Prize in physics for their landmark achievements in quantum mechanics – the study of the behavior of particles and atoms. The trio won for their experiments with what’s known as entanglement – a mind-boggling phenomenon when two particles behave as one, even though they’re at a vast distance to one another. Albert Einstein once described the phenomenon as “spooky,” but the three physicists showed that quantum entanglement is real and could allow the transfer of information across huge distances.
“Scientists have shown that sub-atomic particles, once physically connected, then separated, are still connected. The particles can be eons apart, but when there is a shift or a movement in one, the other shifts in like manner. A rotation by one particle is matched by the other particle, no matter how great their distance. Scientists refer to the phenomenon as ‘quantum entanglement.’ Mystics and prophets have called it ‘Oneness.’”– Scott Awbrey
Affirmative prayer: I tap into the vibration of my true Self, a spiritual current that affirms my oneness with the Divine and with all that exists. I feel a complete union with my life partners. We are One, blessed by Infinite Love. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
October 9, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Who Am I? A Brief History of You!
Rev. Jerry Farrell
"Who am I?" "Where am I going?" These are two foundational questions that life presents us with. Our 7 week program this year tackles these two questions. Robert Brumet leads us masterfully through a detailed presentation of the obstcales that keep us from answering those questions. Would you like to find out why we aren't awake? Then join us Sunday for part one of our seven part series.
This is the one Sunday we want to be in the RED!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
From Jeddah Mali
Welcome to our last newsletter for 2022. The days are now drawing in, but instead of curling up by the fire, I am heading out on the road for two events we are hosting this Fall.
The first, Cultivating Collective Intelligence, will be in California in October. We’ll explore how we tap into the accumulated wisdom that has been developed over the ages by practitioners on the path. This knowingness is available to all who choose to tap into it. We’ll examine how that can not only guide our choices individually, but also help us to find solutions that serve the collective needs of all beings on this planet. Rather than get pulled along by the dominant energies around us, we can learn to be powerful contributors to a new vision for the Earth.
We hope you enjoy all we have to share.
See you again in 2023.
Till then, love and blessings.
I had a glorious experience here at UGC last Saturday, 10/1/2022. A crew of individuals signed up and showed up, bringing their own gas or battery powered tools, including 2 pickups with trailers for green waste. They removed dead foliage and tree limbs using pole and hand saws, trimmed overgrown shrubs, used weed-eaters adeptly, transplanted iris bulbs to a more suitable location and spread mulch in planter areas. Everyone worked together well, a most effective team, maximizing a positive outcome in approximately 2.5 hours. Toward the end, a participant suggested we consider making this a "quarterly event." Not only does this effort beautify our UGC Home, it plays an important part in reducing risk and spread of fire.
What came to me over and over again was the sincere joy, gratification and satisfaction of stepping up and being willing to volunteer, to sign up and to show up. There are a variety of daily and weekly tasks needed to maintain a warm and welcoming ambience in our building. Someone is needed to help with kitchen duties (preparing and setting out refreshments following Sunday Service, cleaning up afterwards, washing soiled dish cloths, etc.), setting up the weekly Altar arrangement then returning the next week to take it down, making sure plants in pots are watered then periodically fed and trimmed ... all these jobs are small but play an important part in creating a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for our members and guests.
As in any organization or group, after a time the tasks seem to be done by the same folk, over and over. As a new member back in 2019, it took me some time to make friends, join one of the numerous book study groups, and feel comfortable in my new Spiritual community. At one point I began to help out here and there and found that by so doing, I felt more connected, more invested in the UGC Family. Over time, this has become a commitment of Love and Service for me and I can honestly say it has brought me more joy, more love and more happiness than I ever could have imagined. I encourage anyone who has an interest or skill in any of the areas mentioned above, or simply wants to help out someway, somehow, to please consider volunteering. Our Ministerial Assistant, Lezlie VanNatta, is a wonderful resource person to contact as to how you can volunteer.
Cydne Grimsby
I am piggy backing on Cydne's message From the Board. We need a few more people on the Hospitality crew. Our goal is to ask you to commit to one Sunday a month so that we can have a fairly consistent schedule and no one person is picking up the task all the time. Please call or email me if you can help in this way! ugcassistant@gmail.com or 530-274-2463. Thank you! Lezlie
This energy that we are is designed to provide, to give, and to love. As we notice the quality this energy carries, we feel that love filling up our own being. Let that love access every single part of you, both the sides of you that you offer freely to the world and also the parts that you keep hidden from the world and even from yourself. Let that love penetrate your being. Let the hurt parts of you feel trust. Let them feel abundance. Let them feel the generosity of spirit. Just let it in. Let yourself feel love, receive love. Notice that this energy doesn’t discriminate or judge. It is only in our minds that we create worthiness and unworthiness, presence and absence. This energy of love which you are made from, freely expresses itself in every single last particle of your being. Just open your being to receive it.
I have been taking my novels to a used book store in Auburn that supports The Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills however they are bursting at the seams and not accepting donations. Then it occurred to me, we have many book lovers here at UGC. Why not have our own mini used book store for novels. Historical fiction, funny life story novels, romance, there are so many genres! Read your books then donate them here and purchase your next great read for just $1 per book. Summer beach reads turn into winter snuggle in reads. I hope this takes off!
Love y'all, Lezlie
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are now on schedule to be held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, October 9th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call Kristie at 530-368-4465 to reserve your session.
You all really know how to show up! It is an amazing experience to ask for help and have so many people willing to give their time, skills, and happy attitude to getting the job done. My heart is bursting. Thank you, deeply and broadly, thank you. Lezlie
We will once again be holding our Fall Silent Auction! We are looking for items you may have around the house, that are in very good shape, that you would like to donate to our Silent Auction. Items of a value of $50 or more are welcome. Begin now to go through your items and see what might be available to donate. PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, November 20th right after service, so you do have a little bit of time to go through things and see what you would like to donate. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this a great Silent Auction!!!
Patricia Haller
We will begin on Sunday, October 9th with completion on Sunday, November 27th. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
"When it feels like the end of your world, you've arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your life. This book is your navigational guide for releasing old ways of thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participant in global transformation."
A couple of the small groups are full and closed to additional sign ups. Still available:
The home of Mark and Shelly Wandro in Penn Valley, 650-235-6420
The home of Collette LaRocque in Grass Valley, 530-559-8407
The home of Yvonne Read in Nevada City,
The home of Joe and Lyn Sloan in Auburn,
Please call the home in the location that works for you for more information.
We want to celebrate you!
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Pat Woodruff 10/29
Jan Roth 10/31
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
The Inspiring Women activity for October is the opportunity to attend the Jeddah Mali weekend workshop!
I will be completing the ten month Healing Trauma Program from Sounds True and my focus will be shifting much more to helping people healing in recovery. I hope that some of you will step forward and want to create activities for IW to meet up. What a truly inspiring group of women. I will still be available to support your meet-ups.
Cathy Lee Knight
A recent poll from the UK found that many adults consciously limit themselves in life because they fear what others would think if they moved out of their comfort zone. People reported that they feel more alive when they take a risk, or when they engage even in simple adventures, like singing out loud, expressing their feelings, and – maybe the whackiest behavior of all – dancing in front of others.
“It is during the times I am far outside my element that I experience myself the most, that I see and feel who I really am. It's during those scary moments, hurling myself into the unknown, that I am like a comet hitting a new atmosphere. Suddenly I illuminate magnificently. I discover a smile I didn't know I had. I uncover a feeling that I didn't know existed in me. I see myself.” - C. JoyBell C., author
Affirmative prayer: Today, I boldly go where the Infinite is always coaxing me to be. I advance to the forefront of consciousness, to the place where there is no sense of otherness, no judgment – just the love of pure Beingness and the certainty that anything is possible. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
October 2, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Rev. Jerry Farrell
There is a lot of give and take, hills and valleys in life. Sometimes it is difficult to know where up or down is. A good question to ask in uncertain times is whether you are expanding or contracting your life energy. That is the question that we will be looking at this Sunday as a community. Do join us for what will be another inspiring and uplifting service.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Due to the generosity of our Unity Community, we have a generous scholarship fund available for our Jeddah Mali workshop. It is our intention to have as many here as possible because this will be such a valuable, powerful experience for us individually and especially as Collective Intelligence. Our scholarship plan is for 1/2 the registration fee. If you have a desire to attend please apply for a scholarship on our website, unitygold.us, right away. We are eager to include you!
Call Lezlie, 530-274-2463, if you need help applying for a scholarship.
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Consider cultivating your relationship with the wisdom of
Collective Intelligence.
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
We encourage you to experience a Jeddah Mali meditation.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation. Use that Zoom link.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
There are a few changes to our events calendar!
The Art and Wine event is postponed until next spring.
We will be having our annual Silent Auction, starting right away. See announcement below.
Our 7 Week Fall Program has been moved to start on Sunday, October 9th.
Just as we have been challenged this year, plants have also been. April 11th we had a hard frost that killed off the young blossoms on our fruit trees. Trees have a natural built-in ability to put out a second, smaller bloom in case something happens to the first. It’s a protection in a sense - something that nature has created over time to always protect a plant’s ability to propagate.
Unfortunately, just as the trees were working diligently to recover from the freeze, another one hit on May 11th. It was too much for the trees.
They went dormant for a time, collecting their energy and changing their course. This would not be a year that they would have offspring. Normally trees put their summer energy into producing fruit. But just like us, when faced with a hardship, the trees, planning for a better future, reset their course. This year roots grew to a new depth and became more abundant than in a typical year. Trees added new shoots and branches in preparation for a better time. With new branches and stronger roots, trees are able to plan for a more prolific birthing next year.
What can I gain from the wisdom of the garden? Have I planned for a more prolific future during this time of struggle? Can I see abundance and prosperity unfolding as I prepare for tomorrow?
Always grateful,
We will once again be holding our Fall Silent Auction! We are looking for items you may have around the house, that are in very good shape, that you would like to donate to our Silent Auction. Items of a value of $50 or more are welcome. Begin now to go through your items and see what might be available to donate. PLEASE DO NOT bring the items to the Center at this time. We would like you to take a picture of it and e-mail the picture with a description of the item, and its value, to Patricia Haller at hallerpatricia@yahoo.com
The auction will be held Sunday, November 20th right after service, so you do have a little bit of time to go through things and see what you would like to donate. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this a great Silent Auction!!!
Patricia Haller
JEDDAH MALI - EARTH SERIES #10 Quotes to carry you this week
Everything we receive, we receive in love. Everything we give, let us give in love. When we open our hearts and give in love, we become the source, emanating expansion and light and harmony. To give in love, to radiate the source expansion, light and harmony of your being costs you nothing, requires no change in circumstances or finances, and it brings you so many benefits, brings us all so many benefits. As we give, so we receive. Every single day the earth provides our food, our shelter, gives of itself over and over again. Without this generosity life could not exist or be maintained. It is within our gift to give back to use our attention, our intention to be a source of healing, restoration, peace, beauty, illumination, comfort and love. Nothing changes if nobody changes. Let us go first and set the example for what is possible. Let us reveal the true nature of human beings, the true source of all life. It is time. It is time.
Volunteer of the Month for October
It is my pleasure and honor to introduce Cathy Lee Knight as October’s volunteer of the month. Cathy Lee has been involved in many aspects of making Unity spiritual center a welcome and inspiring spiritual home. A few of her many talents that she has shared with her Unity family include being our beloved photographer, making sure all our special events are well documented and shared to be enjoyed by all. Another unique talent of Cathy Lee is her enthusiasm and extraordinary ability to light up the room. As a naturally bubbly 7 on the enneagram, she is capable of instilling excitement and participation in activities supporting Unity. Seeing Cathy Lee speak about Inspiring Women and their activities, it’s clear to see why these activities are always a success. Her energy is like a magnet and you can’t help smiling.
Cathy Lee was also our official greeter for the Enneagram course that was offered at Unity. She made sure everyone felt welcome and that the event went smoothly. Another talent that she has shared with us is her musical ability. Sitting at the piano, Cathy Lee was a beautiful accompaniment for us as we sang Christmas carols. Her talents were also expressed by her willingness to serve on the Board of Trustees. Her wisdom helped guide us through the challenging time of the pandemic. Cathy Lee is also a chaplain and has shared her time as a platform assistant.
Last but not the least, Cathy Lee should be recognized for the brave and exemplary resource she is for anyone seeking substance abuse help. Because of her sharing of her many years of experience and knowledge, we acknowledge her as a real treasure for our spiritual community. We are so lucky to have Cathy Lee and her precious Trinity as part of our Unity family.
From Cathy Lee: When I moved to Grass Valley, I began my search for a spiritual community where I could Learn, Laugh, and Love. I found Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center to be such a community. I joined on Nov 18, 2018. For me Unity is a spiritual oasis where I go to refresh my heart, my soul, and my mind. I am so grateful I have found you.
Cathy Lee, we love you, we bless you, and we are so blessed by you!
UGC INCOME - September 2022
September income to date: $13,756.20
At this time we are $9,153 short of our annual budgeted income.
We will begin on Sunday, October 9th with completion on Sunday, November 27th. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
"When it feels like the end of your world, you've arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your life. This book is your navigational guide for releasing old ways of thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participant in global transformation."
Tuesday, 10am at UGC
Tuesday, 6:30pm, home of Yvonne Read, Nevada City
Wednesday, 1pm, home of Kristie Stevens, Grass Valley
Wednesday, 1pm, home of Mark and Shelley Wandro, Penn Valley
Wednesday, 7:00pm, home of Joe and Lyn Sloan, Auburn
Thursday, 6:30pm, home of Collette LaRocque, Grass Valley
I am so happy and grateful to report we have a sign up list of well over a dozen people! This sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours are going to knock it out!! This Saturday, October 1st, lets meet at 9 am and get this done!
We want to celebrate you!
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Pat Woodruff 10/29
Jan Roth 10/31
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are now on schedule to be held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, October 9th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve your session.
"Every Yom Kippur, Jewish tradition requires a strict spiritual inventory. You aren't supposed to just sit around feeling guilty, but to take action in the real world to set things right." - Naomi Wolf, American author and journalist
"Yom Kippur is God’s way of allowing us to recalculate the course of our lives."
- Shimon Apisdorf, Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit
"The entire world is God's message of love to us. Yom Kippur is the time when we are most open to receive this message." - Rabbi Noah Weinberg
“Your treasure is within you and, to claim it, you must leave the busy commotion of the mind, abandon the desires of the ego, and enter into the silence of the heart.”
– Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
Affirmative prayer: Today, I quit striving. I let my agendas, plans, and dreams rest, allowing them to steep in a relaxed sense of wholeness. All my attention now is in the field of consciousness, this moment, pure Presence – and all is well. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
The World Peace Diet - for a Healthier Body and Earth, with Will Tuttle, Ph.D.
You will gain the tools to understand the power of food to heal us not just physically, but also culturally and psychologically, and how ecological and climate health are connected with our food choices.
Besides the lecture going more deeply into the teachings in The World Peace Diet, Dr. Tuttle and his spouse Madeleine will share practical keys to reducing our environmental footprint, and to more healthy relationships and lifestyle choices.
Monday, October 10, 2022, 7 - 8:30 pm at Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Click HERE more information!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
Rev. Jerry Farrell
September 25, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Rev. Jerry Farrell
It seems lately that each day just brings more distressing news, one more catastrophe in another corner of the world or right in our own neighborhood. What is ours to do in response to these events? The answer is the same as always- do good! Join us Sunday for some inspirational and uplifting poetry, reflection, music and prayer time. Come and be refueled for the week ahead.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Consider cultivating your relationship with the wisdom of
Collective Intelligence.
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts of Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
Important clarification! Everyday except Tuesday, the Zoom link is as shown here. On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation so be sure to use Zoom All Access for Spiritual Exploration for Tuesday mornings.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
Precious Today
cc 2022 Angela Apostal
The stillness of today unfolds before me.
As I attune to forces in nature, as part of, not apart from.
I am nature and I am here as shining evidence.
Divinity appears in all forms.
Stardust lingering from distant galaxies.
Or biology in a simple drop of water.
Both expand and contract in union.
As a breath filling me up with life.
Apparent to all.
I stand still yet move forward in the sanctity of being.
A paradox on
the altar of love.
First self,
then others, then self once more.
How did I learn this simple truth?
In breath, in sight,
in touch, in all that makes me human.
Embrace this moment with abandon, as a mighty teacher true and able.
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is slated for November 11th. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
JEDDAH MALI - EARTH SERIES #9 Quotes to carry you this week
We are designed to be peaceful creatures. We are designed to love. We are designed to experience joy and wellbeing. We are designed to express beauty. Human family has barely begun to scratch the surface of innate potential. The state of our world is a telling reminder of where we are up to in that journey. As you have heard before, a butterfly moving its wings can be the start of a great wind so too, the choices that an individual makes moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year, life-by-life can also start a great movement.
Fall is here and our Community Garden Market is officially closed until next year. Thanks to all of you we raised $454 in 2022 from the sales of your home grown fresh produce and flowers!
Sponsored by Interfaith Nevada County
Purpose: To share through song, messages of love, respect, peace, and appreciation for all of God's children. To celebrate what our faiths share.
September 25th, 2022, 2:30 pm - 4 pm
151 Union Square on
Mill Street in Grass Valley
Marshall said the group’s intention is to unite the community in common expressions of love, respect and appreciation for all, with the sentiment of, “We invite you to enjoy songs of peace, recharge your energy and lighten your spirit as you face the challenges of the day.”
“War and hate don’t fix anything,” said planner Dianne Marshall, on behalf of InterFaith Nevada County. “Take a break from the news headlines and get rejuvenated!”
Drew Tousley and Kellie Garmire will be performing together at this event!
The International Day of Peace is observed today, September 21, around the world. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. But achieving true peace entails more than laying down arms. It requires the building of societies where all people feel that they can flourish, creating a world in which people are treated equally.
Affirmative prayer: I know there is but One Mind, which is the Mind of God,
in which all people live and move and have their being. I know there is a Divine Pattern for humanity and within this pattern there is infinite harmony and peace, cooperation, unity and mutual helpfulness…so all people shall live together in peace, harmony and prosperity forever. – Excerpted from “A Prayer for World Peace,” by Ernest Holmes.
...is just around the corner. We will begin on Sunday, October 2nd with completion on Sunday, November 20th. We will skip Sunday, October 16th because Jeddah Mali will be here. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
"When it feels like the end of your world, you've arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your life. This book is your navigational guide for releasing old ways of thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participant in global transformation."
Tuesday, 10am at UGC
Tuesday, 6:30pm, home of Yvonne Read, Nevada City
Wednesday, 1pm, home of Kristie Stevens, Grass Valley
Wednesday, 1pm, home of Mark and Shelley Wandro, Penn Valley
Wednesday, 6:30pm, home of Joe and Lyn Sloan, Auburn
Thursday, 6:30pm, home of Collette LaRocque, Grass Valley
I am so happy and grateful to report we have a sign up list of over a dozen people! This sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours are going to knock it out!! We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting.
Please consider joining the crew. There is a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or contact us at 530-274-2463.
We want to celebrate you!
Rosie Doherty 9/7
Cathy Eville 9/10
Patti McClure 9/13
Darrell VanNatta 9/18
Angela Apostal 9/19
Sandy Spurgeon 9/20
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are now on schedule to be held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, October 9th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve your session.
The IW event for September is a free workshop "The Creative Pendulum" led by the author of the book by the same name, Joan Rose Staffen. Learn about using a pendulum to unlock your inner artist and discovering and expanding your expressive potential! Joan Rose offers practical information and tips so that anyone can use a pendulum, and experienced practitioners will find exciting new ways of using a pendulum. The workshop is on Saturday, September 24th, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed by a Potluck Salad Bar, here at Unity in the Gold Country.
Linda Becchetti is managing the Inspiring Women roster. Please call or email Linda if you want to be on the list for notifications/information. cyclingnut2004@gmail.com or 530-273-8380.
When three of their four children were diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a rare genetic condition that causes a loss or decline in vision, Edith Lemay and Sebastien Pelletier decided to take them round the world. “We’re going to fill their visual memory with the best, most beautiful images we can."
“The visions we offer our children shape the future. It matters what those visions are. They become self-fulfilling prophecies.”
– Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot
Affirmative prayer: I behold the beauty of this life, the near-at-hand and the sweeping visions of my eyes and heart. My soul is enlivened in this grace, and I move with reverence and a keen awareness that my life is made whole, dignified, and enlarged. I’m so grateful that this is the essence and beauty of what is before me this day. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
September 18, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Marlene Bottenfield
Join Marlene as she shares the details, insights, revelations and joy experienced in her personal near death event this summer. She will also share two other experiences that show that transition can be a beautiful time. Fear free; light, love and faith filled.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Consider cultivating your relationship with the wisdom of
Collective Intelligence.
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
Important clarification! Everyday except Tuesday, the Zoom link is as shown here. On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation so be sure to use Zoom All Access for Spiritual Exploration for Tuesday mornings.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
As I am sitting to write this paragraph, the air quality in my neighborhood (about halfway between Grass Valley and Nevada City) is hovering at a very unhealthy 200. Some areas near me are experiencing even higher, dangerous levels.
While we are having these terrible air days, we can be grateful that the fire is NOT in our neighborhoods…this time. Another thing we can be grateful for is our Unity community that always “has our back” when a disaster might befall us.
How wonderful to know that if we were to be evacuated, we have a place to come…. our Center! During the extreme heat last week, our Center was available for anyone who needed a cool place to be during those HOT days. When storms come (hopefully) our Center will be available for those who lose power or need a warm place to stay. (Providing the Center has power, of course).
How amazing is Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center, that we know as our community? Very amazing, I would say. Let’s all be aware of what a marvelous gift we share and support our Center with our Love, Time and Treasure!
Patricia Plank
Board Secretary
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is slated for November 11th. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
JEDDAH MALI - EARTH SERIES #8 Quotes to carry you this week
There is much upon this planet that we wish to be different. There is no lack of longing, desiring, hoping. How many of us use the opportunity of the present moment to free ourselves individually from the patterns that we have previously agreed to hold, agreed to believe in, agreed to carry. Those patterns we have joined with others to become our collective fears, our collective beliefs. In doing so, we have drawn a veil over our consciousness until we no longer see or experience the essence of our being, present in every moment, in every breath. We have forgotten how to harness our consciousness to the present moment to look deeply, to see and therefore feel the reassuring presence of our innate love and light. What would our life look like if we were to drink this in moment after moment after moment? How motivated would we be to share? No sense of keeping anything for ourselves, no sense of measuring who gets what. Every in-breath bringing you what you need. Every out-breath sharing everything freely.
...is just around the corner. We will begin on Sunday, October 2nd with completion on Sunday, November 20th. We will skip Sunday, October 16th because Jeddah Mali will be here. The book selected is Birthing a Greater Reality, a Guide for Conscious Evolution by Robert Brumet.
"When it feels like the end of your world, you've arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your life. This book is your navigational guide for releasing old ways of thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participant in global transformation."
I am so happy and grateful to report we have a sign up list of a dozen people! This sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours are going to knock it out!! We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting.
Please consider joining the crew. There is a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or contact us at 530-274-2463.
We want to celebrate you!
Rosie Doherty 9/7
Cathy Eville 9/10
Patti McClure 9/13
Darrell VanNatta 9/18
Angela Apostal 9/19
Sandy Spurgeon 9/20
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are now on schedule to be held the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next up, October 9th. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve your session.
The IW event for September is a free workshop "The Creative Pendulum" led by the author of the book by the same name, Joan Rose Staffen. Learn about using a pendulum to unlock your inner artist and discovering and expanding your expressive potential! Joan Rose offers practical information and tips so that anyone can use a pendulum, and experienced practitioners will find exciting new ways of using a pendulum. The workshop is on Saturday, September 24th, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed by a Potluck Salad Bar, here at Unity in the Gold Country.
Linda Becchetti is managing the Inspiring Women roster. Please call or email Linda if you want to be on the list for notifications/information. cyclingnut2004@gmail.com or 530-273-8380.
Discerning Spirit's 'I Am-ness' in Me
The pursuit of meaning has underlined human activity for millennia, stretching back to thinkers like Aristotle and Plato all the way up to modern-day philosophers and scientists. Research shows that not only does finding meaning in life inform our priorities, it also shapes how we respond to life’s twists and turns and fosters a sense of well-being.
“There are two major tasks to human life. The first is to build a strong "container" or identity; the second is to find the contents that the container is meant to hold.” – Richard Rohr, Falling Upward
Affirmative prayer: Today, I am becoming clear about what is important in my life. I discern the meaning of Spirit’s “I Am-ness,” aligning my self-image with the Divine’s
impression of me. I hang out in the Absolute, adding spiritual qualities to my life’s container. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
September 11, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Jeddah Mali with Patricia Haller, LUT
What if the mechanics that successfully create and sustain life on earth, are the clues for how to better run our lives, organisations and society? Jeddah Mali explores how natural intelligence offers us a fractal hypothesis that scales across the individual to global spectrum. It provides a unified framework to develop a new approach for the challenges we face every day as a species. This Sunday we are exploring this expansive Ted Talk by Jeddah Mali.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Consider cultivating your relationship with the wisdom of
Collective Intelligence.
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
Important clarification! Everyday except Tuesday, the Zoom link is as shown here. On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation so be sure to use Zoom All Access for Spiritual Exploration for Tuesday mornings.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
Its been hard lately. Really, really hard.
I find that it is easy to pray when times are, well, easy.
I also find it very hard to pray when times are hard. Too many thoughts, worries, anxieties all creep into my mind and fog the process. Anne Lamott reminds me there are three essential prayers: Help, Thanks and Wow. I admit my recent prayers have been, “helphelphelphelp”.
I’m a scientist at heart and return to thoughts and images of nature. The caterpillar turning into a butterfly, a piece of sand turning into a pearl, a bit of carbon into a diamond. Nature is filled with examples of transformation under extreme circumstances. It’s these extreme circumstances that our faith practices are put to the test. But, it’s these same circumstances that our faith practices have prepared us for. Help. Thanks. Wow.
-Kurtis Zumwalt
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is slated for November 11th. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
Quotes to carry you this week
What would the earth look like if we filled our minds with beauty and good? If we allowed our innate love and light to shine forth within our own being and shared it freely with others? How the collective mind would be lightened and freed. Feel that harmony, the beauty and the good, the love and the light. See how the earth would benefit. Feel it flowing into the very fabric of the earth, structure of the earth, all the vegetation, the animal life, the human life, even into the clouds and the air, finding its way into the water, the soil. The light is healing and purifying all the destruction, all the degradation, all the neglect, all the misuse, all the disrespect. Feel it being healed and restored. See that every single aspect of life here on earth receives equally. We have seen what happens when we honor some and not others, when we cherish one aspect of life over another. Feel that every single aspect of life here is equal, equally seen, equally deserving, an equal manifestation of the love and the light of the planet. Feel what it feels like in your being to experience complete harmony within yourself and within the earth.
I am so happy and grateful to report we have a sign up list of a dozen people! This sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours are going to knock it out!! We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting.
Please consider joining the crew. There is a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or contact us at 530-274-2463.
We want to celebrate you!
Rosie Doherty 9/7
Cathy Eville 9/10
Patti McClure 9/13
Darrell VanNatta 9/18
Angela Apostal 9/19
Sandy Spurgeon 9/20
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
We are sad to share we heard that Judith Lorraine passed away on July 1st. We are grateful her daughter remembered us as Judith's spiritual family and notified us. Judith fell and broke her spine in March. At that time they found she had cancer which had metastasized through her lungs and spine. Judith entered hospice there with her daughter and passed peacefully on July 1st. We are deeply grateful for the many years Judith gave to us so generously of her love of her time, of herself. We send our prayers of love and comfort to Judith's family.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinic is happening this Sunday beginning at 1 pm!
Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve your session.
This is the 2nd Sunday of the month and that means Inspiring Women are meeting after the Sunday Service to have lunch together! Join them at Tofanelli's this Sunday, Sept.11th.
The IW event for September is a free workshop "The Creative Pendulum" led by the author of the book by the same name, Joan Rose Staffen. Learn about using a pendulum to unlock your inner artist and discovering and expanding your expressive potential! Joan Rose offers practical information and tips so that anyone can use a pendulum, and experienced practitioners will find exciting new ways of using a pendulum. The workshop is on Saturday, September 24th, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed by a Potluck Salad Bar, here at Unity in the Gold Country.
Linda Becchetti is managing the Inspiring Women roster. Please call or email Linda if you want to be on the list for notifications/information. cyclingnut2004@gmail.com or 530-273-8380.
On Thursday, August 25, my granddaughter Ava Rose was born. It was a beautiful, safe and healthy birth. Thank you to everyone who said prayers for her, it definitely worked! Ava wasn’t due till Sept 9th, and I wasn’t able to go to Monterey at that time. I had planned to go visit my daughter on the 25th to be together while she was nearing the end of her pregnancy. Well what a wonderful surprise to have Ava come early. I got to hold her and spend a lot of time with her.
On the day she was born, she was very fussy and I was given her to hold. I looked at her and she looked at me, with those beautiful newborn, fresh from the other side eyes. She stopped crying and we just were there, present with each other. Then from my heart these words came to tell her. You were with God, and now you are here on the planet Earth, but guess what? God is still with you, God is inside you and God is all around you. There is nothing to cry about. Plus you have all these angels around you, guiding you, and they will never leave you and will be with you always, as will God. She never took her eyes off me, and even though she didn’t understand my words, she totally understood what I was saying to her. I held her for about an hour and she never cried or was fussy. I will never forget that beautiful time with Ava.
The Gemini North telescope has spotted two entangled galaxies, 60 million light-years away, that will eventually merge into one. The galactic pair NGC 4567 and NGC 4568, nicknamed the Butterfly galaxies, have just begun to unite as gravity pulls them together. In 500 million years, the two cosmic systems will complete their merger to form a single elliptical galaxy.
“As the rivers flowing east and west merge in the sea and become one with it, so do all creatures lose their separateness when they merge at last into pure Being. There is nothing that does not come from the inmost Self, the Self supreme.” - The Chandogya Upanishad, Sanskrit text, 7th century BC
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I am blessed to be a part of the cosmic journey of life. I give thanks that my whole-life awareness allows me to be a source of joy and hope for others. I revere each one’s journey, taking delight and assurance that we’re all walking this path together. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
September 4, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
The UGC office will be closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day. The Monday groups will also suspend their meetings in observance of the holiday weekend.
On Wednesday, September 7th, the Matt Kahn group will meet on Zoom ONLY,
no in person meeting.
Cleansing the Doors of Perception
Rev. Lani Howard
It has been said that perception is reality. Our perceptions have been formed by our families, our teachers, our religious leaders, our experiences, our media etc. We are finite beings in an infinite universe. It’s nature is expansion. How can we move beyond our current perceptions and expand into a more infinite experience?
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to view the informational one-sheet flyer! Especially good;
"In Jeddah's Own Words"
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
We are currently posting Jeddah Mali meditations on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week. The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
Important clarification! Everyday except Tuesday, the Zoom link is as shown here. On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation so be sure to use Zoom All Access for Spiritual Exploration for Tuesday mornings.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
Heat and Fire Events
One of the practical ways in which we endeavor to take care of each other here at UGC is to make the center available during heat or fire events. It isn't always easy to plan for these obviously and this weekend is no exception. Of course I am leaving for vacation and Lezlie won't be here on the weekend or on the holiday. But we have people who are committed to stepping in and we are grateful to our beloved BOT president who is managing the response over the next few days. She will be assisted by some other caring BOT members to make sure things are covered. Outside of what we are doing here at the center, perhaps you could invite neighbors or congregants to come to your house during the hottest hours of the next week to ensure their safety, especially if they don't have air conditioning. Remember that the leading case of medical events in seniors is dehydration. So, please drink lots of water during this next week. Stay cool because you are cool!
Rev. Jerry
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is slated for November 11th. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
Quotes to carry you this week
The more you let go through breathing, the more you feel yourself supported by the energy around you, the more you can trust, the more you feel safe, the more you feel cared for. The essence of this energy is loving, caring, supportive. The essence of this energy is also you. Everything that is truly not you, is gently dissolving. Everything which is in essence you, becomes brighter and brighter and clearer. Until you can feel that your very essence, your very being, your very presence is the light, the presence of this love that you feel all around you and now within you. Let yourself feel this beauty. Drink it in. Let it fill you. You’ll see that your essence, your light, your love and your beauty are constant, ever present, ever available. Let yourself float free, relaxed, immersed in beauty. As you float, you may see or even feel the earth below you. The earth is breathing also, just as we are. See the earth as the presence of light and love, just as you are.
Dear UGC family,
the land surrounding our building, our spiritual center, has been diligently tended by a small but dedicated team of three. The slope that runs along Whispering Pines is almost the final frontier in need of much team work. We would like to form a crew of at least 6 people, (8-10 would be awesome) to tackle just that slope with trimming, weed-eating, exposing sprinklers, and clearing the debris. A good sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours would make all the difference in the world. We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting.
Please consider joining the crew. There is a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or contact us at 530-274-2463.
We want to celebrate you!
Rosie Doherty 9/7
Cathy Eville 9/10
Patti McClure 9/13
Darrell VanNatta 9/18
Angela Apostal 9/19
Sandy Spurgeon 9/20
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
Vision Statement
Sierra Roots envisions a relationship-based community in which everyone has a chance to heal and a place to call home.
Mission Statement
Sierra Roots takes a relationship-based approach in our work with homeless people. We are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning with the first one happening soon!
The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve your session.
The 2022 World Day of Prayer theme is “Holding the High Watch,” and the affirmation is: I pray with an elevated mind and open heart.
Use this link to view all the options Unity Prayer Ministries is offering this year! There is an online opening ceremony you can register for, a guiding prayer YouTube, a prayer request tab, reflection questions, and more!
Researchers think they can now explain the phenomenon of doppelgängers – people who look alike but aren’t related. "There are so many people in the world now that life is producing humans with similar DNA sequences,” a researcher said. “There's probably someone in the world who looks like you and even share your behavior traits.”
(Darrell VanNatta and a co-worker. Everyone was a bit surprised, he and Darrell included, the first time they were in the same room together!)
“The identity of each of us is founded in a Divine template, the great ‘I Am’ in which we all live, move, and have our being. We share in the image and likeness of pure Spirit. We are One.” – Scott Awbrey
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I am clear about who I Am and what is important in my life. I discern the meaning of my ‘I Am-ness,’ awakening to the qualities of God in my body, soul, and experiences. With purpose and gratitude, I am carrying out Spirit's intention for my life. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
August 28, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
The Way of Mastery says that we are already Love and capable of loving. It seeks to teach us all the obstacles that we put in the way of our realizing that we are love, as well as the obstacles we put in the way of releasing that love. In this Sunday's service we will look at what some other spiritual leaders have to say on the same topic.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to view the informational one-sheet flyer! Especially good;
"In Jeddah's Own Words"
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
For planning and capacity purposes, if you are intending to register for this event we encourage you to do so right away!
This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We are currently posting Jeddah Mali meditations on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week. The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
Important clarification! Everyday except Tuesday, the Zoom link is as shown here. On Tuesday mornings we have temporarily replaced Spiritual Exploration with the Jeddah meditation so be sure to use Zoom All Access for Spiritual Exploration for Tuesday mornings.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
I don’t know about you, but I am incredibly excited to know that Jeddah Mali will be at our UGC Spiritual Center. Jeddah is an international figure in the world of spiritually awakened teachers and visionaries. She has had a series of personal awakenings throughout her life and has studied under the Dalai Lama. She is the founder of Intelligent Life, which promotes a “be-think-do platform that trains pioneering individuals and organizations in natural intelligence to create universally beneficial outcomes”. I am very excited to learn more about this new way of thinking to re-evaluate the way we live and think.
As a reminder she will be her at UGC for a free event on Friday (10/14) evening and a paid event on Saturday (10/15) and Sunday (10/16 - after church). I hope to see you there.
Joe Darby
THIS Saturday, August 27th the Meet-up is a pool party at Katharine Beatty's house! Pool time starts at 10:30 am with the now familiar Potluck Salad Bar at 12:30 pm. Fun, sun and Yum!
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is slated for November 11th. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
Quotes to carry you this week
Notice as we start to relate to our very own being as this presence, that our being and the presence of life itself are one. As we breathe, life breathes. As we love, life loves. As we intend life intends. We as human beings have such a profound influence, not just on our internal experience, but upon life itself.
Ask yourself, “As I go about my day, which version of me do I show up in? Is my attention hunkered down on my humanness, physical body, the emotions, and the mind? Or is it raised up into the soul self with feelings of service, duty, goodwill, sharing and helping, contributing?
Or is it raised up further still into my spirit self where I see the full extent of my being and operate as such? We as human beings are given a choice as to where our attention resides.
What are we now choosing in this moment? What will we allow? Where will we operate from? What will we choose moment-by-moment, day-by-day, year-by-year? Our life is the living record of our choices. If we would wish for more light, we can have it. It is our responsibility to allow it in.
Dear UGC family,
the land surrounding our building, our spiritual center, has been diligently tended by a small but dedicated team of three. The slope that runs along Whispering Pines is almost the final frontier in need of much team work. We would like to form a crew of at least 6 people, (8-10 would be awesome) to tackle just that slope with trimming, weed-eating, exposing sprinklers, and clearing the debris. A good sized crew working just on that area for a couple of hours would make all the difference in the world. We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting.
Please consider joining the crew. There is a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or contact us at 530-274-2463.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
NOTE: On 8/29/22, the WOM 1 pm group will meet on Zoom only. No one will be in person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Lynne Hurrell 8/4
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Joe Darby 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Cydne Grimsby 8/21
Nanci Shandera 8/24
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning on the 2nd Sunday of each month with sessions at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve Your Session.
The 2022 World Day of Prayer theme is “Holding the High Watch,” and the affirmation is: I pray with an elevated mind and open heart.
Use this link to view all the options Unity Prayer Ministries is offering this year! There is an online opening ceremony you can register for, a guiding prayer YouTube, a prayer request tab, reflection questions, and more!
Peter and Paula Closier of Surrey, British Columbia, were stunned when their dog, Bonnie, went missing, only to return later that day with a ribbon won at a local dog show. They were looking high and low for Bonnie until they saw a picture of her on Facebook with the caption, “Does anyone know this dog?” John Wilmer had spotted Bonnie by the side of the road while on his way to the dog show. While waiting for a response to his Facebook post, he decided to enter her in the competition. Bonnie took third place in the “Best Rescue Dog” category!
Winners are too busy to be sad, too optimistic to be fearful, too positive to be doubtful, and too determined to be defeated. - unknown
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks for the synchronistic blessings and adventures of my life. I believe that all things are working together for my highest good, and I hold others in this optimistic sense of worthiness and triumph. Everyone I encounter is a winner. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
August 21, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Joe Sloan
We have often heard that religion, Christianity in particular, is a force for peace, but history does not very well support that contention. Christianity has been used as an excuse to freely exercise the worst behavior of human kind to others of Gods’ children. This is not our true nature and yet, anger, hate and vengeance seem to come too easily or naturally. These are times when we must call upon “the better angels of our nature.’ Angels, messenger’s of God, are all about us, whispering guiding words of Love and peace. They came with us. They have never left us. All we have to do is listen. Listen.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
We are excited to be hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center! This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We will be posting a Jeddah Mali meditations on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week. Some day and time options have changed. The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts of Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
First of all, sorry for the glitch with the A/C last Sunday but you will be happy to know it has been rectified. This week we have been experiencing high temperatures and seeing drastic forecasts for water and electricity shortages, as well as catastrophic weather conditions. How are we to respond to such dire predictions?
Unity is very clear that when the heat is on we remain calm and cool, centered in the creative power of our Divine being. Early this week I spoke with a congregant who was dealing with a possible dire outcome for a family member that was causing them to focus on worst case scenarios. I reminded them, as I remind myself when I am in similar thought patterns, that these are the perfect scenarios for miracles. After all, that is why we call them miracles because they are so unexpected and counter intuitive.
As we hold space for ourselves and humanity at this time of dire predictions I invite us into a space of miracle-mindedness. What else is our faith for but this? Let us use our incredible creative power to vision and intend our wildest dreams for humanity and its evolution. Join me in affirming this.
Rev. Jerry
Upcoming Meet-ups!
On Saturday, August 27th the Meet-up is a pool party at Katharine Beatty's house! Pool time starts at 10:30 am with the now familiar Potluck Salad Bar at 12:30 pm. Fun, sun and Yum!
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is under consideration depending on some other factors but should be in the next few weeks. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
Quotes to carry you this week
In the present, time does not truly exist.
Feel that the light around you is the life force that you are breathing in. You breath in, you pull in light to the inner body. You breathe out, you exchange this light into the exterior space. You are both breathing in and breathing out light. Your whole body, your whole being is immersed in this light. Your whole being can feel peace and the love that this light brings
This heavenly light, this Spiritual sun, is gifting to you all of its energy, all of its qualities, all of its power and magnificence. You are blessed by this light, you are graced by it. Just letting the light pour upon you as if the heavens have opened and all of the angels and beings of light are sending their love and light forth, shining upon us, shining upon all humanity, equally, lovingly. Drink it in. This light is able to hold us, nurture us, protect us.
Your heart is now able to be radiant like the sun and you in turn are able to gift your light, full of all the qualities that you have received, sending it out into the world, letting it shine equally on everyone. So that everyone is able to feel safe; everyone is able to feel trusting. See your love as it moves out into the world, all around the planet, touching every human being, touching all of nature.
Picture every one of us bringing our attention into our hearts consciously recognizing the gifts that we are receiving every single moment. Drink it in with your heart. Feel the grace. Feel the blessing. Let your heart burst with appreciation.
We will have our Unity Community Garden Market this Sunday. Garden produce freshly harvested! If you have garden produce or flowers you would like to sell we will get you set up with the rest. It's surplus time, bring in your gardens harvest to sell here! Skip the grocery store, buy your produce here! All proceeds benefit our Spiritual Center.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
NOTE: On 8/29/22, the WOM 1 pm group will meet on Zoom only. No one in person here at UGC.
Dear UGC family, the land surrounding our building, our spiritual center, has been diligently tended by a small but dedicated team of three. The slope that runs along Whispering Pines is almost the final frontier in need of much team work. We would like to form a crew of at least 6 people, (8-10 would be awesome) to tackle just that slope with trimming, weed-eating, exposing sprinklers, and clearing the debris. A good sized crew working just on that area one 2-3 hours would make all the difference in the world. We are looking at Saturday, October 1st, weather permitting. Please consider joining the crew. We will begin sign-ups this Sunday.
We want to celebrate you!
Lynne Hurrell 8/4
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Joe Darby 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Cydne Grimsby 8/21
Nanci Shandera 8/24
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning on the 2nd Sunday of each month with sessions at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve Your Session.
“What you see you become. What you see is a selective act of attention. Although you are inundated by billions of bits of sensory impulses, you selectively filter out the vast majority, allowing only a very small fraction into your awareness. Your attention and interpretations create what you see and ultimately determine what you believe.”
– Deepak Chopra, The Way of Gratitude
Affirmative prayer: Today, my attention is on the myriad of ways that goodness shows itself. I give thanks to know that what I believe in, focus on, and give my energy to is amplified. Today, I see wholeness. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
August 14, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Probably the single greatest struggle in life is what appears to be the battle between our bodies and our souls. Being enfleshed, embodied and incarnate beings is quite the balancing act between our bodies needs, wants, desires and our spirit's soaring impulse. Sometimes it is overwhelming, sometimes it is a drudge and sometimes it is a crash and burn experience. Yet, we soldier on despite aging, sickness and the certainty of death. Join us this Sunday as we look for some pointers along the way.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
We are excited to be hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center! This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We will be posting a Jeddah Mali meditations on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week. Some day and time options have changed. The experience of Jeddah's meditations are tranquil, and deeply profound. We encourage you to experience the gifts of Jeddah Mali.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 10 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm,
and Saturday at 9 am.
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
Another week, another new, short Jeddah meditation -
about 13 minutes.
Click HERE, relax and enjoy.
Quotes to carry you this week
We think that we are doing the living of our life, but so much is given to us.
Allow yourself to relax, let go, be cared for. This space is looking after us, every part of us, moment by moment without pause, whether we are aware of it or not. No one is more or less chosen. No one is more or less loved.
As your light goes out from your heart to the whole human family, you'll notice that your light encourages, touches, and amplifies the light of others.
It will not be governments who bring peace to our planet. It will be one individual after another, choosing to see their own light and remembering to see it in others.
One of Unity's principles that always makes me ponder what it truly means is “We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in the mind". Frequently the answers come in the experiences of my daily life. Recently while returning home from a walk with my dog, my foot slipped into a crevice on my walkway. I ended up kissing mother earth and realizing I had injured my right ankle. My rapidly swelling ankle didn't respond to my home care so a couple of days later after a doctor visit and X-Ray, I learned I had an avulsion fracture. Treatment is non weight bearing for 2 months and wearing a boot cast.
My independent world just turned upside down. I had called Rev Jerry to let him know I wouldn't be attending our Board meeting and asked another board member to give my treasure's report. Very quickly help arrived in the form of meals, running errands for me and help with my animals.
I was surrounded by community and truly had to learn to accept help. A dear friend said, "don't deprive others of the joy of giving". I had to hug my ego and change my thoughts. My thinking went from fear of dependance and the inability to care for my animals to immense gratitude for this loving community. Love is everywhere even in the allowance of receiving help gracefully. My heart is full.
Ann Somervell
Upcoming Meet-ups!
On the 2nd Sunday of the month, 8/14, Inspiring Women will meet at Tofanelli's for lunch after the Sunday Service. As a reservation will be required, please let Linda Becchetti know if you plan to join the group. 530-273-8380. Invite a friend, let's widen our circle!
On Saturday, August 27th the Meet-up is a pool party at Katharine Beatty's house! Pool time starts at 10:30 am with the now familiar Potluck Salad Bar at 12:30 pm. Fun, sun and Yum!
We received the Summer newsletter from One Source ~Empowering Caregivers and it has two really great articles in it. One titled Filling the Void Post-Caregiving, and the other titled How to Survive as a Caregiver: Six Essential Tips. We wanted to share these via a link but their website is not working right now. If you have an interest in either one of these articles please let me know and I will provide you with a copy.
We support supporting caregivers!
Cathy Lee came in with furbaby Trinity and Jessica with baby Millie. Rev. Jerry blessed both babies and we could feel their innocent presence blessing UGC as well!
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Lynne Hurrell 8/4
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Joe Darby 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Cydne Grimsby 8/21
Nanci Shandera 8/24
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning on the 2nd Sunday of each month with sessions at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve Your Session.
As part of our fund raising efforts for the year we are planning on hosting a Wine and Cheese and Arts evening. The date for the event is under consideration depending on some other factors but should be in the next few weeks. For now we are putting out the call to all our artists who might be willing to donate a piece of artwork for the event. We are open to donations of art pieces in various media and tax donation letters for the IRS will be given to the artists. If you are interested in donating something, or you know an artist in the community who might be interested, please call Lezlie at 274-2463 and let us know. We are planning a fun evening of wine, non-alcoholic drinks, cheese, arts, music and possibly some wine/art appreciation talks. Stay tuned for more details!
Sharon McKellar of the Oakland Public Library has collected all kinds of items – doodles, recipes, old photographs – left in books returned to the library. After attempting to find their owners, she scrubs personal identifying information, then scans and uploads them to the library’s website. See them here.
“Each of us leaves a legacy, whether we mean to or not, stamped on the hearts of others. We leave behind our attitude toward the world, for whether we inspired in others a love for life. We will be remembered for our smiles and frowns, our laughter and complaints, for our kindness and our selfishness.” – Joah Chittister, The Gift of Years
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks to know that my name – the essence of who I am – is etched in the heart of God. May the spirit of my life be a blessing to others. Today, I share the love and truth of Oneness with my sisters and brothers. Today, I lift up another. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
August 7, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Fables, myths and scriptural stories have so much insight to share with us. They can inform both our personal and communal lives with their wisdom. Join us Sunday when we listen to one such story from the life of King Arthur which answers a very powerful and important question that men and women often ponder. Bring your inner child and be prepared to be regaled by our resident Irish storyteller.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
We are excited to be hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center! This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We will be posting a Jeddah Mali meditation daily on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 7 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm, Friday at 5 pm, Saturday at 9 am, and Sunday at 7:30 pm
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
A new, short Jeddah meditation - less than 10 minutes.
Click HERE, relax and enjoy.
Quotes to carry you this week
Something so simple, so every day as the breath, can become a calming, healing tool, allowing us to notice that our entire body is under the same influence as the breath - the force of life.
We can feel that this presence of life, this presence of energy, is continuous, without end. It connects us to a vast unending omniverse of energy, simply by us noticing it. As we ride its waves of expansion our very own being becomes a part of it. We realize that the energy of our being and the energy of the unending presence is one and the same.
None of us never need to feel that there is not enough to go around. The energy of awareness provides us with as much as we need and want.
Our blessed planet is also born of the same energy as we are. It too, lives on love and light
Forgiveness, Love & Gratitude
From the very beginning and for most of my life I have struggled with anxiety which seems to come from deep-seated fears from causes both known and unknown. I have noticed since joining the UGC Family that the length, intensity, and pervasiveness of the episodes of anxiety have significantly diminished. When I ponder what has changed, there are several things that immediately come to mind: Forgiveness, Love and Gratitude.
More and more I am able to forgive, embrace and love myself, something that seemed impossible not so long ago. Self-forgiveness has powerful healing and freeing effects on me; it opens my heart and helps me to replace self-judgment and condemnation with compassion and love. I have noticed that I am much less critical of others. When I do shift into that old pattern, I am getting much better at seeing what I'm doing and able to give thought as to why I am feeling this way. What's going on inside causing me to feel uncomfortable in this situation or with this person? How can I shift back to a place of acceptance and love? Forgiveness of whatever I see or feel from another, and of what it brings up within myself is key to helping me move back into my heart space. It feels like "coming Home" and changes everything for me.
Practicing gratitude is the fastest way I know of getting out of a funk or feeling depressed or fearful; when I consciously do this, the anxiety and fear simply dissolve, my heart expands, and I breathe easier. The other morning, I woke up feeling "down" and low energy. I went out for my daily early morning walk and chose to focus on what I have to be grateful for. It started with the awareness that all my senses are intact, that I have balance, strength, and coordination to be able to walk on my own. (Those things in and of themselves are HUGE blessings.) I have clean water to drink, food to eat, a home which shelters me from harsh outdoor elements and enables me to rest and renew each day. The list is endless; by the time I returned home, I felt much "lighter" and reenergized. Simply shifting into thinking about all I am blessed with changed me.
For all the above insights I am deeply grateful. I want you to know that I am profoundly thankful to each of you for touching my life in a myriad of healing ways, most of which you are unawararking e. I deeply value being in the UGC family and to know such wonderful people. Blessings be to each one of you.
Cydne Grimsby
Upcoming Meet-ups!
On the 2nd Sunday of the month, 8/14, Inspiring Women will meet at Tofanelli's for lunch after the Sunday Service. As a reservation will be required, please let Linda Becchetti know if you plan to join the group. 530-273-8380. Invite a friend, let's widen our circle!
On Saturday, August 27th the Meet-up is a pool party at Katharine Beatty's house! Pool time starts at 10:30 am with the now familiar Potluck Salad Bar at 12:30 pm. Fun, sun and Yum! PARKING IS LIMITED. PLEASE CARPOOL.
We are partnering once again with Gold Country Lions Club to sell their homemade caramel corn in their booth at the Nevada County Fair. The Lions group will donate a portion of their $ proceeds to Unity in the Gold Country for each volunteer we provide. YOU get free parking and entrance to the Fair, and WE receive a donation from the Lions! Dennis will be here again on Sunday to fill the last remaining spots.
Dennis Cassella
Dennis has been at Unity and an official member since 2003. When asked what drew him to Unity his answer was simple . . . being partnered to the Minister! Keeping him here for the long haul is being married to the Minister and cookies! "Seriously," he said, "I love the people. They are some of the most kind and loving people I know."
Dennis has given his time in so many capacities over the years; usher, counter, parking attendant, sound man, lights man, camera man, coordinator for upstairs volunteers, building renovation overseer and coordinator, setup team member, clean up team member, gardening team member Hospitality House team member for 16 years, and most recently, Adopt A Road team member, last minute fill-in volunteer, and lastly Dennis coordinates the Unity sign up for the Gold Country Lions booth at the fair. Plus he ensures all the delicious caramel corn we get to sell here at UGC.
When asked how Unity has changed his life, Dennis shared it has filled in a lot of blanks for him in his spirituality. "I had a background in the Lutheran Church but it wasn't an evolving faith. Unity has given me an anchor and a spiritual family that fits my current life situation."
Dennis, we love you and we appreciate you!
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Lynne Hurrell 8/4
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Joe Darby
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Cydne Grimsby 8/21
Nanci Shandera 8/24
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning on the 2nd Sunday of each month with sessions at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve Your Session.
Some 51% of 18 to 34-year-olds polled in the United Kingdom said they pray at least once a month, compared with only 24% of those aged 55 and over. Mariyah Zaman, a 23-year-old Muslim from Cardiff, says she prays every day. “My faith is my stability. It's my grounding and my anchor in life."
“[Prayer] sometimes feels like trying to get bears to dance as we tap crude rhythms on a cracked kettle. Other times, it feels like we’re making music that will melt the stars.” - Gustave Flaubert, French novelist (edited; the original quote was, “Human speech sometimes feels….”)
Affirmative prayer: Today, I rest in the felt certainty that the Divine Something – call it God, the Universe, Higher Power, or Infinite Presence – is the changeless, unconditional essence of my life, of all life. Its love and strength are always at hand. My life is a prayer, and I am open to being inspired, guided, and to the joy of being alive. Thank you, God, forever, Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
July 31, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Angelika Schafer
Rev. Angelika speaks from experience when she addresses the causes of human suffering as well as the remedies. She will explore the distinctions and attitudes that cause us to suffer versus being fully present with an uncomfortable or painful experience. Hint: Suffering is the resistance to what is.....
It is not in the fact, but in the interpretation of what is happening.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REMEMBER to bring goodies for after the Service; cheese, fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies . . . what ever you like, we will enjoy!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
This is a major event for Unity and our Sierra foothill communities. We will continue to feature this until event time!
We are excited to be hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center! This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We will be posting a Jeddah Mali meditation daily on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Mondays with a new meditation in the series being posted for the duration of each week.
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 7 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm, Friday at 5 pm, Saturday at 9 am, and Sunday at 7:30 pm
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
Here is another short Jeddah meditation - less than 10 minutes.
Click HERE, relax and enjoy.
Dear Unity Friends,
Last month I had an unanticipated health challenge and you were incredible. Thank you! I felt carried and loved with prayer and kindness from you, our community. I appreciate you so much! I appreciate how we reach out and hold each through life’s challenges. I appreciate how we listen to each other. I appreciate how we give and receive with each other. We are building a strong, caring community. I see the gifts of love we are giving each other, right now, rolling like powerful waves out into the universe. Thank you for being you! Thank you for being the gift you are.
I see your day unfolding in beauty, love and light,
Upcoming Meet-ups!
On the 2nd Sunday of the month, 8/14, Inspiring Women will meet at Tofanelli's for lunch after the Sunday Service. As a reservation will be required, please let Linda Becchetti know if you plan to join the group. 530-273-8380. Invite a friend, let's widen our circle!
On Saturday, August 27th the Meet-up is a pool party at Katharine Beatty's house! Pool time starts at 10:30 am with the now familiar Potluck Salad Bar at 12:30 pm. Fun, sun and Yum!
We have ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, The next meeting will be on August 4th. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695.
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom.
We are partnering once again with Gold Country Lions Club to sell their homemade caramel corn in their booth at the Nevada County Fair. The Lions group will donate a portion of their $ proceeds to Unity in the Gold Country for each volunteer we provide. Call Lezlie, 530-274-2463, to sign up. Lezlie will provide the list of volunteers to Dennis and you can sign up for the time that works for you. YOU get free parking and entrance to the Fair, and WE receive a donation from the Lions!
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansome 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Bonnie Hatt 7/23
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelley Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
We are providing a link to a YouTube of a talk that Matt gave recently in Colorado. It's short, 12 minutes total, in which Matt gives brilliant insight into how to experience an encounter, a conversation, with someone who thinks and believes differently than us. Click here - It's so good, wise, simple, and empowering.
Unity's Energy Healing Clinics are returning on the 2nd Sunday of each month with sessions at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. The clinics will begin again on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Modalities being offered are Body Talk with Patricia; Holy Fire Reiki with Kris; Energy Healing with David; Spiritual Reading with Ann Marie; Healing Touch with Claire and Cydne; and Functional Symmetry with Gabriel. Each session is 40 minutes and a $20 donation is suggested but no one turned away. Call 530-368-4465 to Reserve Your Session.
With the world on fire, war raging, and too many injustices playing out to count, Joni Mitchell gave us a reason to hope again. So says L.A. Times writer Mary McNamara. Joni, who is 78 years old and recovering from a brain aneurysm, performed at the Newport Folk Festival, her first performance in many years. Not a dry eye…. Catch her here.
“Let love be genuine; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Be ardent in spirit. Rejoice in hope.”
- Romans 12:9-12
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I give thanks for the beautiful voices of hope and devotion in the world – for every songbird, poet, and mystic. May their love songs awaken the goodness within us all and inspire us in ways of kindness and generosity. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
July 24, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
In our modern lives it is a greater challenge to find places and times for true silence. Silence reflects back to us our true Self just like a mirror. Perhaps that explains why so few want to see what is being reflected. Join us this Sunday when we explore the gift that silence is and the gifts that it holds for us all in these overwhelming times.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Rev. Jerry's talk last Sunday, "What Pronouns Does God Use?", was phenomenal! The sanctuary was vibrating with loving energy at the close of his talk. If you want to revisit it, hear it fresh, or share it with others just click HERE. His talk begins at the 30:30 mark.
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
We are excited to be hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center! This is a major event for all of us, a wonderful contribution to our community, and it starts with preparing ourselves! We will be posting a Jeddah Mali meditation daily on Zoom until the event in October. Please allow about an hour for the full meditation experience. The meditation will change each week on Fridays.
The schedule is as follows and begins on Friday, July 22nd:
Monday at 11 am, Tuesday at 7 am, Wednesday at 9 am, Thursday at 3 pm, Friday at 5 pm, Saturday at 9 am, and Sunday at 7:30 pm
We hope the above schedule reflects the possibility for everyone to participate at some point throughout each week.
The Zoom link is here, and will also be in the weekly All Access email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5498 2763
Passcode: 191137
We offer to you today a 10-minute meditation with Jeddah, to give you a brush stroke of the experience of her mediations.
Click HERE, relax and enjoy.
“What another poem?”
A poem by Angela Apostal © 2022
The country cries
and fights for its life.
And you give me another poem?
Where can I find comfort with so much loss, grief and heartache?
A poem is a good place.
Better than a bar.
Better than another bad relationship.
Better than a diet.
Better than any substance.
A poem is an outpouring of the soul.
A poem is:
A healing balm.
A secret sonnet.
A sweet song that rhymes or not.
A wild dance of delight.
Anyway you put it a poem can:
What’s your poetry?
A grandchild’s laughter?
A friends hug?
A strangers smile?
A good thought?
A wise decision?
A random act of kindness?
Find your poetry or not?
It will find you in the precious moments of the now.
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom.
Write Light 20
This Saturday, July 23rd, the Inspiring Women event will be "Write Light 20" led by Linda Becchetti and Pam Strong. This will be a creative, progressive (each person adding on) story writing adventure! The creative writing is from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed again by the Salad Bar Potluck. If you missed the art event and Salad Bar in June, be sure to put the July event on your calendar because it is that fun!
We have provided Know Your Zone information and maps in our foyer to help you be "fire ready". Please pick up the info on your way in, or go to community.zonehaven.com to explore the site and to obtain additional information.
We will have our Unity Community Garden Market this Sunday. Garden produce freshly harvested! If you have garden produce or flowers you would like to sell we will get you set up with the rest. Skip the grocery store, buy your produce here! All proceeds benefit our Spiritual Center.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansome 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Bonnie Hatt 7/23
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelley Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
“Grant me the grace to look with respect upon all I meet this day and upon every event I encounter. May I treat everyone with reverence and love. May the work of my hands be part of the redemption of the world.” – Edward Hays, Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim
Affirmative prayer: Today, I hold others in high regard. In recognition of the Divine’s honoring of me, I show great respect to my significant other, family, and companions. In harmony with Spirit’s nature, I bring reverence to even someone in my life whom I have disparaged. Healing, peace, goodness. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
July 17, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Is God the original and essential trans being? Just as we are being asked by some people in the world and in our personal lives to re-image who they are and how we understand how they see themselves, is God asking us to do the same in our understanding of its true nature and being? Join us Sunday for what should be a very interesting exploration of who/what God is.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REFRESHMENTS ON SUNDAY - let's keep it going!
We have resumed Sunday Service refreshments! If you've forgotten how this works, we provide hot coffee and tea, you all bring the goodies! Cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers, veggies . . . whatever you enjoy bring plenty to share. We thank you and we look forward to spending time together.
Hello Unity Friends.
I am going to use this opportunity to say thanks for all of you who helped to plan, helped to prepare for, participated in, and attended the celebration of life for my loving husband, Greg Plank.
Most of us know what a magnificent community we share here at Unity in the Gold Country, but do we realize what a complete treasure it is? My out-of-town friends who attended Greg’s celebration of life were amazed and in awe of the closeness, friendship, and community that they saw expressed.
If you have yet to feel and experience the connection of our Unity Community, let me encourage you to get involved and join a class, volunteer to help on Sunday or with another job that could use your talent. Soon, you will receive so much more than you give. I guarantee it, because it has happened for me!
With love and blessings,
Patricia Plank
Board of Trustees Secretary
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom.
Write Light 20
On Saturday, July 23rd, the Inspiring Women event will be "Write Light 20" led by Linda Becchetti and Pam Strong. This will be a creative, progressive (each person adding on) story writing adventure! The creative writing is from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed again by the Salad Bar Potluck. If you missed the art event and Salad Bar in June, be sure to put the July event on your calendar because it is that fun!
Here is a few of our Inspiring Women at last Sunday's post-service lunch!
We are incredibly excited to announce that we are hosting a two day workshop with Jeddah Mali here at our Center!
Cultivating Collective Intelligence
A 2-day Workshop with Jeddah Mali
October 15th & 16th, 2022 at Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Click here to open the detailed brochure prepared for you!
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansome 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Bonnie Hatt 7/23
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelley Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Bright Futures for Youth, created by the merger of The Friendship Club and NEO in summer 2020, has three programs to address the issues and help youth in numerous ways, from after-school programs and a drop-in Youth Center to ensuring access to services. Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
Distinguished #mastersathlete Lynne Hurrell, 87, from #TeamUSA, crosses the line in the #1500m event to take Gold in the women's 85-89 year old age group here at the WMA - World Masters Athletics #worldchampionships2022 in Tampere, Finland. This is a challenging event for any age but along with the #800m, it's Lynne's preferred distance and she finished in 10:58.77mins. In the 800m event, she also took Gold, crossing the line in 5:12.45mins.
If you're kind enough to follow my posts, you'll know that one of my missions in posting my pictures is to encourage a re-think of some of those tired and lazy stereotypes that circulate in our society; the ones that imply that once you're past a certain age, it's time to stop challenging yourself, stop having adventures and generally slow right down.
You only have to see women like Lynne in action to find yourself thinking again; you can't help it. There are some remarkable #mastersathletes here in the 80+ age groups, men and women, and for someone like me, in age at least not too far behind them, their joyful presence here is both inspiring and motivational.
Go Lynne, and thank you,
From an online post by Alex Rotas Photography
The first picture transmitted from the James Webb Space Telescope shows so many galaxies. “Those tiny ovals and gleaming blobs are distant galaxies,” a NASA spokesman said. NASA has been working on the telescope for 25 years and now the it’s orbiting about 1 million miles from Earth. “Here we are, on this little ball of rock in a boundless Universe, and we have managed to glimpse the Universe as it was billions of years before we even existed.” Stay tuned.
“You belong to the Universe in which you live, you are one with the Creative Genius back of this vast array of ceaseless motion, this original flow of life. You are as much a part of it as the sun, the earth and the air.” – Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You
Affirmative prayer: Dear God, I gaze into the heavens and am at once humbled and thrilled by the potential of infinite Life all about and within me. I see that the possibilities for my own, unique life are boundless. May this holy perspective enliven my times of joy and carry me through times of questioning and hardship, knowing that I am one with all that is. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
July 10, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Patricia Haller, LUT
The month of July is about celebrating our independence. Independence as a nation, but also independence as a Soul on this Earth. We are incredibly powerful people who can create our own independence from the chaos of the world. This Sunday, we explore what H. Emily Cady, Charles Fillmore, St. Germaine and others have said about the power we hold inside to create our own world of peace, harmony, health and more, and not be subject to what the world says.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
REFRESHMENTS ON SUNDAY - let's keep it going!
Last Sunday we re-launched Sunday Service refreshments and it was wonderful! If you've forgotten how this works, we provide hot coffee and tea, you all bring the goodies! Cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers, veggies . . . whatever you enjoy bring plenty to share. We thank you and we look forward to spending time together.
Power of Prayer
I have been fortunate to experience the power of prayer first hand. It is comforting, and I have experienced it multiple times since practicing Unity principles. Recently, I was blessed with witnessing someone else’s answered prayers.
Our old wheelchair van was getting up there in miles and, although a good vehicle, it was time for a new van. The power of prayer helped us secure the perfect replacement vehicle. Now, what to do with the old one? It had to come to us through prayer…
The answer came.
A big contractor’s truck rolled into our driveway. He looked at the van and asked if I would drive it to his nephew’s home so that he could see it. That was different but felt okay. I met John. He is my son’s age, and since the pandemic, has been home bound because his wheelchair didn’t fit in his mom’s car.
He and his wheelchair fit in the van perfectly. Sitting there, I could perceive that he was just vibrating. It was quiet and calm in the van. I broke the silence and said, “John, I think this is your car.” Turns out he had been praying about a vehicle that would work for him for three years. I felt so blessed and grateful that my faith and the power of prayer led me to this powerful moment!
Kurtis Zumwalt
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom. UPDATE! Matt will be here at UGC sometime early 2023! We'll keep you posted.
Write Light 20
On Saturday, July 23rd, the Inspiring Women event will be "Write Light 20" led by Linda Becchetti and Pam Strong. This will be a creative, progressive (each person adding on) story writing adventure! The creative writing is from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed again by the Salad Bar Potluck. If you missed the art event and Salad Bar in June, be sure to put the July event on your calendar because it is that fun!
Inspiring Women meet for brunch the 2nd Sunday of each month, following the Sunday Service. Marion Blair has volunteered to leave the Sunday Service a bit early so she can get in line at Lumberjack and secure a table for everyone! Thank you, Marion! This Sunday, July 10th!
Rosie Doherty
Rosie starting going to Unity while living in Palo Alto. When she moved here in 2002 she actively searched for Unity.
When finding our Unity in the Gold Country she felt that this is where she belonged. Rosie has been serving as a volunteer for many years.
She has been an usher and has helped in the kitchen preparing after service refreshments.
You can now find her in the book store once a month! When asked about her volunteer service, Rosie says that contributing helps her feel part of our community, and it feels good!
Rev. Jerry, the Board of Trustees and the entire congregation want to say thank you Rosie Doherty.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansome 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Bonnie Hatt 7/23
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelley Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Bright Futures for Youth, created by the merger of The Friendship Club and NEO in summer 2020, has three programs to address the issues and help youth in numerous ways, from after-school programs and a drop-in Youth Center to ensuring access to services. Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
What would it be like to be raised on gratitude, to speak to the natural world as a member of the democracy of species, to raise a pledge of interdependence? No declarations of political loyalty are required, just a response to a repeated question: “Can we agree to be grateful for all that is given?” In the Thanksgiving Address, I hear respect toward all our nonhuman relatives, not one political entity, but to all of life. What happens to nationalism, to political boundaries, when allegiance lies with winds and waters that know no boundaries, that cannot be bought or sold? . . .
The words are simple, but in the art of their joining, they become a statement of sovereignty, a political structure, a Bill of Responsibilities, an educational model, a family tree, and a scientific inventory of ecosystem services. It is a powerful political document, a social contract, a way of being—all in one piece. But first and foremost, it is the credo for a culture of gratitude.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
July 3, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
The UGC office will be closed on Monday, July 4th,
in observance of Independence Day!
We will also suspend both Way of Mastery's and Align with the Divine on July 4th.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Do you consider yourself free? What does freedom even mean in a modern day world inundated by capitalism, social media and influencers? How would we know that we are truly free? What did the 'followers of the Way', first century followers of Jesus, have to say about it? What was this 'way' all about? Join us Sunday when we explore our independence based on our spiritual inheritance.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
This Sunday, July 3rd, is the re-launch of post Sunday Service refreshments! If you've forgotten how this works, we provide hot coffee and tea, you all bring the goodies! Cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers, veggies . . . whatever you enjoy bring plenty to share. We thank you and we look forward to spending time together.
I recently participated in two events with the Unity Church. The board meeting retreat, and the Inspiring Women’s group art with Yvonne Bartlett. Both were amazing for me. They both had me looking at why I love Unity Church, and how lucky we are to have it in our lives. Unity Church is a place for me where I can feel safe, and it is okay to be me. I can show up happy, sad, mad, loving, wanting to hug, or not in the mood to hug anyone, and it is totally okay. I am wanted and accepted just how I am. How many places do we have that in our world? This is a big reason I support and do whatever I can to make sure we have a Unity Church.
Also, what I love about Unity Church is that we pray for each other and for our family and friends. I feel very strongly about prayer. It’s one of the reasons that I volunteered to oversee the prayer request list. Once a week I put people on it and remove people who are ready to be removed. I then send the list out to all the Unity chaplains we have. They then start praying for everyone. Then on Sunday the list gets read and we all pray. So, if you have someone, or you want yourself on the list, please let me know, or call Lezlie. Come up to me at the service and let me know who should be on the list. I have witnessed so many Miracles that have happened by everyone praying. I love how we all care for each other at Unity Church.
Carly Tousley
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom. UPDATE! Matt will be here at UGC sometime early 2023! We'll keep you posted.
Write Light 20
On Saturday, July 23rd, the Inspiring Women event will be "Write Light 20" led by Linda Becchetti and Pam Strong. This will be a creative, progressive (each person adding on) story writing adventure! The creative writing is from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, followed again by the Salad Bar Potluck. If you missed the art event and Salad Bar in June, be sure to put the July event on your calendar because it is that fun!
Inspiring Women meet for brunch the 2nd Sunday of each month, following the Sunday Service. Marion Blair has volunteered to leave the Sunday Service a bit early so she can get in line at Lumberjack and secure a table for everyone! Thank you, Marion! July 10th - see you there!
This Sunday is our Unity Community Garden Market. Wonderful, freshly harvested produce will be for sale after the Sunday Service. Skip the grocery store, come here for your fresh produce!
on the 1st Thursday only.
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
This will be in-person only, not hybrid. Please be sure to notify Lezlie by noon Wednesday, July 6th, if you plan to attend.
Thursday, July 7th, 10-11:30 a.m.
$15 suggested love offering.
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? We have ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, The next meeting will be on July 7th. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansome 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Bonnie Hatt 7/23
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelley Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
Bright Futures
Bright Futures for Youth is a community-focused nonprofit organization committed to addressing the ever-changing needs of youth, from sixth-graders to those in their mid-20s in Nevada County.
Bright Futures for Youth, created by the merger of The Friendship Club and NEO in summer 2020, has three programs to address the issues and help youth in numerous ways, from after-school programs and a drop-in Youth Center to ensuring access to services. Our focus areas are health and wellness, healthy relationships, goal setting, self-awareness, self-sufficiency and community connectedness.
“If you attend to the negative aspects of life, focusing on the faults and weaknesses of others, you draw to yourself lower-frequency energy, currents of disdain, anger, and hatred. If you focus on the strengths and virtues of others, you intake higher-frequency currents of appreciation, acceptance, and love.” – Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul
"The Book of Joy" Author: Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu
As I challenged Bishop Desmond Tutu on a point in an aggressive manner, I saw his head drop back in reaction and perhaps some defensiveness. But in a split second, I watched the Archbishop collect his consciousness, reflect on his options, and choose his response, one that was thoughtful and engaged rather than reactive and rejecting. It was one of the most profound examples of what a prayerful and meditative life can give us: that pause, the freedom to respond instead of react.
Affirmative prayer: Today, I see the good in all people. I begin with those closest to me, affirming their integrity and blessedness, and swiftly widen this scope to enfold all people. Everywhere I look, I see hallowed images of the Divine. I am, we are, alive in love, beauty, and wholeness. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
June 26, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and we are.
Rev. Jerry Farrell
Why do you believe in God? Why do you believe that you are Divine? Why do you come to Unity in the Gold Country? Why do you do what you do at our Center and with your fellow congregants? This Sunday we will be exploring our why because our why leads us to our what and gives us our purpose.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
This Sunday we will be having a new musician join us. Gabriel is unable to be here but he referred someone new in his place. Madeline D'Andrea will accompany Angela on Sunday!
This last Monday the Board of Trustees held our annual retreat. Reverend Jerry did a great job leading us through the day. The retreat was an opportunity for old and new Board members to learn more about each other and to discuss the bond that we have in service to our Unity center. We spent some time exploring “what” we do and more importantly, “why” we do what we do. We looked at these questions from a personal perspective and from the view of fulfilling our roles on the Board. We talked about the strengths of our congregation and areas of improvement. We recognize the special bond that we have here amongst our members. We will continue to look for areas of improvement to enhance the experience of all our members and expand our impact on our community. If you have ideas for improvement or any areas of concern, feel free to reach out to a Board member.
Joe Darby
Our BOT retreat was such an enriching, fun, and productive day. One of the things we all agreed on is that it is great is that even without refreshments after the Service, so many people stay and visit! That said, wouldn't it be even better if we had coffee, tea, and goodies to enjoy while visiting after the Service? We need Hospitality volunteers in the kitchen to prep the coffee and hot water, and to lay out the cookies, chips, cheese, fruit, whatever we have, for snacks. This requires only two people per Sunday, and the commitment is one Sunday a month. As with all of our volunteer positions, if we have enough of you willing to step up on a team, the schedule requires just one Sunday per month.
Please contact Carly Tousley 831-588-9350, or Patricia Plank 916-708-5001 to join the team. WE LIKE TO GET THIS STARTED THE FIRST SUNDAY IN JULY!
Our Matt Kahn group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, in person and on Zoom. UPDATE! Matt will be here at UGC sometime early 2023! We'll keep you posted.
This wonderful group of women filled our sanctuary with love, laughter and creativity.
Yvonne Bartlett planned and led this lively, artistic experience, with Cathy Lee and Lynne spearheading the yummy potluck salad bar afterword. Ask any of these awesome women if being part of this group is the best thing ever! You are welcome to join in the Joy.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Yvonne Bartlett 6/11
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
Linda Becchetti has agreed to become the contact/point person for Inspiring Women. All IW participants, please be sure to provide your phone number and email address to Linda so that she may keep y'all updated on events, info changes, etc. Call or email: cyclingnut2004@gmail.com or 530-273-
Inspiring Women meet for brunch the 2nd Sunday of each month, following the Sunday Service. Marion Blair has volunteered to leave the Sunday Service a bit early so she can get in line at Lumberjack and secure a table for everyone! Thank you, Marion!
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
June is Pride Month, when the world's LGBTQ communities come together and celebrate the freedom to be themselves. Pride events welcome anyone who feels like their sexual identity falls outside the mainstream – although many straight people join in, too. The original organizers chose this month to pay homage to the Stonewall uprising in June, 1969 in New York City, which helped spark the modern gay rights movement.
“I've been thinking about the difference between tolerating and celebrating. When you tolerate someone, it's as if you're forcing yourself to acknowledge they exist. But when you celebrate someone, you're letting them know you actively appreciate their existence. They bring something valuable to the world, just by being them.”
– AJ Willingham, CNN senior writer
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks for the wholeness of every person and for the beautiful ways we each express love. I am grateful for the dignity and joy of LGBTQ communities, and I celebrate the freedom of love made visible. There is no otherness. We are One, and there is blessing and goodness. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
June 19, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
Rev. Madalyn Wade
We are living in challenging times globally and we likely have personal changes, events that may be difficult in our private lives as well. Our resiliency is a powerful characteristic to enhance and develop to adapt and flourish in our lives. Building our resiliency muscle is key to our well being and joy in life.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
From Julie to UGC:
Matt Kahn's newest book is All for Love. Matt poured his soul into the book and this ready-to- be-released film Healed By Love.
The film comes as a companion to Matt’s newest and boldest book yet—All For Love: The Transformative Power of Holding space. This compelling and timely book shares the practical ways you can begin holding a more loving and effective space of healing for yourself and others—which you’ll see embodied in his powerful film.
Here is how to instantly access this exciting brand-new film with the purchase of Matt’s new book:
2. Choose a book retailer to pre-order Matt’s new book, All for Love.
3. After completing your purchase, be sure to fill in your book receipt/order number, name, and email address on the https://MattKahn.org/love page.
4. After you submit the form, you will be sent an email to access the film. Then on June 21, you will also be sent an email with the log-in details to attend a LIVE group healing event to experience Matt’s profound energy transmission first-hand.
He will lead an energy clearing and activation directly connected to the teachings in the book. And, he will guide you for the first-time ever through a special multidimensional healing visualization.
I hope you will join me in celebrating bringing more love to the planet by purchasing Matt’s incredible new All for Love book and then watching his transformative film. I truly hope it reaches into millions of hearts to continue to transform our earthly home, because as Matt says, “We all deserve more love, not less.
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center will be closed on Monday, June 20th, in observance of Juneteenth. May we continue expand our hearts and educate our minds towards building equity and compassion for all.
Summer Solstice
This coming weekend we approach the summer solstice when we experience the longest day of the year. We bask in the sunlight and the long days which remind me so much of my Irish childhood. I remember it being bright up until 11pm and what a joy that was. This coming Monday is a new Federal Holiday and our office will be closed. However, we will in fact be attending our annual Board of Trustees retreat. (I scheduled it not remembering it was a holiday.)
The retreat is both a time for each one of us individually to renew our spiritual energy and also collectively as the group leadership of our much loved spiritual center. We ask for your prayers that Divine guidance and wisdom will direct us and we assure you of our prayers for you in return. We will be reviewing the past year and planning for the year ahead. All a labor of love!
Rev Jerry
ART 16
Wednesday, June 22nd
10:30AM to 12:30PM
12:30PM - Pot Luck Salad Bar
16 Max -
Limited to 16 - Supplies Provided
No experience needed
Guaranteed to bring laughter and joy
Heartfelt connections
Yvonne Bartlett, local artist is leading this event!
Be the reason why women feel: included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
You have an opportunity to donate nice quality new, handcrafted items to be sold in our bookstore gift shop . . . and then you have an opportunity to purchase great items others have donated!
Items should retail for $20 or less. Please bring items directly to the bookstore on Sundays or drop off to the office during the week. If you have any questions please contact Katharine Beatty @ 530-559-2168 or Ann Somervell @408-821-6678
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Yvonne Bartlett 6/11
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
There will be a Celebration of Life for Marina Bokelman here at our Spiritual Center on June 18th at 11 am. We know many of you enjoyed friendship with Marina with her involvement in the Women's Sacred Circle. All are welcome.
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
Quote by:
Maya Angelou
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
Quote by:
Barack Obama
Juneteenth has never been a celebration of victory or an acceptance of the way things are. It's a celebration of progress. It's an affirmation that despite the most painful parts of our history, change is possible - and there is still so much work to do.
Quote by:
Desmond Tutu
My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
Quote by:
Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights activist
Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it every generation.
Quote by:
Malcolm X
You can't separate peace form freedom, because no one can be at peace unless they have freedom.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
June 12, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
Feeling the Fear, And Doing It Anyway
Rev, Jerry Farrell
It sure feels like the fear factor has been ramped up again in recent weeks. War, rumors of war and senseless killing of little children. What are we to do to enable us to live from the calm peace of our souls within rather than the siren of distress from without? Join us this Sunday as we seek to connect with the 'peace beyond understanding.'
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
June 11th, 8am-1pm @ Rev. Jerry & Dennis' Old House
(Not at Unity)
If you don't have anything planned for this Saturday morning swing by 15121 Colfax Hwy and see all the treasurers that are available for reasonable prices. Items include furniture, tools, electronics, cables, wires, nails, screws, everything and anything you can imagine. Afterwards go on over to the Happy Apple for lunch and enjoy their wonderful peach shakes or pies.
One of Unity's principles that always makes me ponder what it truly means is “We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in the mind". Frequently the answers come in the experiences of my daily life. Recently while returning home from a walk with my dog, my foot slipped into a crevice on my walkway. I ended up kissing mother earth and realizing I had injured my right ankle. My rapidly swelling ankle didn't respond to my home care so a couple of days later after a doctor visit and X-Ray, I learned I had an avulsion fracture. Treatment is non weight bearing for 2 months and wearing a boot cast. My independent world just turned upside down. I had called Rev Jerry to let him know I wouldn't be attending our Board meeting and asked another board member to give my treasure's report. Very quickly help arrived in the form of meals, running errands for me and help with my animals. I was surrounded by community and truly had to learn to accept help. A dear friend said, " don't deprive others of the joy of giving ". I had to hug my ego and change my thoughts. My thinking went from fear of dependance and the inability to care for my animals to immense gratitude for this loving community. Love is everywhere even in the allowance of receiving help gracefully. My heart is full.
Ann Somervell
Sponsored by Interfaith Nevada County
Purpose: To share through song, messages of love, respect, peace, and appreciation for all of God's children. To celebrate what our faiths share.
June 12, 2022, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
151 Union Square Stairway,
Mill Street, Grass Valley
We may use this gathering as an opportunity to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees and others in conflict situations around the world.
Be the reason why women feel : included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
Inspiring Women will meets for breakfast after our Sunday Service on the 2nd Sunday of each month! Next breakfast meetup is
June 12th
ART 16
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Wednesday, June 22nd 10:30AM to 12:30PM
12:30PM - Pot Luck Salad Bar
To the Inspiring Wo & Man of Uniteeee
We’re inviting “YOU” to an Arty Parteeee
Limited to 16 - Supplies Provided
No experience needed—Just your smile undivided :)
Guaranteed to bring laughter and joy
Heartfelt connections you’re sure to employ
Yvonne Bartlett, local artist has volunteered
To guide you along to a piece you’ll revere!!
Hi dear UGC friends,
We are so glad you count on our prayer list and our chaplain prayer circle with your prayer concerns and needs. We desire to hold you or your loved ones in prayer for as long as you wish. If/when the need is no longer there, please do notify Carly who coordinates all prayer, or Lezlie in the office, so that we may remove names when appropriate. Please know this is not to rush you, but to mindfully manage our prayer lists.
You have an opportunity to donate nice quality new, handcrafted items to be sold in our bookstore gift shop . . . and then you have an opportunity to purchase great items others have donated!
Items should retail for $20 or less. Please bring items directly to the bookstore on Sundays or drop off to the office during the week. If you have any questions please contact Katharine Beatty @ 530-559-2168 or Ann Somervell @408-821-6678
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Yvonne Bartlett 6/11
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
Our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. The meeting is hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
There will be a Celebration of Life for Marina Bokelman here at our Spiritual Center on June 18th at 11 am. We know many of you enjoyed friendship with Marina with her involvement in the Women's Sacred Circle. All are welcome.
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
Our school teachers are facing tough times. Teaching has always been a demanding, underpaid profession, but today’s teachers are navigating the threat of school shootings, a pandemic, and political interference in their lesson plans. "I’ve held a lot of crying teachers in my arms,” said Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association. “They are overwhelmed."
“Teachers are the most important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” - Helen Caldicott, Australian physician
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I hold those who teach in high regard, just as the Divine does every time they answer the bell. May our teachers have the resources, energy, and respect that allow them to do their holy work with success and joy. Thank you, God, forever. Amen
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
June 5, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
An "I don't-know-what" God
Rev, Jerry Farrell
We certainly like to have a clear picture of who or what God is, don't we? But God by definition is beyond definition or knowing fully. Life is meant to be a gradual exploration and discovery of who or what God is. This Sunday we take a look at what the mystics have to say about relating to the great Mystery, and how that might affect our relationship to the Divine.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Craig first started attending Unity about 10 years ago while living in the greater Atlanta area. He lived across the street from Unity and one day decided to attend service. Craig said Unity felt welcoming and knew that is where he needed to be. About 5 years ago, Craig moved and started attending Unity in the Gold Country. He again felt were he needed to be. Craig has been volunteering most of the time he has been with Unity. He started with the Interfaith Food Bank, then prepared meals for Habitat for Humanity builders, has been a greeter, a UGC Adopt-a-Road crew member, and most recently has been running the camera. He said that being of service and helping others is very fulfilling and brings him great happiness. Craig also expressed that volunteering provides a wonderful experience by getting to know others in our congregation and is a great way of making new friends.
Reverend Jerry, the Board of Trustees, and our congregation want to thank you Craig.
Dear Family and Friends,
We are looking forward to spending time with you this Saturday, June 4th, to honor and remember Greg. Each of you had a special place in his heart.
Please bring a sweater or light jacket. The weather is forecast to be in the mid 60s and overcast.
Because of the Covid numbers increasing right now, we have decided that instead of a potluck, we will provide all the food and beverages.
If you are more comfortable doing so, please bring a mask to wear. (We will have extras at the gathering if you forgot yours.) Also, if you are not feeling well in any way, please remember to stay home. We will send you love and healing energy during our gathering.
Saturday, June 4 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Tumbling Creek Farm - 14145 Tumbling Creek Road, Nevada City, CA 95959
“Moving” Gifts
I have just had the valued experience of being part of a team of UGC friends that supported and assisted Rev. Jerry and Dennis in their recent move. Perhaps one of the most powerful gifts was that of coming home each day and being acutely aware of my own full drawers, closets and cupboards. I felt challenged to see what I could do to minimize the “fullness” by making a commitment to reassess each area.
Sock Drawer: Once opened, I counted 42 pair of socks! But I only wear 1 pair at a time: why so many? Well, some for my daily walks and exercise, some for gardening, some when it’s very cold outside, some for dress-up, and some for just every day. In looking closer, I immediately spotted a few I truly never wear so I began to weed those out and successfully eliminated 12 pair! That’s a start.
Clothes Closet: The main bar was packed with slacks and blouses, less than half of which I wear on a regular basis. I placed all the pants, then all the blouses in 2 hefty piles on the bed. I counted 34 pair of pants (slacks, jeans, gym pants) and 40 blouses/shirts! I tried each one on, whittling each pile down significantly. As I rearranged my main clothes rack for summer wear, I honestly felt freer and lighter just looking at it.
Kitchen/pantry: I found items here that I had forgotten about; some were outdated, others I couldn’t figure why I bought it in the first place! An hour or two later, the shelves looked much better: I could easily see what I have on hand and know the date is current. Yay!
So, I just want to take this opportunity to thank Rev. Jerry and Dennis for MOVING! It motivated me to make some simple and very helpful modifications in my own living space that leaves me felling unburdened, lighter in Spirit, and so grateful for all I am blessed with.
Cydne Grimsby, BOT
UGC INCOME - May 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 2,981.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 9,145.06
Paypal tithes _________________ 988.15
Bookstore ___________________ 337.50
Change 4 Change_____________
Facilities Use _________________625.00
Classes ____________________ 239.00
Misc. _______________________168.00
May Final: 14,483.71
Hi dear UGC friends,
We are so glad you count on our prayer list and our chaplain prayer circle with your prayer concerns and needs. We desire to hold you or your loved ones in prayer for as long as you wish. If/when the need is no longer there, please do notify Carly who coordinates all prayer, or Lezlie in the office, so that we may remove names when appropriate. Please know this is not to rush you, but to mindfully manage our prayer lists.
You have an opportunity to donate nice quality new, handcrafted items to be sold in our bookstore gift shop . . . and then you have an opportunity to purchase cool items others have donated!
Items should retail for $20 or less. Please bring items directly to the bookstore on Sundays or drop off to the office during the week. If you have any questions please contact Katharine Beatty @ 530-559-2168 or Ann Somervell @408-821-6678
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday (except this Monday!). We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Yvonne Bartlett 6/11
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
Hi dear friends,
Our spiritual center, which we all love, only hummmms along with the hands and hearts of all of us! Carly Tousley is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she would welcome your interest in being a front greeter, an usher, a camera monitor, or (when we get post service snacks going again) helping in the kitchen. The volunteer positions are on just a once a month basis so the volunteer commitment is minimal but incredibly valuable! Please see Carly after the Sunday Service or call her at 831-588-9350. Or call me and I will put you in touch with each other!
With loving gratitude,
Sponsored by Interfaith Nevada County
Purpose: To share through song, messages of love, respect, peace, and appreciation for all of God's children. To celebrate what our faiths share.
June 12, 2022, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
151 Union Square Stairway,
Mill Street, Grass Valley
We may use this gathering as an opportunity to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees and others in conflict situations around the world.
Be the reason why women feel : included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
Inspiring Women will meets for breakfast after our Sunday Service on the 2nd Sunday of each month! Next breakfast meetup is
June 12th
ART 16
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
Wednesday, June 22nd 10:30AM to 12:30PM
12:30PM - Pot Luck Salad Bar
To the Inspiring Wo & Man of Uniteeee
We’re inviting “YOU” to an Arty Parteeee
Limited to 16 - Supplies Provided
No experience needed—Just your smile undivided :)
Guaranteed to bring laughter and joy
Heartfelt connections you’re sure to employ
Yvonne Bartlett, local artist has volunteered
To guide you along to a piece you’ll revere!!
May 29, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In memory of all those who died in the school shooting in Ulvalde, Texas. Click HERE and please take a moment to reflect and allow ourselves to both feel the pain and the consolation in this beautiful song by Karen Taylor Good.
with Angelika
Rev. Angelika Schafer will explore with us what it means to be fully human and fully divine. We will examine how and why our "trying to fix it" approach to self and life is not really producing the desired results and what might be more effective on our adventurous journey through life. Get ready for a deep dive into the human experience, your innermost heart and mind and perhaps be transformed!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
The UGC office will be closed on Monday, May 30th and there will be no Monday classes. Align to the Divine, and The Way of Mastery will not be meeting.
Memorial Day - May 30
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Memorial Day is celebrated in late May because that's when flowers are likely to be blooming. General John Logan, who served in the Civil War, urged citizens to adorn the final resting place of veterans with fresh flowers.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy
“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." - Bob Dylan
It will be important to carpool from UGC as much as possible. Those going early to help set up. Those planning to stay after to help clean up. Those going just for the event. Let's get you all coordinated into respective team carpools! Please see sign up sheets after the service this Sunday.
Remember the upcoming Community Gathering to remember Greg Plank
Hosted by: Marlene and Cliff Bottenfield
Saturday, June 4 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Tumbling Creek Farm - 14145 Tumbling Creek Road Nevada City, CA 95959
A headcount is so helpful. If you haven't already done so, please RSVP to Lezlie at 530-274-2463 or ugcassistant@gmail.com.
We are hoping some of you can stick around after the Service on Sunday to help bring tables and chairs down from the attic, and to do some wrapping of silverware in napkins. We have tasks for all mobilities!
Dear Unity in the Gold Country Friends,
I feel so blessed to be part of our Unity community. As I help Patricia prepare for Greg’s memorial, I am awed by the generosity and caring of our community. A couple of years ago Spirit gave me a message that it was very important for each of us to become community – not just as part of a team or group, but actually involved with actively holding each other in the light through loving support and caring. I feel blessed to see this growing at UGC.
Did you know that over 40 people have volunteered to help in holding this memorial for Greg in loving light – by helping before, during, and after the gathering? How incredible is that? What is even more amazing is that 6 people who are not yet part of Unity’s community have volunteered to help prepare our land for your time here. This is the true meaning of community. What a gift each of you are to our family. I am humbled by all the love you have. The vibrational energy here has been increasing daily and it’s because of your open hearts. Thank you!
With love, light, and humbleness,
UGC INCOME - May 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 2,971.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 8,145.06
Paypal tithes _________________ 513.87
Bookstore ___________________ 247.00
Change 4 Change_____________
Facilities Use _________________625.00
Classes ____________________ 189.00
Misc. ________________________
May to date: 12,690.93
Inspiring Women had a wonderful morning strolling along Wolf Creek yesterday!
Be the reason why women feel : included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
Inspiring Women will meet for breakfast at Lumberjacks after our Sunday Service on the 2nd Sunday of the month, June 12th
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? We have ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, The next meeting will be on June 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695 (cell).
Hi dear UGC friends,
We are so glad you count on our prayer list and our chaplain prayer circle with your prayer concerns and needs. We desire to hold you or your loved ones in prayer for as long as you wish. If/when the need is no longer there, please do notify Carly who coordinates all prayer, or Lezlie in the office, so that we may remove names when appropriate. Please know this is not to rush you, but to mindfully manage our prayer lists.
You have an opportunity to donate nice quality new, handcrafted items to be sold in our bookstore gift shop . . . and then you have an opportunity to purchase cool items others have donated!
Items should retail for $20 or less. Please bring items directly to the bookstore on Sundays or drop off to the office during the week. If you have any questions please contact Katharine Beatty @ 530-559-2168 or Ann Somervell @408-821-6678
on the 1st Thursday only.
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
This will be in-person only, not hybrid. Please be sure to notify Lezlie by noon Wednesday, June 1st, if you plan to attend.
Thursday, June 2nd, 10-11:30 a.m.
$15 suggested love offering.
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday (except this Monday!). We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Patt Lind Kyle 5/4
Susan Cope 5/4
Mary Cooper 5/10
Richard Earnest 5/10
Cathy Lee Knight 5/11
Jeanne Duerst 5/15
Cliff Bottenfield 5/24
Jan Wenzel 5/27
Linda Lou Hanes 5/27
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
Hi dear friends,
Our spiritual center, which we all love, only hums along with the hands and hearts of all of us! Carly Tousley is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she would welcome your interest in being a front greeter, an usher, a camera monitor, or (when we get post service snacks going again) helping in the kitchen. The volunteer positions are on just a once a month basis so the volunteer commitment is minimal but incredibly valuable! Please see Carly after the Sunday Service or call her at 831-588-9350. Or call me and I will put you in touch with each other!
With loving gratitude,
Sponsored by Interfaith Nevada County
Purpose: To share through song, messages of love, respect, peace, and appreciation for all of God's children. To celebrate what our faiths share.
June 23, 2022, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
151 Union Square Stairway,
Mill Street, Grass Valley
We may use this gathering as an opportunity to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees and others in conflict situations around the world.
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
Please pray with me. I pray for the families in Uvalde, in Buffalo, in Sandy Hook, in New York City, in Oxford, and in so many other sites of tragedy. Infinite Presence, with a broken heart, I pray that families, friends, and communities are feeling the love of God, that they feel not alone. I pray that every grieving person is held by caring arms. I pray that the grace of forgiveness becomes a felt experience for them, for us all. Dear God, I pray that law-makers come to points of connection and compassion, that they selflessly take action to change our course of violence. I pray that voters are compelled to follow their pure heart and elect representatives who advance communities of peace. Spirit, I pray that the hurtful aspects of my own heart be released and forgiven. I pray that the good of God become the collective consciousness of us all. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
May 22, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
Due to the recent increase in Covid cases and a very harsh head cold/flu going around, we are currently strongly requesting mask wearing while indoors.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Sometimes we try very hard to have an idea of God in our minds to work with. But the mystics encourage us to have a I-don't-know-what attitude in regard to the Divine. Their writings often focus on our longing for God and for an experience of Love. This Sunday we will explore the writings of one of the great mystics and his poetry. Bring a more contemplative open heart to the service.
Rev Jerry
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Remember the upcoming Community Gathering to remember Greg Plank
Hosted by: Marlene and Cliff Bottenfield
Saturday, June 4 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Tumbling Creek Farm - 14145 Tumbling Creek Road Nevada City, CA 95959
A headcount is so helpful. If you haven't already done so, please RSVP to Lezlie at 530-274-2463 or ugcassistant@gmail.com.
Spiritual Exploration . . .Join us!
We are fortunate to have wonderful groups available through Unity in the Gold Country. These groups encourage authentic dialogue, spiritual development and connection with our members.
Lately in the Spiritual Exploration group, we have been discussing Leonard Jacobsen’s You Tube presentations. One week Leonard discussed guilt versus unconsciousness. He suggested that guilt is a mind trap and what we are really experiencing are differing levels of unconsciousness in our unawakened state.
Of course we had much discussion around this notion.
In my own experience as I have become more aware of my inner life; I have been able to cultivate discernment around my thoughts, feelings and behavior in a neutral nonjudgmental way. In becoming a witness to my experience, I have been able to make more conscious choices. The lifelong habit of judgement can lead to self-condemnation or shame/guilt which blocks honest self-appraisal and with it the change we long for ourselves. In judgment, it can be too painful to look rather than investigate our inner motivations any further. With kind, gentle introspection we can discover our true self.
Through allowance in the present moment we can access Unity consciousness whenever we so desire.
As we acquire these tools, greater joy, contentment and connection with others is possible.
Change happens.
I am so grateful to belong to a community that fosters this kind of introspection, personal growth and acceptance.
Love is everywhere, and especially where you are,
Angela Apostal
Inspiring Women will meet-up on Wednesday, May 25th, at the Wolf Creek Picnic area at 10:00. Bring a drink and a snack for after. We will be walking our dogs and talking with each other as we stroll along this slice of natural beauty.
Cathy Lee Knight
Lynn Tweedie
Be the reason why women feel : included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
Wednesday, May 25th, 10 am
UGC INCOME - May 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 850.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 6.053.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 513.87
Bookstore ___________________ 247.00
Change 4 Change_____________
Facilities Use _________________525.00
Classes ____________________ 154.00
Misc. ________________________
May to date: 8,342.87
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
The mission of Sammie's Friends is to provide medical care for the animals at the Nevada County Animal Shelter, making them adoptable, and to support other disadvantaged animals in Nevada County that without help would otherwise be euthanized to end their suffering.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
Dear Unity friends and especially the Women's Sacred Circle, we learned yesterday of the passing of Donna Glory. We haven't seen Donna for quite some time as she has been living in Germany. Donna's family will be having a Celebration of Life on June 11th, 2-4 pm at the Northern Queen Inn in Nevada City.
We send love and comfort to her family.
First Quarter Finances Red Alert
As your fearless leader it falls to me to bring things to our attention that are necessary from time to time. I obviously want to foster a positive and grateful energy for us all. But I also need to point out that our first quarter financials are troubling. We have been running a consistent deficit each month. I bring this to our attention because to not do so would be negligent on my part.
We have many people who tithe to our community, some who consistently tithe $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $100, and those who contribute smaller amounts each month. My appeal is not so much to those who are tithing but to those who have never considered doing so. We know that the cost of doing business has increased over the past couple of years. I would ask that you consider the amount you are giving, look to see if it has increased in line with the cost of living, and make as big a contribution as you can to ensure our financial health.
As we give, so shall we receive is a spiritual principle that has worked in my life for the last 35 years. I encourage you to discover that too if you haven't already. In gratitude for all that we have already received. Many thanks.
Rev. Jerry
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
We want to celebrate you!
Patt Lind Kyle 5/4
Susan Cope 5/4
Mary Cooper 5/10
Richard Earnest 5/10
Cathy Lee Knight 5/11
Cliff Bottenfield 5/24
Jan Wenzel 5/27
Linda Lou Hanes 5/27
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
Hi dear friends,
Our spiritual center, which we all love, only hums along with the hands and hearts of all of us! Carly Tousley is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she would welcome your interest in being a front greeter, an usher, a camera monitor, or (when we get post service snacks going again) helping in the kitchen. The volunteer positions are on just a once a month basis so the volunteer commitment is minimal but incredibly valuable! Please see Carly after the Sunday Service or call her at 831-588-9350. Or call me and I will put you in touch with each other!
With loving gratitude,
Chicago artist Bryon Taylor tells his students at Little Black Pearl Art & Design Academy that “community is a garden,” which is portrayed in his Southside mural, “Sowing Seeds.” Dancers are dressed in yellow, resembling a sunflower. Children seem to sprout from seeds. Outstretched arms form a tree. And two people, as roses, are meditating. At the top of the mural are emblazoned the words, “Love is Law.” Bryon says that no matter your neighborhood, everyone should have the chance to “bloom into a greater version of themselves.”
“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to bloom.” - Anais Nin
Affirmative prayer: Today, I consciously participate in the creative, life-giving miracle of the Universe. As Divine Love brings Life into form through Its creative means, I bring clarity, energy, and expression to my inspired ideas. I plant the seeds of goodness and bear witness to love made manifest. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
May 15, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
It is very sad that we are at a point where the above title has to be asserted and affirmed. It is such a low bar to aspire to. But politically and spiritually it seems that that is where we are at in our country. This Sunday we once again lay out the pathway that we as Unity people see for ourselves and our nation so as to come to Oneness.
Rev Jerry
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around.
Hi dear friends,
Our spiritual center, which we all love, only hums along with the hands and hearts of all of us! Carly Tousley is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she would welcome your interest in being a front greeter, an usher, a camera monitor, or (when we get post service snacks going again) helping in the kitchen. The volunteer positions are on just a once a month basis so the volunteer commitment is minimal but incredibly valuable! Please see Carly after the Sunday Service or call her at 831-588-9350. Or call me and I will put you in touch with each other!
With loving gratitude,
The Way of Mastery...Join us!
Would you like to have Peace from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and to have that Peace walk before you wherever you go?
This is the promise from Jesuha (Jesus) in The Way of Mastery, as we learn to uncover our obstructions to the Love that we are.
If you would like to see your life and love expand, and experience this complete Peace that Jesus speaks of, why not join us on Mondays, at either 1:00 pm or 6:45pm. We meet in person at the Unity in the Gold Country Center, and on Zoom. New copies of the three-book volume have arrived in our bookstore.
We take turns reading from the text and then discuss each section. Not only do we share the very heartfelt topics with deep and meaningful discussions, but we enjoy each other’s company and have a good time too.
All are welcome!
With Love and Peace,
Patricia Plank
UGC Board of Trustees Secretary
Inspiring Women will meet-up on Wednesday, May 25th, at the Wolf Creek Picnic area at 10:00. Bring a drink and a snack for after. We will be walking our dogs and talking with each other as we stroll along this slice of natural beauty.
Cathy Lee Knight
Lynn Tweedie
Be the reason why women feel : included, welcomed, valued, listened to, supported and loved.
Meet up with Inspiring Women.
Wednesday, May 25th, 10 am
Your gardens are growing, our gardens are growing and we are looking forward to sharing the bounty by having our Sunday Comm-unity Garden Markets! Bring your produce to sell, or plan to fill your crisper with our home grown produce. The selection grows as we move further into the season!
All proceeds benefit UGC!
UGC INCOME - May 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 4,547.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 513.87
Bookstore ___________________
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________100.00
Classes ____________________ 60.00
Misc. ________________________
May to date: 5,970.87
DREAM CLASS twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday!
Let’s join up again and explore the world of dreams!
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
This will be in-person only, not hybrid. Please be sure to notify Lezlie by noon Wednesday, May 18th, if you plan to attend.
Thursday, May 19th, 10-11:30 a.m.
$15+ (whatever you wish to share)
First Quarter Finances Red Alert
As your fearless leader it falls to me to bring things to our attention that are necessary from time to time. I obviously want to foster a positive and grateful energy for us all. But I also need to point out that our first quarter financials are troubling. We have been running a consistent deficit each month. I bring this to our attention because to not do so would be negligent on my part.
We have many people who tithe to our community, some who consistently tithe $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $100, and those who contribute smaller amounts each month. My appeal is not so much to those who are tithing but to those who have never considered doing so. We know that the cost of doing business has increased over the past couple of years. I would ask that you consider the amount you are giving, look to see if it has increased in line with the cost of living, and make as big a contribution as you can to ensure our financial health.
As we give, so shall we receive is a spiritual principle that has worked in my life for the last 35 years. I encourage you to discover that too if you haven't already. In gratitude for all that we have already received. Many thanks.
Rev. Jerry
A simple and transformative process in which you will blend and ignite your physical systems with your Soul frequencies.
Nanci Shanderá, Ph.D.
May 21, 2022, 11 a.m. to 3 pm.
ATTENTION Art Class Students
from Nanci Shanderá
Due to shortage of art supplies locally, please don’t buy any supplies for the May 21 art class. I bought everything online so you can borrow or buy from me in class. (You can always bring your own too.)
This class is spiritually based and lots of fun! Hope to see you!
BOOKWORMS: here’s your update on our library!
If you love books as I do and have been curious about what’s happening in our UGC library, it is being transformed! The process began months ago by sorting, donating duplicates, categorizing by subject (rather than by author), and envisioning a creative and beautiful environment. When finished, you will see various inspiring works of art on the walls and shelves, easy-to-find books you’re looking for, and a cozy and peaceful place to browse, relax, read, and enjoy a cup of your favorite brew. I’ll be letting you know later how to donate books, check out books, and other news. I don’t yet have the date for celebrating and opening our new library, but keep checking this newsletter.
I hope you all will love the new look and operation. It’s been my pleasure to create a wonderful venue for learning and inspiration.
Love & light, Nanci Shanderá
The Way of Mastery hybrid group meets on Zoom and in person every Monday. We offer two group choices, one meets at 1 pm and one meets at 6:45 pm. Both meetings are hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC.
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
A Ukrainian man hiding in a Mariupol bomb shelter spotted a car with the keys in the ignition. He gathered his family in the car and drove to the relatively safer town of Vinnytsia. While driving, he found a phone number in the glove compartment and called the car’s owner. “I’m sorry, I stole your car. I was saving my family.” The man on the other end of the call replied, “Thank God, don’t worry. I have four cars. I took my family out in my SUV. I refueled my other cars and left them in different places with the keys in and the phone number in the glove compartment. From all four cars I received a call back. Once there’s peace, I hope we’ll see each other. Stay safe!”
"I will go before you and make the rough places smooth. I will break the doors of brass in pieces and cut apart the bars of iron.” – Isaiah 45:2
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I give thanks for the courage, resourcefulness, and sincere sense of unity among all sisters and brothers. I pray that the love that inspires such benevolence touches hearts everywhere and makes compassion the order of the day. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
We want to celebrate you!
Patt Lind Kyle 5/4
Susan Cope 5/4
Mary Cooper 5/10
Richard Earnest 5/10
Cathy Lee Knight 5/11
Cliff Bottenfield 5/24
Jan Wenzel 5/27
Linda Lou Hanes 5/27
Sammie's Friends
Sammie’s Friends Vision
A safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes.
The mission of Sammie's Friends is to provide medical care for the animals at the Nevada County Animal Shelter, making them adoptable, and to support other disadvantaged animals in Nevada County that without help would otherwise be euthanized to end their suffering.
Who are Sammie's Friends? Sammie's Friends include all of you who contribute your time, effort, money, ideas, enthusiasm and most of all, your compassion for the animals. Sammie's Friends would not exist without you. You are Sammie's Friends.
Be sure to wander into our bookstore! Katharine has brought in wonderful new items to choose from and there is more on the way. There's graduations, the flow of birthdays, and the always popular "just because". We also have many books and other items at 50% off.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
April 17, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
"Easter Sunday"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Easter Smeaster!
Religious holidays feel like they come with very arbitrary demands. Good Friday we are supposed to be somewhat subdued. Easter Sunday we are supposed to be ecstatic. What if you aren't feeling it? Join us this Easter Sunday when there will be room for all feelings and doubts. Those who are really feeling it will be holding space for those who aren't- that is how spiritual community works.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around. Our desire is to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for all!
Until we are confident the YouTube livestreaming is foolproof, please be on the alert for last minute messages re-directing you to Zoom for Sunday Services. If needed here is the link to use-
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
NOTE ABOUT WAY OF MASTERY FOR MONDAY, APRIL 18TH ONLY: Day time group will not meet, evening group will meet on Zoom only.
We haven't officially resumed our refreshments at the end of Sunday Service, but we can't imagine sharing Easter Sunday without goodies. We will provide the coffee, please bring your favorite snacks and goodies to share along with the wonderful friendship and conversation always humming after our Service.
Be sure to saunter into our bookstore! Katharine has brought in wonderful new items to choose from and there is more on the way. Mother's Day is just around the corner, then graduations, the flow of birthdays, and the always popular "just because". We also have many books and other items at 50% off.
The Good Friday Service will be live streamed on YouTube.
Rev. Jerry will be leading a Good Friday service tomorrow, followed by a soup and bread potluck! The service starts at 6:30 pm, the deliciousness starts shortly after 7 pm.
We invite you to bring your own bowl if you'd like (less waste!). We will have sturdy paper bowls available here as well. Plan to bring your favorite soup or homemade bread.
The last several years have been challenging for obvious reasons. the past few months even more so due to the atrocities in the Ukraine. It is its own challenge to bear witness to all the inhumanity. The temptation is to turn away. The need to turn away is understandable sometimes when we just don't have the emotional energy to do so. But here is the thing. Just like Mary and the disciples bore witness to Jesus' suffering we are called to bear witness to the suffering in our times. But it is an empowered bearing witness and holding space. If we connect to the divinity in us it becomes to one who is bearing witness, and that is a very different thing. Because the divine as us witnessing the suffering of the world transforms it in a way we may not totally understand. Easter is a time of witnessing the victory of love over all things by the divine. Whenever we can let's make our eyes available for divinity to transform our world. Any day can be Easter to divinize (divine eyes) our viewpoint.
Rev. Jerry
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
UGC INCOME - April 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 800.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 5,532.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 552.96
Bookstore ____________________170.50
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________ 100.00
Classes ____________________ 188.00
Misc. ________________________ 6.00
April to date: $7,349.46
DREAM CLASS returns to
in-person and twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday!
Let’s join up again and explore the world of dreams!
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
I’m so happy to be able to be with you and see your wonderful faces! This will be in-person only, not hybrid.
Thursday April 21st, 10-11:30 a.m.
In the UGC Library with Nanci Shanderá
$15+ (whatever you wish to share)
Dear UGC Family,
A celebration of life is planned for Gregory (Greg) Plank at noon on June 4, 2022, at Marlene and Cliff Bottenfield’s Tumbling Creek Farm.
With love and gratitude,
Patricia Plank and family
We are looking forward to having a Farmers Market here at UGC again this summer! As you are laying out your garden, plant an extra row or two for our Market. The more variety, the more available produce, the better! It will be a Unity Community Farmer's Market
Our Ananda Flower trip has been canceled due to much needed rain. We remain inspired and are grateful.
We will gather together on Sunday May 1, at noon at the Nevada County Fairgrounds for the Quilt Show. Karla deProsse will have some of her award winning quilts on display and we will be able to enjoy her creatively as we enjoy the quilt show. Cost $8.
Environmental psychologist Eleanor Ratcliffe says that listening to birdsong can lower stress and have positive impacts on mental health. “Birdsong is often a sign that there are no predators around. It's a sign of safety. And way back in our primordial brain, we may recognize it as such, and relax a little.”
“Once a Zen master stood up before his students to deliver a sermon. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a bird sang. The master hesitated, then said, ‘The sermon has been delivered.’"
– Joseph Campbell
Affirmative prayer: "Infinite Presence, I listen to the song of life, of my heart, resonating with the peace, beauty, and harmony that restores my soul. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
We want to celebrate you!
Arnold Owens 4/13
Rob Wenzel 4/19
Bill Sloan 4/20
Josefina Lascano Callahan 4/22
David Lee 4/23
Carly Tousley 4/25
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
Just beautiful women having lunch together after Sunday Service!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
April 10, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
"The Journey to Peace"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
The Bible provides us many mirrors for us to see ourselves in, like the story of Palm Sunday. Did you ever wonder how the crowd went from such adulation to murderous hate in a short week? We live in times not unlike that first Palm Sunday, with lots of polarization happening very quickly. Join us Sunday to see what the reflection in this particular mirror can teach us.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around. Our desire is to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for all!
Until we are confident the YouTube livestreaming is foolproof, please be on the alert for last minute messages re-directing you to Zoom for Sunday Services. If needed here is the link to use-
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
We haven't officially resumed our refreshments at the end of Sunday Service, but we can't imagine sharing Easter Sunday without goodies. We will provide the coffee, please bring your favorite snacks and goodies to share along with the wonderful friendship and conversation always humming after our Service.
Be sure to saunter into our bookstore! Katharine has brought in wonderful new items to choose from and there is more on the way. Mother's Day is just around the corner, then graduations, the flow of birthdays, and the always popular "just because". We also have many books and other items at 50% off.
Rev. Jerry will be leading a Good Friday service on April 15th, followed by a soup and bread potluck! The service starts at 6:30 pm, the deliciousness starts shortly after 7 pm.
The potluck planning has started! We need 2 or 3 kitchen volunteers to help lay out the spread of food, make coffee, etc. We invite you to bring your own bowl if you'd like (less waste!). We will have sturdy paper bowls available here as well. Plan to bring your favorite soup or homemade bread. Please call Lezlie to volunteer to help in the kitchen, 530-274-2463.
Rewards of Leaving the Comfort Zone
When I was first approached about my willingness to be nominated for the Board of Trustees my first reaction was the feeling of anxiety that often accompanies anything new for me. I retreat into my comfort zone where I feel safe. But because I’ve grown in Unity through classes like Way of Mastery and through the friendships I’ve come to hold dear, I’ve experienced many good things that “staying safe in my comfort zone” would have prevented. So once more I took a leap of faith and said yes. I am so grateful for the new friends, new experiences and yes, even the new challenges that accompany that Yes. I learned new bookkeeping skills including how to make budget reports as well as how to share these reports. I found out how much I enjoyed rediscovering my latent computer skills. The lessons I’m learning seem unending! I can acknowledge my fear and anxiety and also surrender to Spirit and trust the loving community I now am a part of. The rewards have been life changing. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve.
All with love.
Ann Somervell
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
UGC INCOME - April 2022
Credit card tithes _____________ 800.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 3,102.00
Paypal tithes _________________
Bookstore ____________________170.50
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________ 100.00
Classes ____________________ 143.00
Misc. ________________________
April to date: $4,315.50
“The hero is in tune with the “love your neighbor” teaching. You see this all the time, people doing selfless things for each other. So, when Jesus says, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," he is saying in effect, "Love thy neighbor because she is yourself."
– Joseph Campbell
Affirmative prayer: I give thanks for the hero in all of us, for the selflessness, courage, and sense of connection that makes us our sisters’ and brothers’ keeper. Infinite Presence, today, I show up as the guardian that I am called to be. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
We have lost and found items on the counter behind the front desk. Notably someone left this very nice suede jacket in the sanctuary. If you're looking for it, it's here waiting for you!
Dear UGC Family,
A celebration of life is planned for Gregory (Greg) Plank at noon on June 4, 2022, at Marlene and Cliff Bottenfield’s Tumbling Creek Farm. We see this as a time to not only celebrate Greg’s life, but also a time to gather for fellowship, friendship and fun in such a beautiful setting, with our Unity family.
More information and details will be coming in about a month, but we wanted you to be able to plan ahead.
With love and gratitude,
Patricia Plank and family
We are looking forward to having a Farmers Market here at UGC again this summer! As you are laying out your garden, plant an extra row or two for our Market. The more variety, the more available produce, the better! It will be a Unity Community Farmer's Market
SOON, SOON, SOON! Sign up to meet up to see the Spring bulbs flower display at Ananda! The date set to explore the beautiful grounds at Ananda is yet to be determined.
Sign up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Sign up deadline is this Sunday, April 10th.
In preparation for this, all you need to do is go to YouTube.com and search for our channel by typing in "Unity in the Gold Country" in the search box at the top center of the screen. When it brings up all of our service videos just click on the red subscribe box over to the right. Now you will automatically be notified any time we post a video.
Click here for the link for our Sunday Service on YouTube, or to revisit past services!
We want to celebrate you!
Arnold Owens 4/13
Rob Wenzel 4/19
Bill Sloan 4/20
Josefina Lascano Callahan 4/22
David Lee 4/23
Carly Tousley 4/25
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
For those of you who would like to go beyond The Untethered Soul, click here for a video with Michael Singer talking about his new book, Living Untethered.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
April 3, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
"Finding New Life"
with Rev. Joe Sloan
Springtime is a wonderful time to walk with a new spring in our step. The 'greening' God is all around us reminding us that 'behold I make all things new." At this particular time in our lives what ways are we individually and collectively being renewed? Worth thinking about and taking another look together as we head towards Eastertime. I suggest that while Christmas is about Jesus, the Resurrection is about us. We’ll take a closer look at that.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around. Our desire is to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for all!
Until we are confident the YouTube livestreaming is foolproof, please be on the alert for last minute messages re-directing you to Zoom for Sunday Services. If needed here is the link to use-
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
We haven't officially resumed our refreshments at the end of Sunday Service, but we can't imagine sharing Easter Sunday without goodies. We will provide the coffee, please bring your favorite snacks and goodies to share along with the wonderful friendship and conversation always humming after our Service.
Wayne Stidham is our Volunteer of the Month for April 2022
We don’t see Wayne very often during service, but we absolutely know his presence. Wayne is up in, “The Booth”. He is operating the sound equipment and occasionally the lights for our services. He is also learning the new technology needed for our transition to YouTube Live.
With the exception of a brief interruption during this pandemic, Wayne has been providing his time and talent to UGC for almost four years. He does this from his heart, so that we all may enjoy our spiritual service and the space it provides. Helping to hold our sacred space is important to Wayne as this is in part what attracted Wayne to UGC. He says, “Having this sacred space helps us be our true selves and to be our true selves with other people”. From the Board of Trustees and the entire congregation, Thank you Wayne!
Rev. Jerry will be leading a Good Friday service on April 15th, followed by a soup and bread potluck! The service starts at 6:30 pm. The deliciousness starts shortly after 7 pm!
Classes will continue to be live streamed through Zoom as well. We would like to encourage as many as possible to return to the center and take part in the in-person groups. See you on campus!
Garden Gifts
When the Pandemic hit and lockdown occurred, I knew I needed to have an outlet for my frustration and anxiety. I had noticed that the garden areas around our beloved Church were looking a bit neglected. It came to me that maybe I'd feel better if I spent some time sprucing things up a bit. Well . . . it's been over 2 years now and has brought me more joy than I can say. Wonderful other folks have joined me and that has made it even more fun and rewarding.
If this "speaks" to anyone and you'd like to "adopt" a small area of the garden, please let Lezlie know. There are 5-6 spots that would just love a regular caretaker to keep the weeds under control and trim off dead twigs and flowers. Consider it a "service of maintenance" for our Church. Thank you to those who signed up last Sunday; I will be contacting you soon about what you'd most enjoy doing.
I am so incredibly grateful to have this beauty and abundance of Nature all around me; guess that's why I putz in the garden! May the Blessings of Spring touch each of you in a most positive, healing and joyful way. Namaste
Cydne Grimsby
BOT Newbie
We need someone to take care of our altar flowers on the 3rd Sunday of every other month. If you're not confident of your talent, our altar team will work with you and we have a lot of material to work with! Or, you may be longing to express your inner creativity! Please call Lezlie for more information, 530-274-2463.
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
UGC INCOME - March 2022
Credit card tithes _____________2,886.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 7,913.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 993.96
Bookstore ____________________235.75
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________ 300.00
Classes ____________________ 1,102.00
Misc. ________________________ 370.64
March to date: $13,801.35
“Consider the possibility that a Being of infinite love has made a promise to us, that we are the ones committed to, and that the commitment is to redeem us and bring us home.” – David Brooks, The Second Mountain
Affirmative prayer: “Today, I bask in the grace that the Infinite is for me, in my corner, and that It thrills at the prospect of me saying yes to all that It offers. Thank you, God, for the gift of this day. Amen.” – Rev. Scott
Joe Darby and Sandy Spurgeon at our Spring Equinox celebration!
VOM recipients Catherine, Cydne and Richard!
We are looking forward to having a Farmers Market here at UGC again this summer! As you are laying out your garden, plant an extra row or two for our Market. The more variety, the more available produce, the better! It will be a Unity Community Farmer's Market
returns to
Let’s join up again and explore the world of dreams!
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. In this first in-person meeting since before Covid!), I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
I’m so happy to be able to be with you and see your wonderful faces! This will be in-person only, not hybrid.
Thursday April 7, 2022 10-11:30 a.m.
In the UGC Library with Nanci Shanderá
$15+ (whatever you wish to share)
SOON, SOON, SOON! Sign up to meet up to see the Spring bulbs flower display at Ananda! The date set to explore the beautiful grounds at Ananda is yet to be determined.
Sign up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Sign up deadline is
April 10th.
In preparation for this, all you need to do is go to YouTube.com and search for our channel by typing in "Unity in the Gold Country" in the search box at the top center of the screen. When it brings up all of our service videos just click on the red subscribe box over to the right. Now you will automatically be notified any time we post a video.
In case you don't subscribe by this Sunday, click here for the link for our Sunday Service on YouTube, or to revisit past services!
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan has started ACIM meetings on a once a month basis here at UGC. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, The next meeting will be on April 7th. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-277-4695 (cell).
We want to celebrate you!
Arnold Owens 4/13
Rob Wenzel 4/19
Bill Sloan 4/20
Josefina Lascano Callahan 4/22
David Lee 4/23
Carly Tousley 4/25
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
We had to do a Volunteer of the Month catch up ceremony! Due to the pandemic our VOM was suspended until we could all come back. Here we are and we joyfully acknowledge our much appreciated volunteers Sharon, Nanci, Catherine, Cydne, Richard, and Kirk, (Kristy and Julie honored though not present here).
Come, listen, and let your mind and spirit be renewed. Sponsored by Color Me Human, Creating Communities Beyond Bias, The Peace and Justice Center of Nevada County, the Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains, and Earth Justice Ministries. A diverse group of 16 readers will present "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence."
The Nevada City effort is led by Color Me Human, Creating Communities Beyond Bias, Earth Justice Ministries, the Peace and Justice Center, and the Unitarian Universalists of the Mountains. It is one part of a local three-month campaign that seeks to encourage voter registration among youth, and educate and inspire voters. Evan Steel of Color Me Human notes that endeavors of this nature “are of paramount importance to democracy in our country.”
For questions about the April 4 event at the Rood Center or to find out about local organizing efforts, email Color Me Human at mail@colormehuman.org or message us on facebook.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
March 27, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
"Making Manifest What is Already Inside"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
How do we manifest? This is one of the big questions that metaphysicians grapple with. People new to Unity often are asking how to manifest financial stability or a new love in their lives. The real answer to these questions might surprise you but be a relief at the same time. Join us this Sunday as we explore true manifestation.
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around. Our desire is to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for all!
Last weeks talk was phenomenal! Due to technical difficulties the YouTube starts at the beginning of Rev. Jerry's talk but really, that's the best part! Click here to revisit or enjoy it for the first time.
Until we are confident the YouTube livestreaming is foolproof, please be on the alert for last minute messages re-directing you to Zoom for Sunday Services.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
They will continue to be live streamed through Zoom also. We would like to encourage as many as possible to return to the center and take part in the in-person groups. See you on campus!
Thank you everyone who participated in our Spring Equinox Celebration! I feel so blessed to be a part of such an inspiring community. A couple of months ago, Carly, Cathy Lee, Malissa and I got together and talked about having a Spring Equinox Celebration. We had a grand time planning together! We talked, we laughed, we imagined, and we listened to each other and to Spirit. I am completely convinced that this is the reason everything unfolded into a beautiful celebration. As a team, we did exactly what unity stands for. It was an amazing experience that I hope our community embraces for future events. We, as a community, have so much to offer each other and our neighbors. We had at least 11 new people join our event who were able to experience our love and light.
It’s a humbling feeling when I get to witness how beautifully our congregation flows in reaching out to each other and lifting each other up. That’s what this celebration showed me so clearly. Some of us got to feel joy and wonder three times: first, during our planning; next, before and after set up and clean up; and then during the celebration itself. My heart was so filled with joy sharing and celebrating with each of you. Thank you!
We need someone to take care of our altar flowers on the 3rd Sunday of every other month. If you're not confident of your talent, our altar team will work with you and we have a lot of material to work with! Or, you may be longing to express you inner creativity! Please call Lezlie for more information, 530-274-2463.
We have new members and existing members who have expressed an interest in some of our volunteer opportunities. Let's get together and start matching up your willing hearts with the perfect volunteer position! We will meet after the service on Sunday, March 27th and will keep the meeting as quick and efficient as possible.
Sunday, March 27th
11:45 am to 12:15pm
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
This will be a very special experience as Ellen will be here leading us through the meditative Universal Peace Dances, to bring forth, activate and expand the beautiful energy of PEACE.
Please join us on Thursday, 3/31. at 10:30 am and let us light up the world with peace and love.
UGC INCOME - March 2022
Credit card tithes _____________2,886.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 6,752.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 282.25
Bookstore ____________________116.50
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________ 300.00
Classes ______________________907.00
Misc. ________________________ 293.99
March to date: $11,537.74
returns to
Let’s join up again and explore the world of dreams!
Dreams come from our deep subconscious and sometimes unconscious minds. A treasure trove of secrets and awakenings await! I take a mystical tack in this group and help you dig deeper into knowing your amazing self!
Bring your dream journal or notebook - at least something in which to take notes. In this first in-person meeting since before Covid!), I’ll go over the basics of dream work and ways to recall your dreams.
I’m so happy to be able to be with you and see your wonderful faces!
Thursday April 7, 2022 10-11:30 a.m.
In the UGC Library with Nanci Shanderá
$15+ (whatever you wish to share)
SOON, SOON, SOON! Sign up to meet up to see the Spring bulbs flower display at Ananda! The date set to explore the beautiful grounds at Ananda is yet to be determined.
Sign up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Sign up deadline is
April 10th.
In preparation for this, all you need to do is go to YouTube.com and search for our channel by typing in "Unity in the Gold Country" in the search box at the top center of the screen. When it brings up all of our service videos just click on the red subscribe box over to the right. Now you will automatically be notified any time we post a video.
In case you don't subscribe by this Sunday, click here for the link for our Sunday Service on YouTube, or to revisit past services!
Qi Gong video workout with Homer Nottingham will be every Wednesday morning at 10 am. It is a drop in class (come when you can). This is a great series for beginners and long time practitioners. Give it a try in the privacy of your own home on Zoom with your camera off! Now that we are getting closer to Springtime it is the perfect exercise to get us moving again. Join us!
Zoom link is in the
Monday All Access email.
We have two Monday groups. Both are now hybrid, meeting on Zoom and in person! Meeting times are 1 pm and 6:45 pm, join us in whatever way works best for you! The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
During a pandemic, wars, and high inflation, there is some good news for humanity: benevolence is surging globally. So says the United Nations in its World Happiness Report. “There has been a big increase in volunteering, donating to charities, and helping a stranger. Trust in others is rising during these ‘bad times.’ People are working together.”
“Your mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life, when you empower others.” - Matshona Dhliwayo, Canadian author and philosopher
Affirmative prayer: Today, with a high awareness of the Divine union of all life, I uphold the lives of others. Benevolence is my essential way of being, the way of God’s life in us all. Thank you, Infinite Presence, forever. Amen.
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
March 20, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
The nature spirits are working with us and our prayers and are giving us intense rain on Saturday! We will be meeting at Unity in the Gold Country to welcome Spring. Let us share in the celebration of the Spring Equinox, and at the end we will throw open the sanctuary doors for all who wish to dance in the rain!
Saturday, March 19th, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
"Is God Your Double?"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
We supposedly have at least one double somewhere in the world. Did you ever notice your (version of) God holds the same beliefs as you do? Isn’t that amazing! Or maybe not. Shouldn’t our idea of God be something aspirational that we are growing into? Join us this Sunday when we explore the doppelganger God!
Click here to join us on YouTube this Sunday if you haven't yet subscribed to UGC on YouTube when Sunday rolls around. Our desire is to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for all!
With the change to Daylight Saving Time on March 13th we want to announce that starting on Monday, March 21st we will see the resumption of most of our classes in-person. They will continue to be live streamed through Zoom also. We would like to encourage as many as possible to return to the center and take part in the in-person groups. See you on campus! See next week's ebulletin for specifics regarding any class you are interested in.
"My Burden is Light"
by Angela Apostal
Copyright 2022
Not always one to go with the flow.
But I’m learning much by letting go.
Much comes into play when I’m willing to say there is no blame.
And embrace feelings as friends, not yet met.
I’ve tread this path for quite awhile.
And still find treasures and surprises by the mile.
Some make me smile; others I’d like to bury.
But I’ve found what I share, I need no longer
My burden can be light without complaint or fright.
My willingness is key to my serenity.
I keep an open heart as long as I can so I won’t miss making a friend.
Or seeing the divine in all faces unlike mine.
We are boldly made in awesome delight.
So what will it be?
What kind of grasp of reality?
Our choice is ours to live in heaven or hell.
Let’s hope we can live with what we
And find the best in unity.
Marlene is leading a weekly class that explores the various methods of meditation and the many invaluable gifts of a meditation practice.
Thursdays at 10:30 am
In person here at UGC, and on Zoom, final class is Thursday, March 31st.
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
UGC INCOME - March 2022
Credit card tithes _____________2,886.00
Love offerings/tithes __________ 5,437.00
Paypal tithes _________________
Bookstore ____________________116.50
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________ 300.00
Classes ______________________387.00
Misc. ________________________ 293.99
March to date: $9,420.49
THIS Sunday, March 20, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
We will be making our Spring Boards for this year. What are your Dreams and Desires for 2022? Bring pictures and magazines to help illustrate your visions and BRING YOUR SCISSORS! Be sure to bring your favorite tea bag and cup.
SOON, SOON, SOON! Sign up to meet up to see the Spring bulbs flower display at Ananda! The date is yet to be determined but will very likely be on Sunday, April 24th.
In preparation for this, all you need to do is go to YouTube.com and search for our channel by typing in "Unity in the Gold Country" in the search box at the top center of the screen. When it brings up all of our service videos just click on the red subscribe box over to the right. Now you will automatically be notified any time we post a video.
In case you don't subscribe by this Sunday, click here for the link for our Sunday Service on YouTube.
Qi Gong video workout with Homer Nottingham will be every Wednesday morning at 10 am. It is a drop in class (come when you can). This is a great series for beginners and long time practitioners. Give it a try in the privacy of your own home on Zoom with your camera off! Now that we are getting closer to Springtime it is the perfect exercise to get us moving again. Join us!
Zoom link is in the
Monday All Access email.
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
March Birthdays!
Magdalene Jaekel 3/7
Jerry Farrell 3/14
Kristy Bennett 3/21
Patricia Haller 3/23
Deborah VanBuren 3/24
Marceline Aycock 3/28
We have new members and existing members who have expressed an interest in some of our volunteer opportunities. Let's get together and start matching up your willing hearts with the perfect volunteer position! We will meet after the service on Sunday, March 27th and will keep the meeting as quick and efficient as possible.
Sunday, March 27th
11:45 am to 12:15pm
St. Patrick was born somewhere in Britain or France in the fifth century. At the age of 16, he was captured by Irish pirates and sold into slavery. He escaped years later and entered the Monastery of St. Martin in France. After becoming a cleric, he returned to Ireland where he faced imprisonment or execution, but he survived to preach and teach, to build churches and schools. He became not just a saint, but a patron saint – a benefactor, a champion, a mentor.
'May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us, may the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us. Be always ours this day and for evermore." - Saint Patrick.
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I give thanks for the mentoring spirit in us all. Today I see the champion, the saint, in my brothers and sisters and I celebrate the divine potential in each one. “Top of the morning” to us all, wishing us “all the joy our hearts can hold.” Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Marlene Bottenfield
Vice President: Kurtis Zumwalt
Treasurer: Ann Somervell
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Angela Apostal
Joe Darby
Cydne Grimsby
Carly Tousley
March 6, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
New Thought Sunday
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Every year on the first Sunday of March New Thought Centers celebrate the message that we send out to the world. Join us as we celebrate the unique message that we contribute to our hurting world- a message of hope, connection, and of identity that promotes justice, love, peace and wholeness.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
For several years we have had our own channel on YouTube under our name Unity in the Gold Country, where we have posted our Sunday service videos and some classes like The Enneagram. If you haven't visited the site please google YouTube, and once on the site, type in the search bar "Unity in The Gold country'. That will take you to our channel. Please bookmark the site and hit the subscribe button so you will automatically receive notification of any new content that is posted, like the latest Sunday service. I would encourage you to watch any videos of services that you didn't attend and enjoy the meditations, talks and music. We continually receive positive comments for the quality of our content. Additionally, you can play a part in helping to promote Unity by sharing the links to these videos with family or friends.
Our first service to be livestreamed on YouTube will be on March 13th. More info will be forthcoming as we get closer to that date. But for now, please subscribe to our channel as outlined above. The best news is, it’s free and it’s much easier than logging into Zoom!
Rev Jerry
Last Sunday the congregation elected 4 new members to the Board of Trustees. Elected to 3 year terms were Cydne Grimsby and Ann Somervell; and to 2 year terms were Joe Darby and Carly Tousley. We are grateful to all four for their volunteering to serve the congregation in this capacity. The new Board met briefly after the AGM and held an election of Officers. The new Officers for the coming year are: President Marlene Bottenfield; Vice President Kurtis Zumwalt; Secretary Patricia Plank; and Treasurer Ann Somervell. The congregation expressed their gratitude to the four outgoing Trustees, Claire Palmerino, Cathy Lee Knight, Dave Beatty and Yvonne Read. They each received a rosebush from UGC, to honor of their service. Extending their time of service on the BOT are Patricia Plank, Secretary, and Angela Apostal. You are the best!
Rev. Jerry
With the change to Daylight Saving Time on March 13th we want to announce that starting on Monday, March 21st we will see the resumption of most of our classes in-person. They will continue to be livestreamed through Zoom also. We would like to encourage as many as possible to return to the center and take part in the in-person groups. See you on campus! See next week's ebulletin for specifics regarding any class you are interested in.
Kirk is a life-long Unity member. He started attending the Fair Oaks Unity with his family as a child. He’s been attending Unity in the Gold County as an official member for 6 years.
Between his youth and the time he started attending Unity as an adult, Kirk took a brief break and attended a catholic church. He missed the welcoming feeling he got as a youth attending Fair Oaks Unity. And to our good fortune, he found UGC! It was a match made in heaven! He loves the people and friendships he has made while attending Unity in the Gold Country and we are so grateful for that.
Kirk has been a member of our choir (he loves to sing), cared for the preschoolers during Sunday Service, taken care of lighting for the service and also run the Powerpoint. He’s looking forward to his work schedule shifting so that he’ll be able help out some more!
In Kirk’s own words: “Unity has helped me feel more grounded and brought me closer to my God and knowing that whichever way I choose to acknowledge my higher power I will always be welcome here.”
Thank you Kirk for all you do and have done for Unity in the Gold Country! We appreciate you!
Another year, another board (of trustees).
They say change is hard. I think it is an opportunity for growth.
I am so thankful for Claire’s leadership and her service to our spiritual center. She set us up to succeed. I do want to thank all of the out going Board of Trustees for their service and kindness. This truly is a wonderful spiritual center.
As the pandemic appears to be stabilizing, my sincere hope is that we can revitalize and grow our congregation. I look forward to our new board and Marlene’s leadership to take us to our next best level.
See you at church.
Follow your dreams. They know the way.
Kurtis Zumwalt
Marlene is leading a weekly class that explores the various methods of meditation and the many invaluable gifts of a meditation practice.
Thursdays at 10:30 am
In person here at UGC, and on Zoom starting Thursday, 2/10/22
Well, not in person, but our Matt Kahn group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month is going strong! The meeting is now hybrid with some on Zoom joining those in-person here at UGC. Join us!
1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly,
7 - 8:30 pm.
Today marks one year since our much loved Greg made his transition. These markers can be so sad as we see time march on even though someone so special to us isn't with us in person anymore. We remember Greg knew he was so loved and our hearts reach out to Patricia to make sure she feels our love and support today and always.
Qi Gong video workout with Homer Nottingham will be every Wednesday morning at 10 am. It is a drop in class (come when you can). This is a great series for beginners and long time practitioners. Give it a try in the privacy of your own home on Zoom with your camera off! Now that we are getting closer to Springtime it is the perfect exercise to get us moving again. Join us!
Zoom link is in the
Monday All Access email.
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
Save the Date!
We’ve had a challenging two years – ALL OF US. It’s time we help ourselves and each other feel refreshed and renewed. The Spring Equinox will be here soon and it’s the perfect time to celebrate newness, releasing the old, and embracing now with gratitude. Let’s dance for joy! Help us celebrate Spring together on March 19th from 2-4 at Marlene and Cliff’s if we have sunny weather, at Unity if it’s raining or snowing.
Cliff and Marlene will need a head count in order to prepare their home/property. Please be sure to add your name to the sign up sheet in the sanctuary.
Sunday, March 20, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
We will be making our Spring Boards for this year. What are your Dreams and Desires for 2022? Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
March Birthdays!
Magdalene Jaekel 3/7
Jerry Farrell 3/14
Kristy Bennett 3/21
Patricia Haller 3/23
Deborah VanBuren 3/24
Marceline Aycock 3/28
On Sunday, February 27th we welcomed 9 new members in person and 4 in absentia!
From left to right, join us in welcoming Lianne, Heidi, Gayle, Yvonne, Elaine, MJ, Marion, Leonie, and Joe. Though not pictured we also welcome Pat Woodruff, Cliff Bottenfield, Kristy Bennett, and Nanci Shandera. We love you and are so grateful for your presence.
Prayers continue for the people of Ukraine, as well as for those in Russia who are feeling the pain of their country’s transgression. There are ways we can contribute to humanitarian relief efforts. Here is a list of vetted organizations assisting Ukrainians during this crisis.
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I pray great blessings for the people of Ukraine, for responders and defenders, that courage, comfort, and the resources of a caring world are brought to them in such abundance that lives, homes, and institutions are restored. I affirm that there is one life in which we all live and have our being and, as such, I pray that Vladimir Putin’s heart and consciousness are touched by these prayers and by the love of God. I pray for peace upon the land. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Please join me and others all over the world for a global peace prayer led by James Twyman. James is in Poland on the border of Ukraine. The vigil will be held at Auschwitz. Check Facebook - maypeaceprevailonearth, and unify.org this Saturday 5th at 9:00 PST. to join via live stream or just on your own. Every little bit of positive/loving energy counts. It takes more than one man to fight a war. Every soldier and person involved has a heart. Let us send love to ALL involved and open hearts.
Yvonne Read
Our Change 4 Change recipient for March and April is Women of Worth, and what an incredible organization they are!
"WoW helps families in crisis, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. We also offer programs to increase self-reliance and improve quality of life by helping victims rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and safety.
By the way, all our services are free. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of families live in safety, free from the threat of violence and abuse. We’ve also helped them develop the emotional strength and skills to live happy, productive lives."
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
February 20, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where Unity (oneness) and You are.
In keeping with California guidelines, we are now recommending though not requiring mask wearing while indoors.
Please be mindful of the space around you, and those you share it with.
In observance of President's Day, the UGC office will be closed on Monday, February 21st.
"Align to Your True Self . . . What a Difference it Makes!"
with Board President Claire Palmerino
Claire Palmerino will share insights gleaned from her studies of the Paul Selig trilogies, Suzanne Giesemann’s teachings, and the Way of Mastery. Understanding our True Selves and how available the True Self is to each of us makes a huge difference in the life we experience.
Music by Kalyani
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This Sunday, February 20th, is Kalyani's last Sunday with us. Please join us in letting her know how grateful we are for the many years she has gifted us with her music, her voice, and her lyrics. Kalyani, we love you!
We have been working patiently to update our media equipment and Livestreaming capabilities over the past year. We have hired an independent contractor, Ira Mandella, who has been part of the media team for the Spiritual Life Center for over twelve years. We are currently getting ready to move off Zoom and onto YouTube and FaceBook. We will be recommending that everyone bookmark us on YouTube and subscribe to our channel "Unity in the Gold Country.' YouTube is a very accessible app available on your cell phones, pads, and home TVs. If you have never been to YouTube, we highly recommend that you do so soon. I must admit that I watch very little tv programming of late and spend most of my online viewing on YouTube. It provides an amazing spectrum of programs, movies, and shorts. The latter is my favorite as I can choose to watch something for time that I have available at any given moment. A big plus is that it categorizes topics such as spirituality, consciousness and introduces the viewer to new ideas or new contributors in any given field. I have found it very stimulating and interesting. All the current spiritual leaders have their content on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.
For several years we have had our own channel on YouTube under our name Unity in the Gold Country, where we have posted our Sunday service videos and some classes like The Enneagram. If you haven't visited the site please google YouTube, and once on the site, type in the search bar "Unity in The Gold country'. That will take you to our channel. Please bookmark the site and hit the subscribe button so you will automatically receive notification of any new content that is posted, like the latest Sunday service. I would encourage you to watch any videos of services that you didn't attend and enjoy the meditations, talks and music. We continually receive positive comments for the quality of our content. Additionally, you can play a part in helping to promote Unity by sharing the links to these videos with family or friends.
Our first service to be livestreamed on YouTube will be on March 13th. More info will be forthcoming as we get closer to that date. But for now, please subscribe to our channel as outlined above. The best news is, it’s free and it’s much easier than logging into Zoom!
Rev Jerry
We have not been able to have a New Member Ceremony since November 2019 and that is about to change! We have received several New Member applications and we're so eager to welcome you in! New Member Sunday will be February 27th during the Sunday service. The New Member Orientation is on Saturday, February 26th, from 10 am to about noon.
Please make sure you have turned in your new member application by Thursday, February 24th
Save the Date!
We’ve had a challenging two years – ALL OF US. It’s time we help ourselves and each other feel refreshed and renewed. The Spring Equinox will be here soon and it’s the perfect time to celebrate newness, releasing the old, and embracing now with gratitude. Let’s dance for joy! Help us celebrate Spring together on March 19th from 2-4 at Marlene and Cliff’s if we have sunny weather, at Unity if it’s raining or snowing.
Marlene is leading a weekly class that explores the various methods of meditation and the many invaluable gifts of a meditation practice.
Thursdays at 10:30 am
In person here at UGC, and on Zoom starting Thursday, 2/10/22
We are having wonderful sharing in our weekly group. Please join us for another video with Leonard Jacobson this coming Tuesday when he further explores the simplicity of connecting with presence, and outlines the obstacles that get in our way.
Join us on Tuesdays at 10 am

In March we offer an 8-week journey into higher realms of consciousness that includes an exploration of psychic skills, increased awareness of discarnate beings such as Spirit Guides or Angels, and increased recognition of the signs and messages of loved ones who have crossed the veil. Such experiences help us to move from a mental belief in such realities to knowing that they are real. Spiritual growth takes many forms and each of us follows the spiritual path as it is illumined before us. Exploring realities that are currently unknown to us instills awe and wonder in this amazing Mystery we call Life.
This class will be capped at 16 enrollees so please call Lezlie right away if you want to participate, 530-274-2463.
Wednesdays, beginning March 2nd through April 20th, 12 pm - 3 pm, in person in the sanctuary.

Sunday, March 20, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
We will be making our Spring Boards for this year. What are your Dreams and Desires for 2022? Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Often Lent is thought of as a time to give up something. Unity's new booklet, Release and Renew 2022: A Spiritual Practice for Lent, will help you let go of fears, negativity, and doubt as you renew your awareness of the good in and around you.
This year’s booklet offers daily affirmations, scriptures, and essays for the 40 days and seven Sundays of Lent. With specific ways to release unhelpful thoughts, it inspires a more peaceful and open heart as you let go of what does not serve you in this season of change.
Click HERE to order your free booklet today!
Qi Gong video workout with Homer Nottingham will be every Wednesday morning at 10 am. If you have never done this exercise before this is a great place to start. It is a gentle workout based on your ability. It is a drop in class (come when you can) One of the sessions will include Tai Chi also. This is a great series for beginners and long time practitioners. Give it a try in the privacy of your own home on Zoom with your camera off! Now that we are getting closer to Springtime it is the perfect exercise to get us moving again. Join us!
Zoom link is in the
Monday All Access email.
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
February Birthdays
Lynn Tweedie 2/2
Kurtis Zumwalt 2/3
Karle deProsse 2/4
Marion Culhane 2/7
Michael Fairbrother 2/12
Scott Wetzell 2/14
Larry Homan 2/18
Jim Verducci 2/22
Kellie Garmire 2/22
Lezlie VanNatta 2/22
Tim Lascano Callahan 2/26

Known around the world as The Peace Troubadour, Fr. James Francis Twyman will travel to Kyiv, Ukraine to focus this major peace meditation on Sunday, February 22 at noon ET time.
Watch James Twyman's video HERE and share this event with everyone you know. The key to success is for massive numbers of people to join together in prayer and meditation at the SAME TIME!
The day is chosen to ride the wave of a very special day - Feb. 22, 2022, or 222 -2202. There will be many events on this day, a day where the astrological alignment is the same as the day the American Revolution began. Please spread this news of this event and the video far and wide. We need millions of people to be involved to shift the trajectory of violence to peace and harmony.
Our C4C recipient for January and February is SPIRIT Peer Empowerment Center
SPIRIT Center is a healthy community, open at no charge to people facing challenges to their mental health. Trained peer supporters offer a holistic approach, acceptance, support, education and advocacy. We support people as they identify their path to recovery, and empower themselves to achieve their personal goals. Together we save lives.
Compassion, Acceptance, Advocacy, Peer Support and Mutual Respect
SPIRIT Center is a community coming together to mend itself. SPIRIT Center is a free self-help center that welcomes drop-ins and offers an unparalleled opportunity to be part of the solution.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt

February 13, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
"God - An All-Inclusive Love"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Hey there lovers! Yes, that is you. You are called to be the divine lover returning love to your source. Most believers still don't know how to receive a positive identity from the Divine- that they belong and are loved by their very nature. Join us this Sunday when we celebrate the love that we are and all the loves that we love, as well as the loves waiting for us to include them in our loving.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
We have not been able to have a New Member Ceremony since November 2019 and that is about to change! We have received several New Member applications and we're so eager to welcome you in! New Member Sunday will be February 27th, with the New Member Orientation on Saturday, February 26th. Of course, Covid numbers could change this, but we are putting our plan out there with confidence!
Since my time as a board member is coming to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board for making this experience such a rewarding time for me. Claire, your steady leadership in leading the board has always inspired me. Patricia, you always provide us with such clear and precise notes. Yvonne, your reports and explanations of them made it much easier for me to understand the financial workings of the center. Rev. Jerry, for always providing your wisdom and knowledge of Unity policies. And last but not least the rest of the board members, it has been a joy to work with you all as you bring such a spirit of love and harmony to the meetings.
Lastly I would like to thank the congregation for entrusting me with being a board member. I leave knowing the board is in very capable hands.
Love Peace and Happiness to All,
Marlene is leading a weekly class that explores the various methods of meditation and the many invaluable gifts of a meditation practice.
Thursdays at 10:30 am
In person here at UGC, and on Zoom starting Thursday, 2/10/22
We are having wonderful sharing in our weekly group. Please join us for another video with Leonard Jacobson this coming Tuesday when he further explores the simplicity of connecting with presence.
Join us on Tuesdays at 10 am

In March we offer an 8-week journey into higher realms of consciousness that includes an exploration of psychic skills, increased awareness of discarnate beings such as Spirit Guides or Angels, and increased recognition of the signs and messages of loved ones who have crossed the veil. Such experiences help us to move from a mental belief in such realities to knowing that they are real. Spiritual growth takes many forms and each of us follows the spiritual path as it is illumined before us. Exploring realities that are currently unknown to us instills awe and wonder in this amazing Mystery we call Life.
The class is limited to 12 people, so please register for the class by calling the UGC office, 530-274-2463. Thanks! (If we end up with a long waiting list, we will definitely offer this class again later this year.)
Wednesdays, beginning March 2nd through April 20th, 12 pm - 3 pm, in person in the sanctuary.

Black history is American history. Let us continue to expand our education, skills and desire to be white allies and put an end to the systemic racism which infects our country still.
Kristy Bennett is the February Volunteer of the Month. She’s attended Unity in the Gold Country so long that she doesn’t remember when she started coming. – but it was just before the dance party.
In Kristy’s own words, “I was checking out different churches, but after my first visit to Unity, I knew that Unity in the Gold Country was for me, and I’ve been attending ever since.”
Kristy is an official member, and she is drawn to Unity because of the talks, Rev. Jerry, and the congregants. She loves working on the alter committee because it feels like a team. She also helps decorate for the holidays and special occasions.
Kristy loves the feeling of connection and the feeling of belonging, of being a part of it all, that she finds at Unity in the Gold Country.
She’s looking forward to the pandemic ending soon so that she can attend in person again. In the meantime, she’ll be checking out the meditation class and Sunday service on Zoom.
Thank you, Kristy, for all you do for Unity.
We appreciate you!

Often Lent is thought of as a time to give up something. Unity's new booklet, Release and Renew 2022: A Spiritual Practice for Lent, will help you let go of fears, negativity, and doubt as you renew your awareness of the good in and around you.
This year’s booklet offers daily affirmations, scriptures, and essays for the 40 days and seven Sundays of Lent. With specific ways to release unhelpful thoughts, it inspires a more peaceful and open heart as you let go of what does not serve you in this season of change.
Click HERE to order your free booklet today!
Qi Gong video workout with Homer Nottingham will be every Wednesday morning at 10 am. If you have never done this exercise before this is a great place to start. It is a gentle workout based on your ability. It is a drop in class (come when you can) and explore several different series of exercises including those recommended by Harvard Medical School. One of the sessions will include Tai Chi also. This is a great series for beginners and long time practitioners. Give it a try in the privacy of your own home on Zoom with your camera off! Now that we are getting closer to Springtime it is the perfect exercise to get us moving again. Join us!
Zoom link is in the
Monday All Access email.
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
February Birthdays
Lynn Tweedie 2/2
Kurtis Zumwalt 2/3
Karle deProsse 2/4
Marion Culhane 2/7
Michael Fairbrother 2/12
Scott Wetzell 2/14
Larry Homan 2/18
Jim Verducci 2/22
Kellie Garmire 2/22
Lezlie VanNatta 2/22
Tim Lascano Callahan 2/26
Flowers discovered perfectly preserved in globs of amber at the feet of dinosaurs suggest that some flowering plants have remained unchanged for 99 million years. Researchers say that flowers played a key role in shaping life, bringing about the diversification of insects, mammals, and birds.
“All of life is the expression of the One Life. All creation is the body of the Infinite, expressing and experiencing Itself in infinitely diverse ways. Creation is where love becomes actualized, and Life becomes more of Itself.” – Petra Weldes, Science of Mind Magazine, November, 2021
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I give thanks for the generative forces at work in my body, in my life. I yield to the evolutionary process of new life coming forward in my affairs, my work, and my relationships. When all is said and done, it’s about love. Blessed be. Thank you, Spirit, forever. Amen.
The Season for Nonviolence is a global grassroots campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the transformative power of nonviolence. The Season was established by Arun Gandhi as a yearly event celebrating the philosophies and lives of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. The Season marks the 64 calendar days between the memorial anniversary of the assassination of Gandhi on January 30 and King on April 4.
“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. which cuts without wounding and ennobles the one who wields it. It is a sword that heals.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
"Nonviolence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being." - Mahatma Gandhi
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, today I behold true love in the hearts and lives of my friends and my adversaries. I seek today to not make myself right and others wrong, but to see us all as whole, as expressions of the one life of God. Thank you, Spirit, forever, Amen.
Our C4C recipient for January and February is SPIRIT Peer Empowerment Center
SPIRIT Center is a healthy community, open at no charge to people facing challenges to their mental health. Trained peer supporters offer a holistic approach, acceptance, support, education and advocacy. We support people as they identify their path to recovery, and empower themselves to achieve their personal goals. Together we save lives.
Compassion, Acceptance, Advocacy, Peer Support and Mutual Respect
SPIRIT Center is a community coming together to mend itself. SPIRIT Center is a free self-help center that welcomes drop-ins and offers an unparalleled opportunity to be part of the solution.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
January 23, 2022
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Sound Issue Last Sunday
First, our apologies for the poor quality of the sound last Sunday. Be assured that we won't have that issue this Sunday or next. We had someone troubleshoot the sound last week and unfortunately a setting got changed that led to feedback on Sunday. We know that the Zoom platform is not ideal for relaying live music at any time and even speech can be challenging also. The real shame was that it was a stellar service and those present felt the high vibration of the energy shared. We encourage you to go to our YouTube site and take a look for yourselves. We have had several setbacks in terms of upgrading our production values due to the recent storm. Appointments had to be cancelled and rescheduled several times. Our goal is to move off Zoom and livestream through YouTube which should improve audio quality greatly. It will also make access much simpler. Please bear with us. We really are trying our best to get this done asap. Trust us that if you are frustrated with the sound we are doubly so. We put a lot of effort into putting together a service and it is so disappointing for us when it doesn't work correctly. The good news is that two new cameras have been installed and are ready to go when we get our volunteers trained. Again, that is another part of the process in our timeline. Everything takes time, just be patient for a bit longer until we can get all the parts in place. Additionally our technician has to come here from Sacramento and he has a full schedule helping other Unity centers, so scheduling is not easy.
In love and flexibility of spirit,
Rev. Jerry
Our inspired, expansive theme for 2022!
LOVE is everywhere, and especially where
Unity (oneness) and You are.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
From time to time, we hear people talk about the veil, sometimes that the veil is thin. What is the veil actually? How is the veil a metaphor for our struggle with our sense of separation? Join us this coming Sunday for ought to be a very interesting talk on how to work with or through the veil.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Rev. Jerry's talk of Sunday, January 16th, DARING TO DREAM AGAIN, was deeply appreciated by all. If you missed it, or would like to listen again, you may access it here. The sound is not optimum, but the message is worth it! And the music and audios are powerful
Our UGC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 27th, after the Sunday Service, beginning at 12 pm. More information to follow.
The story of the kind Monk.
I want to share with you a story that has stayed with me through the years. I do not know the original source of the story. It goes like this.
A college professor invited a Monk to teach an enrichment lesson to her class. On the appointed day, after all the students were seated and became quiet, the Monk walked in and said not a word.
He went directly to the board and wrote these words.
We all laughed, and the monk continued.
“Statistically, it’s highly unlikely that any of you will ever have the opportunity to run into a burning orphanage and rescue an infant. But in the smallest gesture of kindness: a warm smile, allowing another to go first, shoveling snow for a neighbor; you have committed an act of immeasurable profundity because, to each of us, our life, is our universe.”
I am convinced that we can change the world just by being a warm, kindhearted
human being. May our smallest acts of kindness save an other’s world in 2022.
With Love,
Cathy Lee Knight BOT
This is my last ebulletin article as I will be leaving the board in February. Thank You for the honor and privilege you provided me as a trusted servant of Unity in the Gold County Spiritual Center. I am forever grateful for your love. Love is Everywhere and Especially where Unity and you are.
Beginning Thursday, January 27th, Marlene will be leading a weekly class that explores the various methods of meditation and the many invaluable gifts of a meditation practice. Due to the current uptick in Covid cases the first class(es) will be completely on Zoom but Marlene will move to in-person, in the sanctuary, as soon as possible.
Thursdays at 10:30 am
Meeting ID: 827 3510 6903
Passcode: 362570
Zoom link is also in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have having wonderful sharing in our weekly group. Please join us for another surprise this coming Tuesday.
Join us on Tuesdays at 10 am
Unity Worldwide Ministries has updated their website! It looks great and is smooth and easy to navigate. Check it out Here and as you dive in, prepare to spend some.
“Things are forever changing and I have found that, in these journeys of transition, when endings are done well, beginnings are more peaceful. CHANGE is actually a beautiful acronym: a Chance to Have A New God Experience.” - Rebecca Shinas
Affirmative prayer: “Today, I am thankful for the emergence of new God experiences in my life: new encounters, insights, and whole new vistas. I welcome change, and am glad to be on a life-journey of renewal and transformation. My mind is bright, my creative powers are activated, and I am poised for richness. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
We have not been able to have a New Member Ceremony since November 2019 and that is about to change! We have received several New Member applications and we're so eager to welcome you in! New Member Sunday will be February 27th, with the New Member Orientation on Saturday, February 26th. Of course Covid numbers could change this, but we are putting our plan out there with confidence!
UGC INCOME - January 2022
Credit card tithes ______________750.00
Love offerings/tithes __________6,335.78
Paypal tithes _________________ 390.83
Bookstore ____________________107.49
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use _________________160.00
Classes ______________________70.00
Misc. _________________________
January to date: 7,814.10
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
January Birthdays
Deborah Edmondson 1/6
Carolyn Homan 1/10
Jivat Mukhi 1/25
Yvonne Read 1/26
Janet Lee 1/29
Frank Castro Wehr 1/30
Julie Zumwalt 1/31
Buttery, crunchy, sweet caramel covered popcorn. There are about a dozen bags left of this delicious snack and when they're gone they are gone! Grab your mask and come in and get it while you can. $5 per bag for this yummy goodness!
Our C4C recipient for January and February is SPIRIT Peer Empowerment Center
SPIRIT Center is a healthy community, open at no charge to people facing challenges to their mental health. Trained peer supporters offer a holistic approach, acceptance, support, education and advocacy. We support people as they identify their path to recovery, and empower themselves to achieve their personal goals. Together we save lives.
Compassion, Acceptance, Advocacy, Peer Support and Mutual Respect
SPIRIT Center is a community coming together to mend itself. SPIRIT Center is a free self-help center that welcomes drop-ins and offers an unparalleled opportunity to be part of the solution.
Our Power statement for January:
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
December 26, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Due to the strong possibility of snow on Sunday, 12/26, we have decided it is safest to move the Sunday Service entirely to Zoom. Merriest Christmas to all.
We will be using our usual Zoom link which is below, and HERE:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
PLEASE JOIN US AT 5 PM ON DECEMBER 24TH FOR OUR CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE. Rev. Jerry will lead the service with music by Kellie Garmire. This is always one of the most moving services that we participate in.
The office will be closed on Monday, December 27th in lieu of Christmas Day, and closed on Monday, January 3rd in lieu of New Year's Day.
Zoom Only Service
Sunday 26th 10:30
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
One of the most most profound messages that Christmas proclaims is the innocence of humanity. We often struggle with our individual sense of innocence, because we know all the secrets about us. Except so does the Divine and it still proclaims our innocence. Join us on a Zoom only service so we can celebrate together our individual and collective innocence.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Here we are again, a second Christmas under restrictions due to the pandemic. This is not where we had hoped to be. Somewhat like Mary and Joseph ending up in the stable and not at the Inn. But since we have been through it once already, we know the score. We have learned to adjust our expectations, learned patience and resilience. Perhaps we have rediscovered the simple things about Christmas that mean the most to us. The things that give us a glimmer of hope and sooth our nervous system. We might want to be aware of those things and look around us to notice those who are having a challenging time right now. Those who are less resilient. Maybe we can reach out and in gentle ways remind others of how the simple things in life can mean so much. Simple things like a phone call that connects and uplifts, lessening the sense of isolation. Or a shared moment over a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe an email with a fun animal video that brings a smile. What people are looking for right now is connection in their isolation; a sense of dignity and worth in a world that feels like it is forgetting about them; a connection with someone who cares enough to reach out to them. Each of us can be that person who reaches out to provide that lowly stable in place of the Inn.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year.
Rev. Jerry
A prayer of compassion: “Dear God, may I approach other beings with compassion and kindness. May I be aware of the suffering of others. May I be ready to give when someone needs my gifts and be open to receive from others when I am in need. May we always know the shelter of God. May we be at peace.” – Joyce Rupp,Out of the Ordinary
We will be starting a brand new "exploration" in January. We will not be meeting on Tuesday, December 28th. See you next year!
For the month of December we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Interfaith Food Ministry. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
We believe in a community where no one should feel the hurt of hunger.
We work to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County.
December Birthdays
Wayne Stidham 12/3
Judith Lorraine Christenson 12/3
Carol Fuller 12/6
Rob Cairns 12/7
Bill Spoto 12/8
Kristin Verducci 12/12
Jodi Benson 12/12
Mary Huse 12/16
David Kyle 12/17
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
After the service on Sunday, Cathy Lee took some fun pictures of Rev. Joe and beloved friends!
We at Unity wish you the happiest of holidays in this short video message. Rev. Jim Blake, CEO of Unity World Headquarters, shares about the true meaning of Christmas, reflecting the Divine in us all. Click here to enjoy.
We are selling freshly made, handcrafted caramel corn made by the Lions Club. We're practically your exclusive headquarters for this wonderful treat. Hurry in to our bookstore for the gift everyone will love. $8 per bag is such a great deal!
Dear Unity family,
We are fast approaching the end of the year. Love offerings/tithes you wish to be included in the 2021 tax year must be submitted by January 10, 2022. Please make sure the check is dated no later than 12/31/21.
UGC INCOME - December 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,261.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 7,171.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 1,026.32
Bookstore ____________________ 378.00
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________
Misc. _________________________
December to date: $11,836.32
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We're taking Monday, December 27th off!
We have two Monday groups. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
“Listen to your inner voice; cultivate the good, the pure, the God within you. Do not let your false beliefs keep you in the darkness. The divine spark is within you. Fan it into flame by right thinking, right living, and right doing.” – Charles Fillmore, Atom-Smashing Power of Mind
Considering the perilous nature of the present moment, we reckon a merry Christmas is nowhere in sight. All the more reason to have a truly deep one instead. And, that all starts by making ourselves into a manger. Christmas is that point in time when the Light of Heaven contradicts the chaos of Earth. Therefore, let us ferociously contradict the Earth as never before by not merely celebrating Christmas but by becoming it instead. The nativity of Christ is the story of God wanting to get inside humanity. Jesus was the prototype for that experiment. Let us avail ourselves accordingly and be the embodiment of God every single day of our worldly lives. Let us, from this moment forward, and without the slightest hesitation, be Christmas.
Evan Hodkins
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Spirit, strike up the band! Today, I practice lowly listening, placing my heart and mind in a divine current of power, love, and wisdom. My understanding is inborn, and I am open and available to be rejuvenated, inspired, and guided. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.

We donated many boxes of books to Rev. Frank Castro Wehr for the library at his new church. He sent us pictures of the books in their new home. Loving energy flows everywhere! Thank you especially to Nanci Shandera who spent hours sorting and boxing up the books. Loving gratitude for Nanci, loving good wishes for Rev. Frank!
Our Power statement for December:
Life - Life is the infinite endowment of God, and eternal life is happening now.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
December 19, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The office will be closed on Monday, December 27th in lieu of Christmas Day, and closed on Monday, January 3rd in lieu of New Year's Day.
The 4th Sunday of Advent
with Rev. Joe Sloan
This the fourth in a series of how the body supports and blesses our journey through life towards the joyous return home. This Sunday we honor the Head and it’s Embodying engine, the Mind. As wonderfully amazing as we think the Mind is, it is so much more expansive and all-encompassing than we imagine and give it credit. Have you ever gotten a new cell phone and promised yourself that this time you will really explore all its capabilities? And then we get stuck in the immediate need and fail to use its full potential. Don’t we do that with the Mind. Maybe this lesson will inspire us to think again.
Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
PLEASE JOIN US AT 5 PM ON DECEMBER 24TH FOR OUR CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE. Rev. Jerry will lead the service with music by Kellie Garmire.
There were times before I was introduced to Unity that I knew there is a God yet I had no understanding. At these times I would try to reach out but I never found a real connection. A lot of the time I still felt alone. It wasn't until I joined Unity that I learned about the myth of separation. I had always believed that I was not a part of God and until I could change my way of thinking about the Universe and my part in it, I would always feel separate.
When I came to Unity I was treated with love and understanding, even though I did not understand. The teachings and thinking within the Unity fellowship has had a profound impact on me and completely changed how I see my relationship with the Universe. I understand that we are all one and that I am just one small part of God's light. It brings me joy to know I have such a loving family.
Thank You, Dave

Recently while on vacation I was able to catch up on listening to some audios that I had been saving. One of them, an interview with author Annie Lamott, had a powerful impact on me. It was all about the need for
'self-care'. She described herself as the 'airline stewardess' for her family of origin which led to little self-care in her life. Perhaps you can identify with that role. If so, this audio and discussion is for you. Give yourself some much needed self-care in this busy time by joining us next Tuesday at 10am.
You, dear friends, provided so generously to our food collection for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Larry Homan hauled 5 loads of food for the month of November. Let's keep our flow of giving nourishment open, as we collect for the Interfaith Food Ministry. We are so grateful for your loving hearts.
For the month of December we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Interfaith Food Ministry. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
We believe in a community where no one should feel the hurt of hunger.
We work to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County.
December Birthdays
Wayne Stidham 12/3
Judith Lorraine Christenson 12/3
Carol Fuller 12/6
Rob Cairns 12/7
Bill Spoto 12/8
Kristin Verducci 12/12
Jodi Benson 12/12
David Kyle 12/17
"The more we keep seeing God's love and abundance everywhere, the more we grow Christmas joys." - Myrtle Fillmore
“In the beginning angels sang that wonderful message to the whole world, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth good will to men.” Now the time is coming and I think we are fast growing toward it when we will express that message at this time and at all times, we will have Christmas year round through giving forth that good will, that peace and that spirit of love which is the very foundation of the Christ whose birth and whose teaching and whose character we are celebrating.” – Charles Fillmore, A Metaphysical Christmas
“Christmas has little magic in it when we are just looking backward to worship the child in the manger. Magic is found by looking forward to that day when our own Christ Child may unfold in our lives - a time to look inward to Its presence, right now.” - Eric Butterworth
"Considering the perilous nature of the present moment, we reckon a merry Christmas is nowhere in sight. All the more reason to have a truly deep one instead. And, that all starts by making ourselves into a manger. Christmas is that point in time when the Light of Heaven contradicts the chaos of Earth. Therefore, let us ferociously contradict the Earth as never before by not merely celebrating Christmas but by becoming it instead. The nativity of Christ is the story of God wanting to get inside humanity. Jesus was the prototype for that experiment. Let us avail ourselves accordingly and be the embodiment of God every single day of our worldly lives. Let us, from this moment forward, and without the slightest hesitation, be Christmas." - Evan Hodkins
A member of our congregation, Susan Cope, is asking for our help in finding her some care giver help for her adult disabled daughter. She is looking for someone to join her team of companion/care givers who work 24 hour daily shifts. These are rotating shifts of possibly two days a week, or two days a month, or being an “on call” backup member of the team. Lots of various options. Her daughter, Stephani, is in a wheelchair, however is able to transfer herself from chair to bed for example. The care giver cooks her meals, does her laundry and light housekeeping. She assists with her bathing, dressing, grooming, medications, and the activities of daily life. Stephani is bright and conversational and loves to go thrift store shopping. Current care givers have been using the Wi-Fi and their free time to do college coursework or home business work.
If you would like to know more about this position, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Susan directly at susanckk@att.net or 530-277-6997.

Last Few Bags!!
Ok, there are lots of things that say Merry Christmas, but few are so delicious! We are selling freshly made, handcrafted caramel corn made by the Lions Club. We're practically your exclusive headquarters for this wonderful treat. Hurry in to our bookstore for the gift everyone will love. $8 per bag is such a good deal, the Wise Men would suggest using the "one for me, one for you" gift buying motto.
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, the next meeting to be on January 6th. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
Dear Unity family,
We are fast approaching the end of the year. Love offerings/tithes you wish to be included in the 2021 tax year must be submitted by January 10, 2022. Please make sure the check is dated no later than 12/31/21.
UGC INCOME - December 2021
Credit card tithes ______________ 800.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________4,479.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 633.52
Bookstore ____________________ 378.00
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________
Misc. _________________________
December to date: $6,290.52
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
THIS Sunday, December 19th! From 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Please bring a wrapped gift per person attending; gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Bring your favorite tea bag and cup
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for December:
Life - Life is the infinite endowment of God, and eternal life is happening now.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
December 12, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The 3rd Sunday of Advent
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
The message of Advent and Christmas is actually rather simple but profound. We came from love, we are destined for love, our purpose is love and all else isn't real. On this 3rd Sunday of Advent we light our pink candle highlighting our anticipation of experiencing this love anew in our hearts. Join us for the love fest!
Our musician is Gabriel.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop!Claire and Lezlie have coordinated a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. We will wrap this Sunday, December 12th, while you enjoy the Sunday Service. Please arrive no later than 10:15 am if you are bringing gifts to be wrapped so we can get you checked in.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply to the gift upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 6 for $20.
A few weeks ago, while washing dishes and looking out the kitchen window, I saw a delivery van pull into the driveway and watched the driver hop out to deliver a box to the porch. As he returned to the van, a bicyclist rushed into the driveway and this fellow was hot with anger. I couldn’t hear anything that was said, but watched as the two men went nose to nose, assuming threatening poses like two bantham roosters.
As best I could, I remained in a neutral state. I surmised that the driver and bicyclist had come to a near miss moments before and the bicyclist did not want to just let it go. I recognized both men were in fear—the bicyclist still shaking from the danger of the near miss and the driver feeling attacked and defensive. I began beaming love from my heart center, affirming the divinity of each man. The angry exchange continued and so did I. Within minutes the situation de-escalated. I could see the men were listening to each other. The gestures stopped and the posturing diminished. Soon the bicyclist rode away and the van driver got into his vehicle and calmly backed out of the drive.
I watched all this in wonder but after it was over the doubts streamed in. Could I really believe I had any impact on the situation? Part of me was sure of it. Part of me laughed at the thought. I asked Spirit for a confirmation if I had, indeed, had anything to do with the resolution of the conflict. The confirmation came that afternoon when I came across a Suzanne Giesemann YouTube video titled, Does Radiating Love Make a Difference? In that video she describes an experience in a store when an angry customer began shouting and what happened as she silently beamed love to him. Wow! Check out her video…it’s a great story!
Let us bless the world around us by radiating Love everywhere we go. It is a service this world needs! Perhaps it will be the greatest gift we give this season.
Claire Palmerino
BOT President
Fresh from his relaxing vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Rev. Jerry returned to host another very interesting Spiritual Exploration session last Tuesday at 10am. It was so interesting we didn't get very far into the material and consequentially the presentation continues next Tuesday. Please join us if you can. Does your nervous system feel like it has been cranked up to high doh? Has living in the time of pandemic gotten really gotten old and worn you down? Then join us for a state of the art audio presentation on the three modes of our nervous system and how to regulate it a little better with this helpful information. This is such good information and promotes great conversation as well!
Join us for week 2, December 14th!
Our December Volunteer of the Month is Catherine Arbini. If you’ve stopped in at the center during the week, you have probably seen her smiling face and dirt-covered hands planting flowers somewhere.
Catherine has been attending UGC for four years now and is an official member. Her desire to find others who have beliefs similar to her own is what drew her to Unity. She was yearning to grow spiritually, to Feel Spirit within.
Unity feels like home to her. She enjoys the people, the classes, the services, pretty much everything!
Wherever there are flowers at Unity, you can pretty much assume Catherine is close by. It’s almost like every print of her footstep turns into a blooming flower. She also makes delicious cookies for after the service. In addition, Catherine has also sung in our choir. In fact, if you ever feel just a bit down sometime when you are at a Sunday service, all you have to do is look at Catherine when she’s singing. It’s like Spirit takes over and joy flows through her. Her entire being glows.
Catherine says that Unity has changed her life by constantly encouraging her to Open her Heart, and affirm the belief that she is loved and deserving of happiness and peace in her life.
You are loved, deserving, and appreciated!
Thank you for all you do, Catherine.
You, dear friends, provided so generously to our food collection for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Larry Homan hauled 5 loads of food for the month of November. Let's keep our flow of giving nourishment open, as we collect for the Interfaith Food Ministry. We are so grateful for your loving hearts.
For the month of December we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Interfaith Food Ministry. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
We believe in a community where no one should feel the hurt of hunger.
We work to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County.
December Birthdays
Wayne Stidham 12/3
Judith Lorraine Christenson 12/3
Carol Fuller 12/6
Rob Cairns 12/7
Bill Spoto 12/8
Kristin Verducci 12/12
Jodi Benson 12/12
David Kyle 12/17
A Nigerian musician, Davido, asked his friends and fans on Twitter to send him money for his birthday. Then he surprised them by donating the money to orphanages across Africa. He raised $485,000 and added $120,000 of his own money. Davido plans to raise funds every year for his birthday. “I hope my friends, fans, and the public will continue this with me.”
“The ripple effect can extend out to two and three degrees of separation. In other words, if you are kind and compassionate, your friends, your friends' friends', and even your friends' friends' friends' are more likely to be kind and compassionate.” - Nicholas Christakis, The Book of Joy
Affirmative prayer: I am in rhythm with the Divine Creator and, because there is only one Life, everyone in my orbit is also in sync with this Infinite Love-Intelligence. That being so, the prayers, giving, and compassionate acts of each of us is magnified by our collective energy. Life is good. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
A member of our congregation, Susan Cope, is asking for our help in finding her some care giver help for her adult disabled daughter. She is looking for someone to join her team of companion/care givers who work 24 hour daily shifts. These are rotating shifts of possibly two days a week, or two days a month, or being an “on call” backup member of the team. Lots of various options. Her daughter, Stephani, is in a wheelchair, however is able to transfer herself from chair to bed for example. The care giver cooks her meals, does her laundry and light housekeeping. She assists with her bathing, dressing, grooming, medications, and the activities of daily life. Stephani is bright and conversational and loves to go thrift store shopping. Current care givers have been using the Wi-Fi and their free time to do college coursework or home business work.
If you would like to know more about this position, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Susan directly at susanckk@att.net or 530-277-6997.

Ok, there are lots of things that say Merry Christmas, but few are so delicious! We are selling freshly made, handcrafted caramel corn made by the Lions Club. We're practically your exclusive headquarters for this wonderful treat. Hurry in to our bookstore for the gift everyone will love. $8 per bag is such a good deal, the Wise Men would suggest using the "one for me, one for you" gift buying motto.
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, the next meeting to be on January 6th. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - December 2021
Credit card tithes ______________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________3,054.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 633.52
Bookstore ____________________ 378.00
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________
Misc. _________________________
December to date: $4,815.52
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
Next Sunday, December 19th! From 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Please bring a wrapped gift per person attending; gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Bring your favorite tea bag and cup
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for December:
Life - Life is the infinite endowment of God, and eternal life is happening now.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
December 5, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The 2nd Sunday of Advent
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
All of the biblical characters are meant to be archetypes for us to identify with. The pregnant Mary asks us to consider what we are birthing. This Sunday we focus on the mystical womb that each one of us is, and we ponder the possibilities of what the divine wishes to give birth to in us individually and collectively.
Our musician is Kellie Garmire.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Be on the lookout for a special email this coming week from Claire, our BOT president, regarding the collecting of gifts for our Spiritual Center's wonderful staff.
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop!Claire and Lezlie have coordinated a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. We will wrap this Sunday, December 5th, while you enjoy the Sunday Service. Please arrive no later than 10:15 am if you are bringing gifts to be wrapped so we can get you checked in. Our first Wrapshop was on Wednesday, December 1st and our wrappers were Claire, Angela, Yvonne and Rosie. They had a great time and the gifts were so beautifully wrapped.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply to the gift upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 6 for $20.
The Invitation
Christmas time is when I recall Micky most clearly. She had such a gift for extending Love and Light. But that isn’t all. Micky had the amazing and rare gift of extending an actual invitation. Usually, about two weeks before Christmas, she would come and find me. Then she would look into my eyes expectantly and ask if I would come to her Christmas party. The she asked was delightful. She would say slowly in her warm Micky way, “Cathy Lee, I want you to come to my Christmas party”. She would emphasize YOU. Mickey did this for many years. I declined her invitation each time because it was Christmas time, and I was the only piano player available in the small fishing village of San Felipe. They did not have an organization like Music in the Mountains to see to the music instruction of the children. Nevertheless, each Christmas Micky would still find me and extend a personal invitation to her party. She did not take it personally or feel rejected that I could not attend. Micky would continue to invite me every year. Years passed and she grew even older and became sick, yet still she came and found me and asked expectantly, “Cathy Lee, will you come to my Christmas party?” “Yes”, I said, “yes”, and I did. I went to her home. Micky opened the door wide and when I stepped inside, I was immediately flooded with gratitude for all her love and light, and especially her invitation each year at Christmas time.
Good, beautiful, and true,
Cathy Lee
Fresh from his relaxing vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Rev. Jerry returns to host another very interesting Spiritual Exploration session this Tuesday at 10am. Does your nervous system feel like it has been cranked up to high doh? Has living in the time of pandemic gotten really gotten old and worn you down? Then join us for a state of the art audio presentation on the three modes of our nervous system and how to regulate it a little better with this helpful information.
Our December Volunteer of the Month is Catherine Arbini. If you’ve stopped in at the center during the week, you have probably seen her smiling face and dirt-covered hands planting flowers somewhere.
Catherine has been attending UGC for four years now and is an official member. Her desire to find others who have beliefs similar to her own is what drew her to Unity. She was yearning to grow spiritually, to Feel Spirit within.
Unity feels like home to her. She enjoys the people, the classes, the services, pretty much everything!
Wherever there are flowers at Unity, you can pretty much assume Catherine is close by. It’s almost like every print of her footstep turns into a blooming flower. She also makes delicious cookies for after the service. In addition, Catherine has also sung in our choir. In fact, if you ever feel just a bit down sometime when you are at a Sunday service, all you have to do is look at Catherine when she’s singing. It’s like Spirit takes over and joy flows through her. Her entire being glows.
Catherine says that Unity has changed her life by constantly encouraging her to Open her Heart, and affirm the belief that she is loved and deserving of happiness and peace in her life.
You are loved, deserving, and appreciated!
Thank you for all you do, Catherine.
You, dear friends, provided so generously to our food collection for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Larry Homan hauled 5 loads of food for the month of November. Let's keep our flow of giving nourishment open as we collect for the Interfaith Food Ministry. We are so grateful for your loving hearts.
For the month of December we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Interfaith Food Ministry. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
We believe in a community where no one should feel the hurt of hunger.
We work to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County.
December Birthdays
Wayne Stidham 12/3
Judith Lorraine Christenson 12/3
Carol Fuller 12/6
Rob Cairns 12/7
Bill Spoto 12/8
Kristin Verducci 12/12
Jodi Benson 12/12
David Kyle 12/17
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is spawning in an explosion of new life and color as the natural wonder recovers from life-threatening coral bleaching caused by warming sea temperatures. “Seeing the reef’s recovery is a demonstration that its ecological functions are strong,” said Marine scientist Gareth Phillips. “The reef has gone through its own troubles like we all have, but it can still respond – and that gives us hope.”
“When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways: either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength.”
- the Dalai Lama
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, today, I find the resolve and strength that puts me on a path of a great healing. By my faith, thoughts, and prayers, I adopt an energizing consciousness that restores body and soul. I pray this for myself and for other souls on this journey. This prayer wraps us all in love and empowerment, and it is answered before I utter it. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Ok, there are lots of things that say Merry Christmas, but few are so delicious! We are selling freshly made, handcrafted caramel corn made by the Lions Club. We're practically your exclusive headquarters for this wonderful treat. Hurry in to our bookstore for the gift everyone will love. $8 per bag is such a good deal, the Wise Men would suggest using the "one for me, one for you" gift buying motto.

How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,191.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 8,278.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 734.36
Bookstore ____________________ 524.38
Change 4 Change_______________ 26.20
Facilities Use __________________ 300.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November final: $13,112.26
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Please bring a wrapped gift per person attending; gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Bring your favorite tea bag and cup
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for December:
Life - Life is the infinite endowment of God, and eternal life is happening now.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 28, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The first day of Advent
with Patricia Haller, LUT
This Sunday, November 28th, begins the Season of Advent. Instead of our usual weekly Advent discussions of Hope/Faith, Peace, Love and Joy, we will be adding to those Spiritual qualities with messages from an article by Luke Healy, "Discovering Your Mystical Body." In this work, Mr. Healy is sharing with us that it is time for us to embrace and cultivate our embodied, mystical being that lives in these bodies.
He states, "This is taking embodiment to the next level of development. It is a crucial component to integrate in our spiritual life. Our mystical body encompasses both the subtle and the causal. We need to live in and as both for a healthy and integrated spiritual being, to dwell holistically in our mystical body. Coming into our mystical bodies is most easily and naturally accessed through four main centers of spiritual awareness: Feet, Womb, Heart and Head.
So how do we do that? How do we integrate our experienced reality into a more embodied mystical spirituality?
Join us this Sunday as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, begins our Season of Advent by combining the Spiritual quality of Hope/Faith with how our feet play a role in our living within our Mystical Body.
Our musicians are Gabriel and Angela.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This is a great time of year to think about everything we are grateful for. So much goodness is happening in the world right now, but it's also a really busy time of celebration. It's easy to forget to take the time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for. We have made some booklets that are available at Unity for you to use to record your blessings. Pick yours up this Sunday! Some people find that when they record their feelings of gratitude with friends who are also recording feelings of gratitude, that the blessings grow exponentially. Please share them!
Thanksgiving…that’s what this week is all about. Gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But wait, just the good things? Well, it is, isn’t it? To answer that question, we can go to the Bible. Thessalonians 5.18 says…” In everything give thanks…”
Everything? Everything??? Does that mean that I can be grateful for the fact that my amazing, loving husband Greg died, and I am experiencing incredible grief?
Whoa. Really? Yes.
In the book of Romans, we read the apostle Paul’s words…” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called, according to His purpose.” 8.28
He doesn’t say some things, or the good things, or just the things we like. He says all things. ALL THINGS.
In Unity we know that we are some of “the called”. We are called to His purpose. We are called to Her purpose. God’s purpose, Goddess’s purpose, Christ’s purpose, Buddha’s purpose, Krishna’s purpose…whatever you want to call it, it is our purpose.
Our purpose is to trust and know that God means ALL THINGS for good, and we can truly give thanks for all things because we are called to this higher purpose. We Know that Life is The Mystery that we can Trust. It is why we live. It is why we are here.
I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and gratitude for all things, my wonderful Unity friends.
Patricia Plank
BOT Secretary
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm.
Details: we will have a great variety of paper for you to choose from. You will fill out the gift tags which we will apply upon completion. BYOB: bring your own boxes. Suggested donation: $5 per gift or 5 for $20.
On Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
Our guest speaker this past Sunday was Nanci Shandera speaking on gratitude. During her talk the internet went down at the 42 minute mark, then all settings needed to be re-done when it came back up so it doesn't resume with video and audio until about the 45 minute mark. Her talk was so wonderful and I encourage you to see it through the technical issues!
Dr. Nanci also has two books, Your Inner Gold, and The Quilt, for sale in our bookstore along with a meditation cd. Enjoy her talk on Youtube, then come on in and purchase!
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the birth of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin term, "adventus," meaning "arrival" or "coming." The four Sundays preceding Christmas are recognized for four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and peace.
"In this sacred season of Advent, we remember and celebrate the gift of Divine Love who leapt from the Holy Womb into the heart of humanity. This Loving Presence became for us a source of hope, compassion, and courage. This Love Incarnate came as a Light radiating compassion, a Torch bearing truth, A Beacon offering guidance."
- Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Our Altar Team, those who make our Sunday altar so beautiful each week, will begin decorating our Center for Christmas on Wednesday, December 1st, at 10 am. YOU are invited to come help! We have plenty of decorations, we just need your helping hands!
Please join us on 12/1 at 10 am. We will have coffee, muffins, and Christmas music to keep you fueled up and inspired!
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 21, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
Dr. Nanci Shanderá is a transformational-transperceptive teacher, specializing in a mystic approach to dream work, guided imagery, symbology, pre-birth Soul agreements, and the expressive arts. As a minister, she was a dean for the United Church of Religious Science’s Ernest Holmes College School of Ministry, and holds degrees in Transformative Studies and Education, and is Director-Minister of EarthSpirit Center in Nevada City, CA. She is the author of Your Inner Gold: Transforming Your Life and Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose and The Quilt: A Woman’s Journey to Power, and has written for magazines such as Shaman’s Drum and Science of Mind.
Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
When I was young, I was more than fascinated with science, especially biology. Then one day someone told me that: “science kills God”. How can that be I wondered? Is there really no room for God in science? I struggled with those three words for years.
Louis Pasteur said, “A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer”. I felt that in my body recently. My family and I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium a few weeks ago. I passed the window of the plate-sized, nearly transparent Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata), with not too much of a second glance as I have seen them a “million” times while scuba diving, in the surf, or washed up on the beach. However, the next display stopped me cold and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. A docent was projecting a microscope showing a few drops of sea water that contained thousands of “baby” Moon Jellies pulsating and actively eating zooplankton. I must have had “that look” because Julie asked me what was on my mind? Well, it hit me like a lightening bolt. Science doesn’t kill God. I just witnessed an expansion, albeit microscopic, of how I see God. I believe that science reveals and helps us see God, and that science and religion are two sides of the same coin. It occurred to me what a miracle this cycle really is…from microscopic organisms to full beings participating in the circle of life on this planet. The answer comes to me when I am with nature…how could something so miraculous and beautiful exist without God? Fortunately I have many scientists on my side. Albert Einstein wrote, “The more I study science, the more I believe in God”. Me too, Al….me too!
In peace and love,
Kurtis Zumwalt
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie ASAP to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm. We may be ironing out some details with our first Wrapshop, please join us in the fun!
On Tuesday, 11/23 and Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. We all know what an amazing person Marlene is and anyone attending these two meditation sessions are in for a treat. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season. If we can get the donations in by November 16th that would really help with distribution for Thanksgiving.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Pictures from our November gathering!
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
“Deep within us is an amazing sanctuary of the soul, a Divine center to which we may return. Eternity is at our hearts, calling us home unto Itself. It is a Light within which illumines the face of God.” - Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
Affirmative prayer: I recognize the presence of Infinite Life within me and in everyone. I am forever at home in the heart of the Universe, resting in contentment, moving in inspiration, and abiding with others on our shared journey. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 21, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
Dr. Nanci Shanderá is a transformational-transperceptive teacher, specializing in a mystic approach to dream work, guided imagery, symbology, pre-birth Soul agreements, and the expressive arts. As a minister, she was a dean for the United Church of Religious Science’s Ernest Holmes College School of Ministry, and holds degrees in Transformative Studies and Education, and is Director-Minister of EarthSpirit Center in Nevada City, CA. She is the author of Your Inner Gold: Transforming Your Life and Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose and The Quilt: A Woman’s Journey to Power, and has written for magazines such as Shaman’s Drum and Science of Mind.
Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
When I was young, I was more than fascinated with science, especially biology. Then one day someone told me that: “science kills God”. How can that be I wondered? Is there really no room for God in science? I struggled with those three words for years.
Louis Pasteur said, “A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer”. I felt that in my body recently. My family and I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium a few weeks ago. I passed the window of the plate-sized, nearly transparent Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata), with not too much of a second glance as I have seen them a “million” times while scuba diving, in the surf, or washed up on the beach. However, the next display stopped me cold and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. A docent was projecting a microscope showing a few drops of sea water that contained thousands of “baby” Moon Jellies pulsating and actively eating zooplankton. I must have had “that look” because Julie asked me what was on my mind? Well, it hit me like a lightening bolt. Science doesn’t kill God. I just witnessed an expansion, albeit microscopic, of how I see God. I believe that science reveals and helps us see God, and that science and religion are two sides of the same coin. It occurred to me what a miracle this cycle really is…from microscopic organisms to full beings participating in the circle of life on this planet. The answer comes to me when I am with nature…how could something so miraculous and beautiful exist without God? Fortunately I have many scientists on my side. Albert Einstein wrote, “The more I study science, the more I believe in God”. Me too, Al….me too!
In peace and love,
Kurtis Zumwalt
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie ASAP to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm. We may be ironing out some details with our first Wrapshop, please join us in the fun!
On Tuesday, 11/23 and Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. We all know what an amazing person Marlene is and anyone attending these two meditation sessions are in for a treat. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season. If we can get the donations in by November 16th that would really help with distribution for Thanksgiving.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Pictures from our November gathering!
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
“Deep within us is an amazing sanctuary of the soul, a Divine center to which we may return. Eternity is at our hearts, calling us home unto Itself. It is a Light within which illumines the face of God.” - Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
Affirmative prayer: I recognize the presence of Infinite Life within me and in everyone. I am forever at home in the heart of the Universe, resting in contentment, moving in inspiration, and abiding with others on our shared journey. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 21, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
Dr. Nanci Shanderá is a transformational-transperceptive teacher, specializing in a mystic approach to dream work, guided imagery, symbology, pre-birth Soul agreements, and the expressive arts. As a minister, she was a dean for the United Church of Religious Science’s Ernest Holmes College School of Ministry, and holds degrees in Transformative Studies and Education, and is Director-Minister of EarthSpirit Center in Nevada City, CA. She is the author of Your Inner Gold: Transforming Your Life and Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose and The Quilt: A Woman’s Journey to Power, and has written for magazines such as Shaman’s Drum and Science of Mind.
Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
When I was young, I was more than fascinated with science, especially biology. Then one day someone told me that: “science kills God”. How can that be I wondered? Is there really no room for God in science? I struggled with those three words for years.
Louis Pasteur said, “A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer”. I felt that in my body recently. My family and I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium a few weeks ago. I passed the window of the plate-sized, nearly transparent Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata), with not too much of a second glance as I have seen them a “million” times while scuba diving, in the surf, or washed up on the beach. However, the next display stopped me cold and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. A docent was projecting a microscope showing a few drops of sea water that contained thousands of “baby” Moon Jellies pulsating and actively eating zooplankton. I must have had “that look” because Julie asked me what was on my mind? Well, it hit me like a lightening bolt. Science doesn’t kill God. I just witnessed an expansion, albeit microscopic, of how I see God. I believe that science reveals and helps us see God, and that science and religion are two sides of the same coin. It occurred to me what a miracle this cycle really is…from microscopic organisms to full beings participating in the circle of life on this planet. The answer comes to me when I am with nature…how could something so miraculous and beautiful exist without God? Fortunately I have many scientists on my side. Albert Einstein wrote, “The more I study science, the more I believe in God”. Me too, Al….me too!
In peace and love,
Kurtis Zumwalt
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie ASAP to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm. We may be ironing out some details with our first Wrapshop, please join us in the fun!
On Tuesday, 11/23 and Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. We all know what an amazing person Marlene is and anyone attending these two meditation sessions are in for a treat. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season. If we can get the donations in by November 16th that would really help with distribution for Thanksgiving.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Pictures from our November gathering!
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
“Deep within us is an amazing sanctuary of the soul, a Divine center to which we may return. Eternity is at our hearts, calling us home unto Itself. It is a Light within which illumines the face of God.” - Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
Affirmative prayer: I recognize the presence of Infinite Life within me and in everyone. I am forever at home in the heart of the Universe, resting in contentment, moving in inspiration, and abiding with others on our shared journey. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 21, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
Dr. Nanci Shanderá is a transformational-transperceptive teacher, specializing in a mystic approach to dream work, guided imagery, symbology, pre-birth Soul agreements, and the expressive arts. As a minister, she was a dean for the United Church of Religious Science’s Ernest Holmes College School of Ministry, and holds degrees in Transformative Studies and Education, and is Director-Minister of EarthSpirit Center in Nevada City, CA. She is the author of Your Inner Gold: Transforming Your Life and Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose and The Quilt: A Woman’s Journey to Power, and has written for magazines such as Shaman’s Drum and Science of Mind.
Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
When I was young, I was more than fascinated with science, especially biology. Then one day someone told me that: “science kills God”. How can that be I wondered? Is there really no room for God in science? I struggled with those three words for years.
Louis Pasteur said, “A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer”. I felt that in my body recently. My family and I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium a few weeks ago. I passed the window of the plate-sized, nearly transparent Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata), with not too much of a second glance as I have seen them a “million” times while scuba diving, in the surf, or washed up on the beach. However, the next display stopped me cold and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. A docent was projecting a microscope showing a few drops of sea water that contained thousands of “baby” Moon Jellies pulsating and actively eating zooplankton. I must have had “that look” because Julie asked me what was on my mind? Well, it hit me like a lightening bolt. Science doesn’t kill God. I just witnessed an expansion, albeit microscopic, of how I see God. I believe that science reveals and helps us see God, and that science and religion are two sides of the same coin. It occurred to me what a miracle this cycle really is…from microscopic organisms to full beings participating in the circle of life on this planet. The answer comes to me when I am with nature…how could something so miraculous and beautiful exist without God? Fortunately I have many scientists on my side. Albert Einstein wrote, “The more I study science, the more I believe in God”. Me too, Al….me too!
In peace and love,
Kurtis Zumwalt
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie ASAP to volunteer - 530-274-2463. Our first Wrapshop will be on Wednesday, December 1st from 10 am - 1 pm. We may be ironing out some details with our first Wrapshop, please join us in the fun!
On Tuesday, 11/23 and Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. We all know what an amazing person Marlene is and anyone attending these two meditation sessions are in for a treat. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season. If we can get the donations in by November 16th that would really help with distribution for Thanksgiving.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Christmas Carol leaders will be Catherine Arbini and Ann Marie Jaggi. Family and friends are welcome, please bring a gift per person attending. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift. Gifts should be $5 or less . . . visit our local thrift stores, craft a gift, or re-gift!
Sunday, January 16, 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday, February 13, 2:00-4:00
We will have a people’s library.
Instead of checking out a book,
we will check out a person to hear
her inspiring story.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Pictures from our November gathering!
How do you uncover gratitude during the grieving process? Grief is a universal experience, and we will each suffer the loss of loved ones. However, we may not always know how to process it.
During this two-hour conversation, you’ll hear from authors, ministers, and teachers about their own experiences of grief and how they embraced the gift and even found humor in the grieving process.
This special event is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. (CT).
Register on Eventbrite and invite a friend to join you.
We hope to see you there.
Your Friends at Unity Worldwide Ministries
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,151.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 3,876.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 686.60
Bookstore ____________________ 343.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________ 150.00
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date: $8,265.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
“Deep within us is an amazing sanctuary of the soul, a Divine center to which we may return. Eternity is at our hearts, calling us home unto Itself. It is a Light within which illumines the face of God.” - Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
Affirmative prayer: I recognize the presence of Infinite Life within me and in everyone. I am forever at home in the heart of the Universe, resting in contentment, moving in inspiration, and abiding with others on our shared journey. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt

November 14, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
Happy Veterans Day - with deep gratitude, we honor all who served.
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Generally we can only have our focus on one thing at any given time. Practically that means we often are so flooded with the personal self that we don't experience our expanded Self. This week Rev. Jerry looks at how we might open more to the latter while embracing the former, while relaying his own personal experience.
Our musician is Kellie Garmire.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
This week we have been reading about creating happiness in “The Untethered Soul.” Michael Singer’s solution is to “Just do it.” We each have a choice, every moment of our lives in how we’re going to live. Will we play the roll of victim? the one who suffers? or will we choose another path? While I appreciate most of Michael Singer’s ideas, I often find myself disagreeing with his method of communicating. For one, I don’t want “to just do it.” I don’t want to always choose happiness. I do want to always be aware of divine joy and aspire to find that in every breath I take, but “happiness” feels so on the surface to me. I want to allow myself the opportunity to sometimes fall into pain or despair, so that I can reach deep inside and feel God’s love always holding me, always ready to reach out and help me back on my feet. It is through pain and despair in the moment, that we find compassion and tenderness for others and ourselves. I’m not talking about wallowing in something or seeking the opportunity to suffer. I’m talking about knowing universal pain and then in God’s arms, transcending it. Even in a moment when I may not “feel” God right there, with me, I know it’s just because my vision has gotten cloudy for a moment. God is always with me, because GOD IS – just because. And I never need to worry or wonder about it; neither do you.
In peace and love,
UGC will be your full service Santa's Wrapshop! Claire and Lezlie are coordinating a gift wrapping service for all your holiday wrapping needs. Our plan is to make it festive and fun. We will wrap while you wait (or run your errands and return), in a room filled with Christmas music, snacks, fun and love. We need a few fellow wrappers - please call Lezlie ASAP to volunteer - 530-274-2463. We want to get this going in the first week of December. There are still plans to be made and details to be nailed down. More to come!
On Tuesday, 11/23 and Tuesday, 11/30, Marlene Bottenfield will be our facilitator, focusing on the depth and expansiveness of meditation. Be sure to join us on Zoom at 10 am for this very special experience. We all know what an amazing person Marlene is and anyone attending these two meditation sessions are in for a treat. She is planning on doing a series on meditation in the New Year, so you might want to whet your appetite with these two sessions.
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season. If we can get the donations in by November 16th that would really help with distribution for Thanksgiving.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday November 14 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for Inspiring Stories by Inspiring Women. Come and relax and refresh with us. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday December 19 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift
Sunday January 16 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
Our first road crew clean up took place last Saturday. We are so grateful for our awesome team! They collected 5 huge bags of debris, and have come up with solutions for the non-hazardous, but not "bagable" stuff. Keeping our little stretch of Brunswick between Greenhorn Rd. and the Y Hwy 174 looking good! Scroll down for more pictures!
Our Volunteers of the Month for November and Julie Zumwalt and Sharon Rolph. They are both UGC Charter Members belonging to our spiritual community for 21 years now! Wow, has time flown by!!!!
Sharon and Julie came to UGC with a longing for a spiritual community which aligned their personal beliefs and faith. When they found UGC, they knew they were at "home." They had been learning the Unity Universal Principles for years and years and had been students of The Daily Word forever :)
They keep attending and contributing to UGC because belonging to a spiritual community gives them strength and helps keep them connected to a unity consciousness. They love that they keep on learning, reconnecting, and belonging. As Julie stated, “There is no greater experience than having our spiritual community in our "corner," praying for our greatest good and surrounding us with love and light. We can't imagine not having that!”
Sharon has volunteered as the UGC ambassador to Habitat for Humanity for about 15+- years providing a monthly lunch. As a retired registered and public health nurse, she has also helped our community stay healthy by monitoring blood pressures monthly for, well...we can't remember how long! She has also contributed food for the Sunday fellowship after church and volunteered with the yard work. She has probably purchased every book ever studied and participated in every class as well!
Julie helped charter the Mini Kids room and has volunteered in the Youth Ministry for about 20 years, up until Covid. She has volunteered as Platform Assistant for 18+-years and was on the Board of Trustees for 6 years, serving as secretary and vice-president. Julie worked as Rev. Joe's assistant for a couple of years and still feels so blessed to have been a participant in the very first chaplaincy training and women's group meetings. In the early days of UGC, Julie volunteered and held just about every position including one memorable Sunday when Revs Joe and Jerry were absent and Patricia had food poisoning, so Julie led and held service.
Unity has enriched and changed their lives beyond measure and beyond words. They have both grown spiritually and as humans. Their lives are led by gratitude because of UGC and they know, no matter what the question, the answer is always love.
Thank you for all you do, Sharon and Julie!
Are you interested in joining an in-person ACIM group? Lyn Sloan is starting ACIM meetings on a once a month basis (unless the group decides to meet more frequently), here at UGC. The group will meet on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, starting on Thursday, December 2nd. If you have any questions you are welcome to call Lyn at 530-888-1995 (home), or 530-277-4695 (cell).
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - November 2021
Credit card tithes ______________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 2,896.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 590.58
Bookstore ____________________ 243.38
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________ 10.00
Misc. _________________________ 48.32
November to date:$4,538.28
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
We have 5 people who have volunteered to help decorate UGC for Christmas. Join in the merriment! Contact Lezlie, 530-274-2463, if you would like to help! December 7th at 2 pm is slated to be the decorating time.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
Veterans Day
“Whenever the world makes you cynical; whenever you seek true humility and true selflessness, look to a veteran.” – Barack Obama
"So much that is good in this Nation depends on the unknown actions of humble men and women who understand the importance of duty, done without public recognition or the blare of trumpets. The strength of our Nation lies in our willingness to do what we must, each of us each day, wherever may lie our particular duty." - Jimmy Carter
"We observe Veterans Day on an anniversary -- not of a great battle or of the beginning of a war, but of a day when war ended and our nation was again at peace. Ever since the Armistice of November the 11th,1918 , this has been a day to remember our debt to all who have worn the uniform of the United States."
- George W. Bush
"Too often when we speak of sacrifice, we speak in generalities about the larger sweep of history, and the sum total of our nation's experience. But it is very important to remember that every single veteran's life we honor today was just that -- a life -- just like yours and mine. A life with family and friends, and love and hopes and dreams, and ups and downs; a life that should have been able to play its full course." – Bill Clinton
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Click here for a lovely video on the power of release!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
November 7, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
We have a lot of resistance don't we to the idea that we can be happy always and in all circumstances. Yet, Singer asserts that to make a commitment to being happy no matter what is not just a way to find peace but a way to become enlightened. This week we discuss how we might make this a part of our spiritual practice.
Our musician is Kellie Garmire.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
The colorful leaves, nourishing rain and cooler days all signal the changing season. I can lament the end of summer or I can embrace the change for the things it brings that are so necessary, including a sense of renewal as the rains start to make an impact on fires and the drought. In the same way I need to embrace change in my life . I need to understand that change is part of God's infinite universe and I am also a part of it.
With love , Dave
For the month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank of Nevada County. Let us bless and nourish our community through the holiday season.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
November Birthdays
Maureen Sousa 11/4
Karen Wyeth 11/8
Dave Beatty 11/9
Karen Oakley 11/11
Carole Morse 11/15
Jay Palmerino 11/21
Mae Kiser 11/23
Ann Somervell 11/23
Lyn Sloan 11/25
Patricia Plank 11/27
Sunday November 14 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for Inspiring Stories by Inspiring Women. Come and relax and refresh with us. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday December 19 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift
Sunday January 16 2:00-4:00
In the Living room/sanctuary. We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
The "adoption" process is complete and UGC is now the proud guardians of a stretch of Brunswick Road! Our first clean up day is this Saturday, November 6th. For all who signed up - Mark your calendars we'll meet here at UGC at 9:45 am.
Meditation with Carolyn Homan
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - October 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,166.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 9,096.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 805.29
Bookstore ____________________ 487.75
Change 4 Change_______________ 87.26
Facilities Use __________________355.00
Classes _______________________64.00
Misc. _________________________
October Final: $14,061.30
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
We upgraded earlier this year and since then Marlene has been keeping it updated and adding many interactive elements! You may check our calendar, listen to a meditation, stay updated on our events and classes. Familiarize yourself with our website so that you can send your friends and acquaintances there! It's a great place for folks to learn more about us. It's an easy way to sign up to receive our weekly e-bulletin or submit a prayer request.
The Food Bank of Nevada County, a non-profit organization, was established in 1986 to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Nevada County.
Their mission:
"The Food Bank of Nevada County procures nutritious food and distributes it to individuals and families in need"
Their vision:
"No one in Nevada County, who is willing to reach out, shall go hungry."
“A daily practice for keeping the Life Force flowing: take a walk for the purpose of blessing people. That's all. Everyone you encounter, bless them. As you do this, you become energized because you’ve been letting God's energy flow through you.”– Evan Hodkins
“We are never more like God than when we are giving selflessly to others. Because God created us to live in this way, we seldom feel more alive and joyful than when we are serving, blessing, and helping someone else. This is grace.” – Adam Hamilton, Revival
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I show my heart and face to the world, to my family, friends, my community. Through my presence, I share with others the very best that I know this life to be about. Love, communion, natural treasures, and the essence of the One are the blessings of this day, the blessings of our lives. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for November:
Release—Whatever I release
will bless me.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
October 31, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Rev. Barbara Walley
We are in Week 5 of our 7 Week Fall Program. "I am not my thoughts nor my emotions." Join Rev. Barbara as we explore this and more thought provoking, challenging concepts.
Our musician is Drew Tousley.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
We will be starting our food drive on November 1st so start collecting non-perishable food for our collection barrels! We will be collecting food through November and December for the Food Bank of Nevada County and the Interfaith Food Bank respectively.
If your birthday has fallen in January through October you have received a birthday card handwritten by Julie Zumwalt and Sharon Rolph. Julie and Sharon (daughter and mom team) asked if they could take on this task and we very gratefully accepted! They truly treat it as a labor of love and if you have received a birthday card, you know this is true. They say they enjoy giving you all this thoughtful gesture. I say we are so blessed by their generous hearts. Thank you so much dear Julie and Sharon!
This week the Unity region that we are in - West Central Region - had its annual gathering on zoom. We had presentations from Jim Blake from Unity World Headquarters and from Chad Groveland from Unity Worldwide Ministries. Exciting things are happening back at Unity Village, both in terms of the place itself and the renewal of the organization. I invite you to check out the video link HERE to become up to date with everything that is new in Unity circles. There is even a new product line with Christmas cards and t-shirts.
October Birthdays
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Jan Roth 10/31
The start of our Fall 7-Week Program began on Sunday, October 3rd!
Our study book will be The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Many of you may already own a copy. Rev. Jerry put together a study guide for our small groups and there is special link in our website.
You are welcome to join us online for our Tuesday morning Zoom group!
Do you need lots of firewood for your home, or maybe just a small amount for a camping trip? Cliff and Marlene are offering pine and fir, already cut. They have 5-6 cords available and you are welcome to whatever amount you may need - free - but you are picking it up, loading and transporting it yourself!
Call Lezlie for information 530-274-2463
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance.
November 4th
1st Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(Sign up with Lezlie, ugcassistant@gmail.com by Wednesday morning, the day before. Nanci will
email the Zoom link to you Wednesday afternoon on Wednesday, the day before.)
The "adoption" process is complete and UGC is now the proud guardians of a stretch of Brunswick Road! We will be picking up all of the equipment next week and want to schedule our first clean up day forSaturday, November 6th. For all who signed up - Mark your calendars we'll meet here at UGC at 10 am.
Meditation with Carolyn Homan
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - October 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,166.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 7,575.00
Paypal tithes _________________ 805.29
Bookstore ____________________ 340.00
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________250.00
Classes _______________________64.00
Misc. _________________________
October to date: $12,200.29
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
We upgraded earlier this year and since then Marlene has been keeping it updated and adding many interactive elements! You may check our calendar, listen to a meditation, stay updated on our events and classes. Familiarize yourself with our website so that you can send your friends and acquaintances there! It's a great place for folks to learn more about us. It's an easy way to sign up to receive our weekly e-bulletin or submit a prayer request.
Nanci Shandera has about 10-12 tree rounds, all are about 15-18” wide and about a foot or more high. They are perfect for garden seats or decor. She also has several logs about 6” diameter that PG&E cut last year. They range from 3-6’ and would best be used for garden banks or firewood. All free to good home! Also great for arts and crafts, Kurtis Zumwalt! Please call Lezlie, 530-274-2463, if you're interested.
Sunday November 14 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
Join us for Inspiring Stories by Inspiring Women. Come and relax and refresh with us. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday December 19 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game.
Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift
Sunday January 16 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
So timely during this time of wildfires, our Change 4 Change recipient for September and October is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release. For over 35 years, WR&R has provided a valuable service by caring for injured and orphaned wildlife within Nevada County and surrounding areas of the foothills.
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife. Each year our team returns to the wild over 100 different species of native wildlife, including mammals, bats, songbirds, and raptors.
As a non-profit, we are completely funded by our volunteers and from generous individuals.
All change dropped in the basket on Sunday will go to Wildlife Rehabilitation. You are welcome to drop change off during the week as well!
Grey whales are one of the longest-lived mammals. The secret to their long lives? The presence of stress-resistant genes in their DNA, according to scientists at the Institute of Biochemistry. “It is stress resistance that protects most long-lived animals from cancer,” says Dr. Dmitri Toren of the institute.
“When you find yourself worrying about something or feeling stressed, stop for a moment and shift your attention to God. Remember that the Divine is with you and you have the capacity to tap into a reservoir of Infinite Intelligence. With God, all things are possible.” – Scott Awbrey
Affirmative prayer: Infinite Presence, I am ready to release the thoughts and feelings that are distressing me. With complete trust, I give myself to a grand healing of spirit and mind. I recognize my oneness with God and with everyone in this thread of living, affirming that I am safe from loss and harm. Thank you, God, for life made new. Thank you, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for October:
ZEAL - I ignite my zeal by
focusing on what brings me joy.
Zeal is the engine that drives us, it is our get-up-and-go. It expresses as a rush of energy at the start of something new and exciting, the energized enthusiasm that gets us out of bed humming with expectancy, the quiet intensity that keeps us moving forward.
October 24, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
We dreamed of rain and the rain came!
We are so grateful, let's keep our rain vibration high!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
How do heal our pain? This week we discover how to activate love in order to heal our pain and thus help heal others. Michael Singer gets to the heart of the matter in this week's material. Remember you are loved, you are loving and you are loveable always.
Our musicians are Angela and Gabriel.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
We will be starting our food drive on November 1st so start collecting non-perishable food for our collection barrels! We will be collecting food through November and December for the Food Bank of Nevada County and the Interfaith Food Bank respectively.
A poem by Angela Apostal
Copyright 2021.
Color burst through my window in a sweet dance.
It woke me from my misled trance.
I blinked to see the sun speak with autumn hue.
Each year I never tire of the Universe’s magnificent desire.
In creating a beautiful pallet of red, orange, yellow and turquoise blue.
Welcoming us to an artist’s crisp brush with fragrant air.
Meetings with friends and family.
Or quiet solitude in my chair.
Either way the color, sounds and aroma of Fall fill the air.
Expectant of good things to come.
A harvest ready to share.
A bounty, plenty of richness.
If only we dare.
To be present and drink in the abundant fare.
A fondness for memories of the past.
Future delights herald wondrous dreams.
That are sure to come.
With willing surrender, I hear the universe hum.
The rhythm of life,
all is well and this is the beat of my drum.
October Birthdays
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Jan Roth 10/31
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
The start of our Fall 7-Week Program began on Sunday, October 3rd!
Our study book will be The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Many of you may already own a copy. Rev. Jerry put together a study guide for our small groups and there is special link in our website.
You are welcome to join us online for our Tuesday morning Zoom group!
Do you need lots of firewood for your home, or maybe just a small amount for a camping trip? Cliff and Marlene are offering pine and fir, already cut. They have 5-6 cords available and you are welcome to whatever amount you may need - free - but you are picking it up, loading and transporting it yourself!
Call Lezlie for information 530-274-2463
The "adoption" process is complete and UGC is now the proud guardians of a stretch of Brunswick Road! We will be picking up all of the equipment next week and want to schedule our first clean up day forSaturday, November 6th. For all who signed up - Mark your calendars we'll meet here at UGC at 10 am.
In addition to the book we are all reading, the 7 Week study guide Rev. Jerry put together, and our various small groups adding depth to our learning, we are providing the link to experience Michael Singer online. Click hereto experience five podcast videos with Michael Singer.
Meditation with Carolyn Homan
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - October 2021
Credit card tithes ______________3,166.00
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 5,600.00
Paypal tithes _________________
Bookstore ____________________ 262.00
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________47.00
Misc. _________________________
October to date: $9,075.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
We upgraded earlier this year and since then Marlene has been keeping it updated and adding many interactive elements! You may check our calendar, listen to a meditation, stay updated on our events and classes. Familiarize yourself with our website so that you can send your friends and acquaintances there! It's a great place for folks to learn more about us. It's an easy way to sign up to receive our weekly e-bulletin or submit a prayer request.
Nanci Shandera has about 10-12 tree rounds, all are about 15-18” wide and about a foot or more high. They are perfect for garden seats or decor. She also has several logs about 6” diameter that PG&E cut last year. They range from 3-6’ and would best be used for garden banks or firewood. All free to good home! Also great for arts and crafts, Kurtis Zumwalt! Please call Lezlie, 530-274-2463, if you're interested.
Sunday November 14 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
Join us for Inspiring Stories by Inspiring Women. Come and relax and refresh with us. Bring your favorite tea bag and cup.
Sunday December 19 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
Join us for joyful Christmas Carols and the mystery gift exchange game.
Bring your favorite tea bag and cup and a wrapped gift.
Sunday January 16 2:00-4:00 In the Living room/sanctuary
We will be making our vision boards for 2022. Bring pictures and magazines and your favorite tea bag and cup.
We look forward to spending time with you!
Cathy Lee Knight and Lynn Tweedie
So timely during this time of wildfires, our Change 4 Change recipient for September and October is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release. For over 35 years, WR&R has provided a valuable service by caring for injured and orphaned wildlife within Nevada County and surrounding areas of the foothills.
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife. Each year our team returns to the wild over 100 different species of native wildlife, including mammals, bats, songbirds, and raptors.
As a non-profit, we are completely funded by our volunteers and from generous individuals.
All change dropped in the basket on Sunday will go to Wildlife Rehabilitation. You are welcome to drop change off during the week as well!
“We each have the human capacity and the spiritual wherewithal to allow the coming year to be a truly blessed and joyous time. A time of healing, renewal, and love made visible. We can be more faithfully prayed up, affirming our connection with the Divine and with each other. This year we can be more generous, kind, and light-hearted. More centered on the things of this life that reflect our deepest heart and our most noble intentions. Every day this year, no matter the circumstances, we can choose to feel blessed and to be a blessing for others.” – Scott Awbrey
Affirmative prayer: “Infinite Presence, today I center myself in Divine Love and recognize this true Being in everyone. I am so grateful for the joy of being alive. Thank you for every day, made new. Amen.” – Rev. Scott
Our Power statement for October:
ZEAL - I ignite my zeal by
focusing on what brings me joy.
Zeal is the engine that drives us, it is our get-up-and-go. It expresses as a rush of energy at the start of something new and exciting, the energized enthusiasm that gets us out of bed humming with expectancy, the quiet intensity that keeps us moving forward.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click
October 10, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
We dreamed of rain and the rain came!
We are so grateful, let's keep our rainy vibration high!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Patricia Haller, LUT
Join us this Sunday, October 10th, as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Hall, shares week #2 of our 7 Week Fall Program, "The Untethered Soul." We will take a look at the energy we are, what we radiate, and how it affects us. What causes our energy to be blocked? What helps our energy to flow? How can we let go of the energies that pull us down, and open ourselves more to the energies that uplift and fulfill us?
Our musicians are Gabriel Clark and Angela Williams!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
An Important Question We All Need to Ponder.
These past couple of Sunday's we have had over 10 new people attend. It raises the question as to how we grow our community and include new people when the sanctuary is almost empty of congregants. Think about when you first came to Unity. Would you have stayed if there were only a handful of people present? What if the people you made a connection with weren't here, would you have continued coming? These are important questions for us to ponder as we move into a post Covid world. Yes, it is convenient to sit in our jammies with a cup of coffee and watch the service on Zoom. But at what price? While understanding people's concerns about Covid infection over the past year and a half, we need to look at the viability of our center long-term going forward, and our commitment to nurturing a spiritual community. Remember the energy you felt when you were new to our Spiritual Center? It is so important we continue to provide that experience for our newcomers and for each other. It is a part of our collective spiritual growth and expansion.
For it to thrive we need people to start coming back. I hope you will take this message to heart and give it the consideration it deserves. Our very existence in the future no doubt lies in our response over the next few months. Besides, you’re missing out on the joy of smiling eyes and new friends!
REV. JERRY AND CLAIRE ARE AT UNITY VILLAGE . . . can you feel the joy?!
Transcendence – to Rise, . . . beyond the normal or physical level. To be in love, and a part of One Love.
Distinct and also part of the whole, the Starlings demonstrate what it feels like to be free and dance together as One Spirit.
A lovely image of what happens when we die. This is what the last transcendence looks like and feels like, or so it seems to me. The journey continues fresh and new like the early morning after a soft night rain.
There is no death, there is new life.
Love shows us that this is true.
Trust Love.
Watch Starlings.
Cathy Lee Knight
October Birthdays
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Jan Roth 10/31
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Hi dear Unity family,
For weeks now we have been sharing that we welcome (need?) more of you to volunteer on Sundays. It may be helpful for me to be more specific. This week I will focus on two positions; running the camera during the service and running the sound system up in the sound booth.
The camera is quite easy. Rev. Jerry will provide in-person instruction and he also has a set of instructions always up front with the camera. For the most part you make sure the camera is pointed at either the podium or our musician(s), as appropriate.
The sound is also set up and ready to go. You need to pay attention throughout the service to make sure levels are good but for the most part you are monitoring rather than adjusting. This position also records the service on a CD.
We welcome your interest in learning either position! Please call or email Lezlie so we can schedule training! 530-274-2463, ugcassistant@gmail.com.
The start of our Fall 7-Week Program began on Sunday, October 3rd!
Our study book will be The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Many of you may already own a copy. Rev. Jerry put together a study guide for our small groups and there is special link in our website.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND CLICK ON CLASSES TO SIGN UP FOR A SMALL GROUP! Several day and time options are available.
Sandy Spurgeon is leading a group here at UGC on Thursdays at 10 am. Sign up sheet is in the sanctuary.
This is so exciting! In addition to the book we are all reading, the 7 Week study guide Rev. Jerry put together, and our various small groups adding depth to our learning, we are providing the link to experience Michael Singer online. Click here to experience five podcast videos with Michael Singer.
NEW meditation with Nanci Shandera
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
October 5 through November 16th, the Spiritual Exploration time slot will be focused on The Untethered Soul. Please use the Zoom link for Spiritual Exploration that is in the weekly "All Access" email you receive every Monday morning.
Tuesday's 10 am - 11:30 am
Additional small group options:
Wednesday's, 7 pm at Rev. Joe and Lyn Sloan's house
Thursday's, 10 am here at UGC, facilitated by Sandy Spurgeon
UGC INCOME - October 2021
Credit card tithes ______________
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 2,439.00
Paypal tithes _________________
Bookstore ____________________
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________
Misc. _________________________
to date: $2,439.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
Sign up sheets for both are at the back of the sanctuary, or email Lezlie here to sign up.
We upgraded earlier this year and since then Marlene has been learning how to work within it, keeping it updated and adding many interactive elements! You may sign up for a small group in our 7 Week Fall Program, check the calendar, listen to a meditation, stay updated on our events and classes. Familiarize yourself with our website so that you can send your friends and acquaintances there! It's a great place for folks to learn more about us. It's an easy way to sign up to receive our weekly e-bulletin or submit a prayer request.
So timely during this time of wildfires, our Change 4 Change recipient for September and October is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release. For over 35 years, WR&R has provided a valuable service by caring for injured and orphaned wildlife within Nevada County and surrounding areas of the foothills.
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife. Each year our team returns to the wild over 100 different species of native wildlife, including mammals, bats, songbirds, and raptors.
As a non-profit, we are completely funded by our volunteers and from generous individuals.
All change dropped in the basket on Sunday will go to Wildlife Rehabilitation. You are welcome to drop change off during the week as well!
“There is a wellspring of healing energy within the physical body. Our job, as Emerson said, is to ‘get our bloated nothingness out of the way of the divine circuits.’ When we create an energetic frequency of peace, love, and well-being, the quantum phenomenon that is the body can naturally reveal its balance and perfect operation.” – Roger Teel, This Life is Joy
Affirmative prayer: Today, I turn my attention away from the problem and place it on the wellspring of divine love within and all about me. This is my prayer without ceasing, my acceptance of divine truth, that anything unlike the love and energy of Infinite Spirit is released from my body, my affairs, and my intentions. I am made whole, again and again. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for October:
ZEAL - I ignite my zeal by
focusing on what brings me joy.
Zeal is the engine that drives us, it is our get-up-and-go. It expresses as a rush of energy at the start of something new and exciting, the energized enthusiasm that gets us out of bed humming with expectancy, the quiet intensity that keeps us moving forward.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
October 10, 2021
10:30 AM
Click here to go to our website, it's updated and much more interactive!
We dreamed of rain and the rain came!
We are so grateful, let's keep our rainy vibration high!
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
The Untethered Soul
with Patricia Haller, LUT
Join us this Sunday, October 10th, as Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Hall, shares week #2 of our 7 Week Fall Program, "The Untethered Soul." We will take a look at the energy we are, what we radiate, and how it affects us. What causes our energy to be blocked? What helps our energy to flow? How can we let go of the energies that pull us down, and open ourselves more to the energies that uplift and fulfill us?
Our musicians are Gabriel Clark and Angela Williams!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
An Important Question We All Need to Ponder.
These past couple of Sunday's we have had over 10 new people attend. It raises the question as to how we grow our community and include new people when the sanctuary is almost empty of congregants. Think about when you first came to Unity. Would you have stayed if there were only a handful of people present? What if the people you made a connection with weren't here, would you have continued coming? These are important questions for us to ponder as we move into a post Covid world. Yes, it is convenient to sit in our jammies with a cup of coffee and watch the service on Zoom. But at what price? While understanding people's concerns about Covid infection over the past year and a half, we need to look at the viability of our center long-term going forward, and our commitment to nurturing a spiritual community. Remember the energy you felt when you were new to our Spiritual Center? It is so important we continue to provide that experience for our newcomers and for each other. It is a part of our collective spiritual growth and expansion.
For it to thrive we need people to start coming back. I hope you will take this message to heart and give it the consideration it deserves. Our very existence in the future no doubt lies in our response over the next few months. Besides, you’re missing out on the joy of smiling eyes and new friends!
REV. JERRY AND CLAIRE ARE AT UNITY VILLAGE . . . can you feel the joy?!
Transcendence – to Rise, . . . beyond the normal or physical level. To be in love, and a part of One Love.
Distinct and also part of the whole, the Starlings demonstrate what it feels like to be free and dance together as One Spirit.
A lovely image of what happens when we die. This is what the last transcendence looks like and feels like, or so it seems to me. The journey continues fresh and new like the early morning after a soft night rain.
There is no death, there is new life.
Love shows us that this is true.
Trust Love.
Watch Starlings.
Cathy Lee Knight
October Birthdays
Shanti Emerson 10/6
Bill Fingerson 10/7
Claire Palmerino 10/10
Maya Costley 10/15
Sally DuPerron 10/15
Katherine Doolittle 10/23
Richard Wood 10/23
Dennis Cassella 10/24
Crystal Arnold 10/28
Jan Roth 10/31
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Hi dear Unity family,
For weeks now we have been sharing that we welcome (need?) more of you to volunteer on Sundays. It may be helpful for me to be more specific. This week I will focus on two positions; running the camera during the service and running the sound system up in the sound booth.
The camera is quite easy. Rev. Jerry will provide in-person instruction and he also has a set of instructions always up front with the camera. For the most part you make sure the camera is pointed at either the podium or our musician(s), as appropriate.
The sound is also set up and ready to go. You need to pay attention throughout the service to make sure levels are good but for the most part you are monitoring rather than adjusting. This position also records the service on a CD.
We welcome your interest in learning either position! Please call or email Lezlie so we can schedule training! 530-274-2463, ugcassistant@gmail.com.
The start of our Fall 7-Week Program began on Sunday, October 3rd!
Our study book will be The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Many of you may already own a copy. Rev. Jerry put together a study guide for our small groups and there is special link in our website.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND CLICK ON CLASSES TO SIGN UP FOR A SMALL GROUP! Several day and time options are available.
Sandy Spurgeon is leading a group here at UGC on Thursdays at 10 am. Sign up sheet is in the sanctuary.
This is so exciting! In addition to the book we are all reading, the 7 Week study guide Rev. Jerry put together, and our various small groups adding depth to our learning, we are providing the link to experience Michael Singer online. Click here to experience five podcast videos with Michael Singer.
NEW meditation with Nanci Shandera
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
October 5 through November 16th, the Spiritual Exploration time slot will be focused on The Untethered Soul. Please use the Zoom link for Spiritual Exploration that is in the weekly "All Access" email you receive every Monday morning.
Tuesday's 10 am - 11:30 am
Additional small group options:
Wednesday's, 7 pm at Rev. Joe and Lyn Sloan's house
Thursday's, 10 am here at UGC, facilitated by Sandy Spurgeon
UGC INCOME - October 2021
Credit card tithes ______________
Love offerings/tithes ___________ 2,439.00
Paypal tithes _________________
Bookstore ____________________
Change 4 Change_______________
Facilities Use __________________
Classes _______________________
Misc. _________________________
to date: $2,439.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We have two Monday groups, which started on September 13th. One group will be strictly Zoom and meets at 1 pm. The other may eventually be hybrid and meets at 6:45 pm. For now, both Monday Way of Mastery groups are meeting via Zoom until further notice. The links are in the Monday All Access Zoom.
Sign up sheets for both are at the back of the sanctuary, or email Lezlie here to sign up.
We upgraded earlier this year and since then Marlene has been learning how to work within it, keeping it updated and adding many interactive elements! You may sign up for a small group in our 7 Week Fall Program, check the calendar, listen to a meditation, stay updated on our events and classes. Familiarize yourself with our website so that you can send your friends and acquaintances there! It's a great place for folks to learn more about us. It's an easy way to sign up to receive our weekly e-bulletin or submit a prayer request.
So timely during this time of wildfires, our Change 4 Change recipient for September and October is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release. For over 35 years, WR&R has provided a valuable service by caring for injured and orphaned wildlife within Nevada County and surrounding areas of the foothills.
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife. Each year our team returns to the wild over 100 different species of native wildlife, including mammals, bats, songbirds, and raptors.
As a non-profit, we are completely funded by our volunteers and from generous individuals.
All change dropped in the basket on Sunday will go to Wildlife Rehabilitation. You are welcome to drop change off during the week as well!
“There is a wellspring of healing energy within the physical body. Our job, as Emerson said, is to ‘get our bloated nothingness out of the way of the divine circuits.’ When we create an energetic frequency of peace, love, and well-being, the quantum phenomenon that is the body can naturally reveal its balance and perfect operation.” – Roger Teel, This Life is Joy
Affirmative prayer: Today, I turn my attention away from the problem and place it on the wellspring of divine love within and all about me. This is my prayer without ceasing, my acceptance of divine truth, that anything unlike the love and energy of Infinite Spirit is released from my body, my affairs, and my intentions. I am made whole, again and again. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for October:
ZEAL - I ignite my zeal by
focusing on what brings me joy.
Zeal is the engine that drives us, it is our get-up-and-go. It expresses as a rush of energy at the start of something new and exciting, the energized enthusiasm that gets us out of bed humming with expectancy, the quiet intensity that keeps us moving forward.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt

August 29, 2021
10:30 AM
You may go straight to our website here
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
NoThing is Certain, Love it All
with Rev. Frank Castro-Wehr
This will be Rev. Frank’s and Dyann's goodbye to our beloved Unity in the Gold Country Community. He and Dyann are moving to Bellingham, Washington, where Frank is to be the new Senior Minister at the Unity Spiritual Center of Bellingham. The Castro-Wehr’s want to share their gratitude for the 15 years with the community. The talk encompasses the renewed learnings of this transition. Knowing love has so much to do with letting go, and then leaning into Truth that is eternal. Rev.Jerry will be present also assisting with the service, and Rev. Joe will be in attendance thus completing the Trinity of Reverends!
Our musician is Kalyani!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Dear UGC Community,
First of all, I need to express my gratitude that the Bennett Fire, so very close to our spiritual center, was so quickly contained. Thank You God! Thank you all for your prayers and thank you to all the first responders—firefighters, pilots, and the various agency personnel. Now on to this week’s From the Board article…
Our active and involved board members continue to work and serve on behalf of our community. Here’s a bullet list of our recent activities, projects, and decisions:
· We’ve hired a new bookkeeper! As of August 1st, Rosy Jo Herrnberger is taking care of our accounts. She has provided services to Unity of Auburn for the past several years, comes highly recommended, and is already well-acquainted with our bookkeeping system.
· You may recall that we were unable to hold our 2021 Annual General Meeting last February because of the COVID restrictions. Our bylaws did not permit anything but an in-person meeting. This highlighted the fact that our bylaws are 20 years old and needed a fresh eye. A small committee has been tasked with revising our bylaws and each month the entire board reviews sections of the draft document. It is our goal to have new, updated, bylaws for your review in early 2022.
· UGC has received $12,000 in grants—not loans, but grants that need not be paid back. We applied for a $10,000 Small Business Administration Supplemental Targeted Advance several months ago and recently received the full amount. In addition, Reverend Jerry applied for a small grant through Unity World Wide Ministry and we received $2,000. We are blessed indeed as these grants help to offset the $6,000+ deficit we have had so far this year. Plus, they help to pay for the newer media equipment and software needed for us to live stream the Sunday Service.
· Recently, we purchased new (to us) streaming equipment from the Center for Spiritual Living in Sacramento. When it is installed and running, we will begin livestreaming on You Tube, a much better delivery system than Zoom, especially for sound. We are excited about this!
· Concerns about the rising cases of the Delta COVID variant in Nevada County prompt continuing discussions as to how to best keep our community safe. Our decision making is informed, always, by CDC and local Public Health Guidelines. We reinstituted the requirement to wear a mask when attending the in-person Sunday service. The Board has returned to meeting on Zoom. Guests are always welcome at our meetings—see the Monday morning email for the Zoom link.
The Board of Trustees is always open to receiving your feedback, observations, and concerns. We are here to serve our beloved community.
Blessings in Unity,
Claire Palmerino, BOT President
At the end of the Sunday Service a couple of weeks ago, someone came up to me and said they would be willing to be the Volunteer Coordinator. I can't remember who is was! Please call me so we can connect because we really need you and are so grateful for your willingness!
With love from your forgetful ministerial assistant,
Announcing the 28th annual
World Day of Prayer!
As we unite hearts and minds with people from around the globe, this year we are affirming together: No matter the circumstances, all is well with my soul.
Click HERE for free registration and details of the 2021 presenters for this very special shared event!
What does that stand for? Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man, a book by Emmanuel Acho. We just finished up our 7 week series titled Raising Our Racial Literacy in which we used this book as our primary tool. To a person, everyone in our group feels enlighted, challenged, more wise and insightful, and compassionate about what it is like to live as a black person in American. We are committed to become the best White Allies we can be. We encourage you to watch the YouTube videos with Emmanuel Acho, just click here for easy access! We have copies of his book for sale in our bookstore - please come in and pick one up! We all agree we cannot endorse this enough!

To honor and remember our dear, inspiring Joan, A Circle of Friends and Family will gather here at UGC on September 10th at 10:30 am. This will be a fun, casual, heartfelt gathering to share memories and stories of Joan and her presence in our lives. Please plan to wear a mask (chairs will be in a big, spacey circle) and we will serve refreshments afterword.
On Sunday, 8/8, Rev. Jerry had three congregants share their experience with The Way of Mastery teachings and class experience. Wow, we could feel the elevated vibration in the room! We will be having two Monday groups starting on September 13th. One group will be stricting Zoom and will meet at 1 pm. The other will likely be hybrid and will meet at 6:45 pm.
Sign up sheets for both are at the back of the sanctuary, or email Lezlie here to sign up.
September Birthdays
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
Cathy Eville 9/10
Patti McClure 9/13
Darrell VanNatta 9/18
Angela Apostal 9/19
Sandy Spurgeon 9/20
Judy Cisowski 9/30
Drew Tousley 9/30
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
UGC narrowly escaped being involved in this fire that came so close. If you drive into church you will pass the dramatic burn scars. Here are a few pictures taken by Rev. Jerry. You can see the line of burned cars, the torched landscape, and the view of its approach from the corner of our parking lot.
We are deeply grateful for our safety and we hold in prayer all those affected, from the firefighters to those who lost property and likely experienced such fear within the experience.
My God, I stand in my strength and my power. I look directly at COVID, the virus, and see it transforming, breaking down, reshaping, redefining itself into a harmless entity posing no threat to humankind. I direct the love that is You expressing as me and enfold COVID in this love's light. I AM humbled at the speed and the ease with which this great transformation takes place. And I AM grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance.
September 2nd and 16th
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(Sign up with Lezlie, ugcassistant@gmail.com by Wednesday morning, the day before. Nanci will
email the Zoom link to you Wednesday afternoon on Wednesday, the day before.)
Marian Weast is going to bake up a storm for our local fire houses and would like to give them generous coffee gift cards too. If you would like to contribute please leave a check here on Sunday made payable to Grass Valley Florist. That is the coffee shop Marian frequents - small, charming and local. We can support our firefighters and support our local small business!
Fire and Smoke
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
NOTE: there is about a 10 minute period of deep silence beginning at the 11 minute mark.
UGC INCOME - August 2021
Credit card tithes _______________3,406.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 8,838.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________ 75.00
Classes _________________________
August to date: $12,319.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
Due to the continued elevated level of Covid cases in Nevada county and the requirement of mask wearing, we will refrain from serving refreshments after the service until further notice. This is not a happy decision as the fellowship after the service is so valuable. We will just have to enjoy each other without goodies.
Our gardening volunteers have come up with an awesome new plan . . . adopt a planter bed. Instead of trying to schedule everyone here at once, just adopt your bed of choice and it is yours to keep up on your schedule! This is just trimming and weeding, general tending. Our master gardeners Cydne and Richard will take care of feeding and of additional scheduling if you're unable to be here for a stretch of time. We think this is a wonderful way for US to maintain OUR property! Please let us know what little piece of heaven you want to claim!
Our Power statement for August:
I use my power of Will to choose, to commit, and to be willing.
We invite you to enjoy this inspiring video on Will, just click here!
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
August 15, 2021
10:30 AM
You may go straight to our website here
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Rev. Joe Sloan
Jesus is speaking to the crowds, and someone informs him that his mother and brothers and outside seeking him (they are concerned for his behavior since they did not yet understand) and Jesus replies: "Who is my mother and who are my brothers (and sisters)?" How would we answer such a question? Probably with names. But would we include all people of color, other nationalities, political parties, religions, genders, sexual persuasions. If we are all born of the One Love, what have we done to separate us, one from another.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musician is Kalyani.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
We have 6 tickets for the Nevada County Fair for free entry on any one day of the Fair. Call the UGC office today by 3 pm to reserve your tickets. You may pick them up on Sunday if you'd like.
Rev. Jerry has assembled a comprehensive set of maps so that you may locate the zone number representing your residence. When evacuations start it is vital to know the number designation for your zone. This also helps you to track evacuation zones for fire proximity. We suggest you print the maps. If you are unable to print please come by, we will provide copies. Click HERE for the maps. Most importantly, we are providing the link HERE for you to print out a card with your zone number to carry with you and an additional resource for the zone maps. The site also give a complete explanation of zones and how they work.
We have several congregants willing to welcome evacuees in their homes. We are compiling a list of those willing to host evacuees. If you are also willing please contact Lezlie via email or phone with the following information:
Your address and phone number
Number of people you can accommodate
Whether or not you can accept pets and if so, what and how many.
We will coordinate those evacuated with the appropriate home. We will not be broadcasting the information of those willing to open their homes. All pairing of homes and evacuees will be done through the office. Thanks in advance for being there for each other. Rev. Jerry and Dennis had to leave their home and were hosted last Wednesday evening by a congregant and were most grateful. Thank God for our Unity family. And at a minimum UGC will be available to host people in any emergency. Just call 530-210-5959 (Rev. Jerry) or 916-591-8298 (Lezlie). You might want to print this out for safekeeping.
…And then The Call comes!
Hello! I am the most recent addition to the Board of Trustees for UGC. Due to a resignation from the Board, a new member was needed and I received a phone call. Being a 20year member of Unity, I know it was not just an actual phone call, but also an idea from a prayerful place. In response, I needed to go into prayer myself and realized my answer came from my heart, “I love Unity in the Gold Country”. So, with that love, I have accepted The Call and hope to add my strengths and skills to our spiritual community.
Let me introduce myself. I retired in December 2019 from 31 years of working for county governments as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist. I am still working part-time as an REHS consultant but now have more time to devote to my family as a co-caregiver to my adult son, who has intellectual/developmental disabilities. With my family, I am a charter member of Unity in the Gold Country becoming members in 2000. In the early years, I volunteered with set up, platform assistant and clean-up. My wife, Julie, has dedicated herself to UGC over the years…and now it’s my turn!
Cydne Grimsby - You Are Awesome!
While the rest of us have been staying home more during this pandemic, Cydne has been spending her free time caring for Unity in the Gold County’s landscaping. For this, we are all grateful. Under her tender care and artistic eye Unity’s garden area is flourishing.
We can thank Claire Palmerino for introducing Cydne to Unity. They were both volunteering their Healing Touch skills at Hospice in 2019 when they met. Claire shared how much UGC meant to her and it peeked Cydne’s interest. She started helping with the Healing Clinics and attending classes and by November of 2019 Cydne had become a member of UGC. In addition to creating a beautiful entryway for UGC, Cydne has also volunteered at Hospitality House and helps with the altar flowers.
The LOVE, Joy, and friendships that Cydne has experienced at Unity are what feed her soul and encourage her to keep coming back. She has found inner growth and healing and is truly experiencing love with us, especially in the Way of Mastery group. She is profoundly grateful for all she receives through UGC. – And we are profoundly grateful to be blessed with having such a beautiful, caring Being in our midst.
Thank you, Cydne!

Please Join Us in Praying for the Wildfires in the Western US and Canada
We know that our consciousness makes a powerful and positive difference. One of the greatest gifts Unity offers is to stay positive and hold a prayerful highwatch.
We join together affirming God's powerful presence in the world and in our lives. We hold a prayerful highwatch, including the vision of the end of the wildfires in the United States and Canada. We know that whatever challenge may be unfolding, a stream of healing blessings is pouring forth now, and we are grateful.
On Sunday, 8/8, Rev. Jerry had three congregants share their experience with The Way of Mastery teachings and class experience. Wow, we could feel the elevated vibration in the room! He closed our service with the announcement that a new group will start on September 13th and 6:45 pm. The sign up list took on a life of its' own. It looks like we will also have a day group, still on Monday's, likely at 1 pm, and on Zoom only.
We are awaiting approval of our application which gives us time to get you signed up to help. One time a year or all four, whatever works for you. This is another way our presence benefits our community and is free advertising for us!
Please call the Lezlie, 530-274-2463, or email by clicking here, to add your name to our list of happy volunteers!
Click HERE to go to a very well written article about pastors/ministers being ghosted by members. It's written by a pastor and helps us understand how it feels from their point of view. Our shared awareness is compassion.
We are looking for a Volunteer Coordinator and a volunteer to be our PR Person to help us expand our presence in the community. Please call 274-2463 if you are interesting in knowing more about either position. Thank you!
We want your change! Please bring in your loose change again. Month after month our Change 4 Change collection benefits non-profit entities who benefit our community in countless ways. Our C4C recipient for July/August is Habitat for Humanity. Lezlie is counting on counting your change!
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE(then click on Rev. Jerry's picture. First few seconds are a little noisy.) to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - August 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 5,438.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________
Classes _________________________
August to date: $6,188.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
We are a meetup group of Inspiring Women from Nevada County
We are growing loving connections through sharing inspiration, doing fun activities, and enjoying thoughtful discussions of various spiritual virtues.
We are awaiting approval of our application which gives us time to get you signed up to help. One time a year or all four, whatever works for you. This is another way our presence benefits our community and is free advertising for us!
Please call the Lezlie, 530-274-2463, or email by clicking here, to add your name to our list of happy volunteers!
August Birthdays
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Nick Buck 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Starting immediately we need two more volunteers to operate the camera at the stage. The camera is set up for the service, you will just point it between the podium and the musicians, as needed. Really easy! Volunteer time would be optimally one Service a month. Please call the office for more information. 530-274-2463.
Belated Happiest 65th Anniversary to John and Claudia Martin! We miss you and send you all of our most loving, joyous wishes.
August 8, 2021
10:30 AM
You may go straight to our website here
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
The Way of Mastery Explored.
We just celebrated the ten year anniversary of our Way of Mastery group. What is it about this book that keeps drawing people to study it together. I know for me it is the voice of Jeshua or the Christ. The teachings come across with so much love and compassion from the heart of the one the world knows as Jesus. The voice speaks the truth to us in such an acceptable way that we are wooed to let go of our defenses and to lay down the ways that don't work for us or our world. Please join us this Sunday when several congregants and Rev. Jerry share with us all why this book has been such an inspiration in their lives.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musicians are Angela Williams and Gabriel Clark
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Rev. Jerry has assembled a comprehensive set of maps so that you may locate the zone number representing your residence. When evacuations start it is vital to know the number designation for your zone. This also helps you to track evacuation zones for fire proximity. We suggest you print the maps. If you are unable to print please come by, we will provide copies. Click HERE for the maps. Most importantly, we are providing the link HERE for you to print out a card with your zone number to carry with you and an additional resource for the zone maps. The site also give a complete explanation of zones and how they work.
We have several congregants willing to welcome evacuees in their homes. We are compiling a list of those willing to host evacuees. If you are also willing please contact Lezlie via email or phone with the following information:
Your address and phone number
Number of people you can accommodate
Whether or not you can accept pets and if so, what and how many.
We will coordinate those evacuated with the appropriate home. We will not be broadcasting the information of those willing to open their homes. All pairing of homes and evacuees will be done through the office. Thanks in advance for being there for each other. Rev. Jerry and Dennis had to leave their home and were hosted last Wednesday evening by a congregant and were most grateful. Thank God for our Unity family. And at a minimum UGC will be available to host people in any emergency. Just call 530-210-5959 (Rev. Jerry) or 916-591-8298 (Lezlie). You might want to print this out for safekeeping.
We are looking for a Volunteer Coordinator and a volunteer to be our PR Person to help us expand our presence in the community. Please call 274-2463 if you are interesting in knowing more about either position. Thank you!
Cydne Grimsby - You Are Awesome!
While the rest of us have been staying home more during this pandemic, Cydne has been spending her free time caring for Unity in the Gold County’s landscaping. For this, we are all grateful. Under her tender care and artistic eye Unity’s garden area is flourishing.
We can thank Claire Palmerino for introducing Cydne to Unity. They were both volunteering their Healing Touch skills at Hospice in 2019 when they met. Claire shared how much UGC meant to her and it peeked Cydne’s interest. She started helping with the Healing Clinics and attending classes and by November of 2019 Cydne had become a member of UGC. In addition to creating a beautiful entryway for UGC, Cydne has also volunteered at Hospitality House and helps with the altar flowers.
The LOVE, Joy, and friendships that Cydne has experienced at Unity are what feed her soul and encourage her to keep coming back. She has found inner growth and healing and is truly experiencing love with us, especially in the Way of Mastery group. She is profoundly grateful for all she receives through UGC. – And we are profoundly grateful to be blessed with having such a beautiful, caring Being in our midst.
Thank you, Cydne!
Hi everyone,
As we look at our financials for the first 6 months of the year we see that we have a deficit of almost $6,000 for the first half of the year, despite decreased expenses. Because of that the BOT decided to apply for the Federal Grant available to businesses. On the 29th of July we received a check for a $10,000 grant. At the same time, we applied for a grant from Unity Worldwide Ministries and we also received a check last week for $2,000. These two checks help wipe out our deficit and give us some cushion going forward to the end of this year. We do need to look at how we might be able to strengthen our financial support so as not to be in this position next year. Many thanks to you all for your continued support of UGC. We are truly blessed and give thanks for our abundance which always comes from unexpected sources.
Rev. Jerry
August Birthdays
Leita Spoto 8/7
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Nick Buck 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Our landscape volunteers will be meeting here on Wednesday, 8/11, at 8 am. We are incredibly grateful for you! All are welcome, many hands make lighter work.
Starting immediately we need two more volunteers to operate the camera at the stage. The camera is set up for the service, you will just point it between the podium and the musicians, as needed. Really easy! Volunteer time would be optimally one Service a month. Please call the office for more information. 530-274-2463.
We have submitted an application to the Nevada County Adopt A Road program and look forward to doing our part to keep our community litter free, AND admiring the roadside sign of recognition for UGC! Our obligation is to pick up litter 4 times per year on a one mile stretch of roadside. The Public Works department supplies all equipment including safety vests.
We are awaiting approval of our application which gives us time to get you signed up to help. One time a year or all four, whatever works for you. This is another way our presence benefits our community and is free advertising for us!
My brain has been a jumble of thought and emotion as the Delta variant charges in to Nevada County. What is it that it’s trying to birth here? I feel the human soul contracting and expanding, painfully jabbing and releasing. We have been given a gift; all life is a gift; all opportunity is a gift. How will we unwrap it? Will we use force? anger? point at “Those people?” who somehow can’t do what is “best” for the “common good?” and will they in turn feel ostracized? misunderstood? blamed? Do we want to strengthen separateness/duality? We are each a cell in the giant Human Soul. If we choose to harmonize, nurture, support in love, our unifying body will be vibrant and healthy; If we choose fear, anger, dissention, we feed separateness, a broken Human Soul.
We are all able to express our lives differently, not so that we can feed divisiveness, but so that we can put ALL our pieces together to create a complete perspective of wholeness. We need each piece of the Human Soul we are a part of. We need each cell. This is our gift, perhaps the biggest gift we will ever be given!
Consider for just this moment, looking into the eye of separateness (or someone who disagrees with you) and say,
“I know you; I see God in you. You are an important cell in our Human Soul. Together, we will grow in wisdom.” And then in the next moment, look again into the eye of separateness and say, “I know you; I see God in you. You are an important cell in our Human Soul. United, we will grow in wisdom and understanding.”
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you.
I know you.
I see God in you.
Marlene Bottenfield
We want your change! Please bring in your loose change again. Month after month our Change 4 Change collection benefits non-profit entities who benefit our community in countless ways. Our C4C recipient for July/August is Habitat for Humanity. Lezlie is counting on counting your change!
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE(then click on Rev. Jerry's picture. First few seconds are a little noisy.) to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - July/August 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 3,490.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 7,713.00
Paypal tithes __________________ 826.28
Bookstore ______________________ 378.00
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________ 305.00
Classes _________________________
July almost final: $12,712.28
August to date: $4,315.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
We are a meetup group of Inspiring Women from Nevada County
We are growing loving connections through sharing inspiration, doing fun activities, and enjoying thoughtful discussions of various spiritual virtues.
Hey everyone, this year we can say "it's that time of year again"! We are looking forward to Fair Time and the Lions Club will be once again selling their homemade caramel corn. Volunteers needed to mind the booth. The fair runs from Wednesday, August 11th through Sunday, August 15th. We will have a sign-up sheet in the sanctuary. You are also welcome to click here to sign up via email.
I saved our last sign up opportunity which was canceled due to the pandemic. I will be sending out an email to all those who had hoped to volunteer then, to see if you are available this year.
Lastly, if you have questions regarding the booth hosted by the Lions Club, please call Dennis Cassella at 530-389-7788.
Our Power statement for August:
I use my power of Will to choose, to commit, and to be willing.
A Zen master came home one evening to find a thief running out the door with a sack full of the master’s valuables. The master watches the thief for a moment, then looks up into the night sky, seeing a full moon rising. His gaze then falls back to the fleeing thief. “I wish I could give you the moon,” sighs the master.
“Nothing can heal anger except compassion. Compassion is possible only when there is understanding. Understanding is the awareness that the other person suffers and that I must help.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Affirmative prayer: I assume a thoughtful, awakened, and gentle heart, freeing myself from the ache of ill will directed to another. I offer sanctuary to my rival, transforming their pain into my compassion, and my soul is restored. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
August 1, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Last Sunday we talked about what is emerging. This Sunday we will undergo a process to ask Spirit to guide us and explore what might be emerging for us here at UGC? What are the signs of the times? Another way to put it is we are remembering our future. Intriguing eh? Come join us in person (mask required) or on Zoom to explore this worthwhile question.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musician is Kellie Garmire.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
SPECIAL NOTICE: Rev. Jerry's talk on Sunday, July 25th was phenomenal and is also a lead-in to this Sundays talk, August 1st. I strongly encourage you to watch it. Just click here, then forward it to the 12:59 mark for the start of the talk.
Attention Please!
We are very much in need of our regular volunteers (and new volunteers!) to sign up for the Sunday services positions. Please consider rededicating yourself to serving the community in this way. It takes all of us to make our Spiritual Center hum! This coming Sunday we will not be providing refreshments as we do not have any kitchen volunteers.
We are looking for a volunteer to be our PR Person to help us expand our presence in the community. Please call 274-2463 and volunteer. Thank you!
Lately I have been facing some personal challenges that have been testing my faith. Sometimes I can feel as though these challenges are overwhelming, causing me to momentarily question what the universe has in store for me and what my part is in it. I find at these times I need to pause and remember that God is love and I am one with God. If I fall victim to the myth of separation I can feel alone, although I know I am not.
The things I learn at Unity help me to see that we are all one and I am a small part of a much bigger consciousness. When I can tap into the energy of the group, I can feel the calming power of love and light. Thank you all for being part of this loving community.
With Love,
August Birthdays
Keith Malley 8/8
Pat Rose 8/9
Nick Buck 8/10
Joe Sloan 8/13
John Martin 8/13
Sharon Rolph 8/19
Katharine Beatty 8/25
Ken Cooper 8/25
Terry Buck 8/26
Marlene Bottenfield 8/29
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
We have submitted an application to the Nevada County Adopt A Road program and look forward to doing our part to keep our community litter free, AND admiring the roadside sign of recognition for UGC! Our obligation is to pick up litter 4 times per year on a one mile stretch of roadside. The Public Works department supplies all equipment including safety vests.
We are awaiting approval of our application which gives us time to get you signed up to help. One time a year or all four, whatever works for you. This is another way our presence benefits our community and is free advertising for us!
Starting immediately we need volunteers to operate the camera at the stage. The camera is set up for the service, you will just point it between the podium and the musicians, as needed. Really easy!Please call the office for more information. 530-274-2463.
FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP WITH PAUL SMITH! (As promised by Rev. Jerry last Sunday)
Whole Body Mystical Awakening,
July 31st, at 11 am CDT.
In this 90 minute session, Paul Smith will give an engaging, illustrated presentation on the background, research, and elements of the Whole-Body Mystical Awakening practice.
Click here to register for this free event. If you cannot make the event live, you can still register to receive the recording afterward.
We want your change! Please bring in your loose change again. Month after month our Change 4 Change collection benefits non-profit entities who benefit our community in countless ways. Our C4C recipient for July/August is Habitat for Humanity. Lezlie is counting on counting your change!
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - July 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 3,490.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 7,413.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________ 378.00
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________ 305.00
Classes _________________________
July to date: $11,586.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
We are temporarily stopping the "Inspiring Women" group due to the large increase in recent Covid cases in Nevada County.
We are a meetup group of Inspiring Women from Nevada County
We are growing loving connections through sharing inspiration, doing fun activities, and enjoying thoughtful discussions of various spiritual virtues.
On August 4th the virtue will be Generosity. Join us at 10 am at Unity in the Gold Country.
You can feel the joy of gathering, hearing each other's voices in song, feeling each other's presence in prayer.
Hey everyone, this year we can say "it's that time of year again"! We are looking forward to Fair Time and the Lions Club will be once again selling their homemade caramel corn. Volunteers needed to mind the booth. The fair runs from Wednesday, August 11th through Sunday, August 15th. We will have a sign-up sheet in the sanctuary. You are also welcome to click here to sign up via email.
I saved our last sign up opportunity which was canceled due to the pandemic. I will be sending out an email to all those who had hoped to volunteer then, to see if you are available this year.
Lastly, if you have questions regarding the booth hosted by the Lions Club, please call Dennis Cassella at 530-389-7788.
A traveler, visiting a monastery in the Himalayas, is having dinner with the monks. Suddenly, one of the monks stands up and says loudly, "24!" The other monks chuckle and nod their heads in agreement. Another monk stands up and says, "37," which brings more laughter. The Abbot explains to the traveler, “We have told the same jokes so often, that we numbered them. It’s easier to just say the number." With that, the traveler stands and shouts, "112!" There was a moment of shocked silence, and then a deafening roar as every monk laughed raucously. The Abbot said, "Good one! They haven't heard that one before!"
Laughter, song, and dance create emotional and spiritual connection; they remind us of the one thing that truly matters when we are searching for comfort, celebration, inspiration, or healing: We are not alone.” – Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
Affirmative prayer: Today, I lighten up, following the divine tenet, ‘If thine eye have a twinkle in it, thy whole body is filled with light.’ I do not take myself so seriously, knowing that my frisky outlook aligns me with God’s delight. Fun, laughter, and brilliance are before me. I am at ease with life, centered in Divine play. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
Our Power statement for August:
I use my power of Will to choose, to commit, and to be willing.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
July 25, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Would you love to know what is about to transpire on the planet? I'm sure we are all curious about what is next for our lives, our families and friends. But what is in store for the planet and humanity? Can we know ahead of time? The future can look so ominous. While we would like to know we aren't always willing to open ourselves to receive information or messages from our future selves. Come join us this Sunday as we explore what is emerging for us individually and collectively.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musicians are Gabriel Clark and Angela Williams
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Attention Please!
We are very much in need of our regular volunteers to sign up for the Sunday services positions. The same people have been filling in each week which isn't fair on them. Please consider rededicating yourself to serving the community in this way. This coming Sunday please bring a snack to share if you are able.
Misleading Unity Domain Names. Please be aware of online scams using the name Unity in their domain name. We recently received one from unity.money that wanted the receiver to “buy Unity from [xyz].” Please do not click on any links in those emails, block the sender, and delete the email. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated in their attempts. If the email isn’t from abc@unity.org (Unity Worldwide Ministries) or abc@unityonline.org (Unity World Headquarters), it isn’t us.
I was very struck by the editorial in today's The Union (7/21/21) about the 'common good'. It was very much like something that I might write myself. It seems that The Universe is repeating lessons for us again that were part of our recent collective curriculum. If we don't learn the lesson the first time the lesson will be repeated until we get it. Unfortunately, we seem to learn more through suffering than through easy experiences. More pressure must be applied to crack open the hardest nuts. Our resistant egos don't always want to give way to the common good but prefer to stay stuck in their own perspectives. Communion, community require that we move from individualism to a willingness to seek union with others with a larger perspective in mind, a more expansive concern for the good of all. Are we listening and learning what Spirit is trying to teach us in these repetitive lessons and times? It is still not too late to 'change our minds' as The Way of Mastery advises.
In Good/God,
Rev. Jerry
July Birthdays
Joan Oliver 7/1
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansom 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Linda Becchetti 7/16
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelly Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
The work within this group is particularly effective for those with cancer now or in the past, dealing with cancer (or death from cancer) of a loved one, or caregiving-supporting of cancer patients. Through dream work, deep guided imagery, and energy healing, you will learn to perceive your challenges of body, mind and spirit from an unconditional, healing perspective.
Tuesday, 10am - 12:30pm
For more information email drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com
Starting immediately we need volunteers willing to learn to run power point during the service and we need volunteers to man the camera at the stage. The camera is set up for the service, you will just move it between the podium and the musicians, as needed. Please call the office for more information. 530-274-2463.
The class is officially closed to new registrants. This group is already sharing a dynamic, humble, open hearted, and honest experience together! We genuinely desire to be an effective part in improving racial equity, and in healing and correcting inequity.
The course is based on the book Uncomfortable Conversation With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho.. Expanding our knowledge, perceptions and consciousness is crucial in order to improve the lived experience of our black and brown brothers and sisters.
We will offer this again, or something similar, in the future!
The book, Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man, is available for sale here at UGC.
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - July 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 3,406.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 6,292.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________ 305.00
Classes _________________________
July to date: $10,003.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Discover your emerging Self!
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
I feel blessed to announce that Rev. Jerry had chosen to suspend the Spiritual Exploration Group for the next 7 weeks in order to turn more focus on the very special course we started on July 13th, Raising our Racial Literacy.
We do not live in a very diverse community but that doesn't mean our consciousness isn't impactful. Let us be a part of raising the vibration of love and equity for all of our brothers and sisters.
We are a meetup group of Inspiring Women from Nevada County
We are growing loving connections through sharing inspiration, doing fun activities, and enjoying thoughtful discussions of various spiritual virtues.
Our meetup for Wednesday, July 28th is at Katharine Beatty's swimming pool! Let's meet at UGC at 9:30 am to carpool to Katharine's house. Bring a sack lunch and beverage.
NOTE: On August 4th the virtue will be Generosity.
You can feel the joy of gathering, hearing each other's voices in song, feeling each other's presence in prayer.
Hey everyone, this year we can say "it's that time of year again"! We are looking forward to Fair Time and the Lions Club will be once again selling their homemade caramel corn. Volunteers needed to mind the booth. The fair runs from Wednesday, August 11th through Sunday, August 15th. We will have a sign-up sheet in the sanctuary. You are also welcome to click here to sign up via email.
I saved our last sign up opportunity which was canceled due to the pandemic. I will be sending out an email to all those who had hoped to volunteer then, to see if you are available this year.
Lastly, if you have questions regarding the booth hosted by the Lions Club, please call Dennis Cassella at 530-389-7788.
Our Power statement for July:
With spiritual understanding, I know everything is unfolding for my highest good.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
July 18, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Joseph Campbell made the famous statement that we should "follow our bliss?" But doesn't that sound a bit selfish or narcissistic? What exactly did he mean by that statement? Join us Sunday to find out more.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musician this Sunday is Kalyani!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Attention Please!
We are very much in need of our regular volunteers to sign up for the Sunday services positions. The same people have been filling in each week which isn't fair on them. Please consider rededicating yourself to serving the community in this way. This coming Sunday please bring a snack to share if you are able. We have kitchen volunteers for this Sunday but we do need volunteers for Sunday, July 25th, to prep coffee, etc.
Tuesday's 4 pm - 5:30 pm
We are pleased and proud to announce a new 7 week course being offered through Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. We genuinely desire to be an effective part in improving racial equity, in healing and correcting inequity, and to nurture this Sushila Mertins and Lezlie VanNatta are co-facilitating Raising Our Racial Literacy.
The course will be based on the book Uncomfortable Conversation With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho, and each week will be a combination of discussion of the week's reading material, a video we will view with you each week, and individual sharing. We have each just completed the course and we're passionate about moving forward by sharing this with you. Expanding our knowledge, perceptions and consciousness is crucial in order to improve the lived experience of our black and brown brothers and sisters.
Tuesday's through August 24th,
from 4 pm - 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Please register by emailing Lezlie, ugcassistant@gmail.com, or click here.
The book, Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man, is available for sale here at UGC by Tuesday, 7/20.
THE CLASS ZOOM LINK AND SYLLABUS WAS EMAILED TO ALL WHO REGISTERED. You must be registered to participate, group will close to new registrants after 7/20/21.
"My Place"
Adventure ahead
discoveries we’ll find.
A new lease on life.
It’s better to take risks.
Than leave yourself behind.
My fears became amplified looking through my lens of the past.
The conditioning.
The fear mongering.
The inherited backlash.
A loss of perspective had claimed me fast.
But I came to Unity at last.
By my ego that crushed me under the weight of despair.
I found a community that rivaled my fears.
A love that abounded.
A heartfelt welcome.
Spiritual practices that put love into motion.
Shy as I am, at expressing my feelings.
I hope all you realize, how much you’ve helped me.
Become the likeness of someone I can love.
I saw this in your eyes the moment I arrived.
I never felt so accepted and loved anywhere in this world.
Unity in the Gold Country an enclave of spiritual wood.
That keeps me warm with winter logs.
Yes even through Pandemics, political unrest and wild fires.
And keeps me cool as a fan during summer’s heat.
I have found a home as this wandering soul.
I knew there was a reason for me to come to this place.
Thank you all for the love that you radiate!
Let’s hope we will no longer be Nevada county’s best kept secret.
Unity in the Gold Country a spiritual center of
A poem by Angela Apostal copyright 2021
July Birthdays
Joan Oliver 7/1
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansom 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Barbara Johnson 7/15
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelly Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
The work within this group is particularly effective for those with cancer now or in the past, dealing with cancer (or death from cancer) of a loved one, or caregiving-supporting of cancer patients. Through dream work, deep guided imagery, and energy healing, you will learn to perceive your challenges of body, mind and spirit from an unconditional, healing perspective.
Tuesday, 10am - 12:30pm
For more information email drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com
We asked for volunteers for landscape maintenance and your formed a team. We asked for you to come back in to volunteer during Sunday Services and you are starting to raise your hand. We now have an opportunity for you to take on a new position and expand your skills! Starting immediately we need volunteers willing to learn to run power point during the service and we need volunteers to man the camera at the stage. The camera is set for the service, you will just move it between the podium and the musicians, as needed. Please call the office for more information. 530-274-2463.
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - July 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 3,406.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 3,829.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________
Classes _________________________
July to date: $7,235.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
I feel blessed to announce that Rev. Jerry had chosen to suspend the Spiritual Exploration Group for the next 7 weeks in order to turn more focus on the very special course we started on July 13th, Raising our Racial Literacy.
We do not live in a very diverse community but that doesn't mean our consciousness isn't impactful. Let us be a part of raising the vibration of love and equity for all of our brothers and sisters.
The Women's Circle is active and has a new name: SHARING INSPIRATION!
Please join our Sharing Inspiration Meet up Group this Wednesday, July 21st. We are meeting at Wolf Creek Trail at 9 am. Bring sack lunch, and your dog! We will meet at the picnic tables down the trail below the parking lot.
We are planning a variety of activities for future Wednesdays, some of which will be off-site. Please contact the office at 530-274-2463 or check out the calendar on our website at www.unitygold.us/calendar and click on "Unity Women; Sharing Inspiration".
NOTE: On August 4th the virtue will be Generosity.
You can feel the joy of gathering, hearing each other's voices in song, feeling each other's presence in prayer.
Hey everyone, this year we can say "it's that time of year again"! We are looking forward to Fair Time and the Lions Club will be once again selling their homemade caramel corn. Volunteers needed to mind the booth. The fair runs from Wednesday, August 11th through Sunday, August 15th. We will have a sign-up sheet in the sanctuary. You are also welcome to click here to sign up via email.
I saved our last sign up opportunity which was canceled due to the pandemic. I will be sending out an email to all those who had hoped to volunteer then, to see if you are available this year.
Lastly, if you have questions regarding the booth hosted by the Lions Club, please call Dennis Cassella at 530-389-7788.
Our Power statement for July:
With spiritual understanding, I know everything is unfolding for my highest good.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
July 11, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
with Patricia Haller, LUT
Have you ever done something wild, that for you, was outside of your comfort zone? Would you like to do something REALLY wild?? How about living as God on this planet? How about, for one day, or one week, just live "as if" you were God. What would you do? How would you BE? Join Licensed Unity Teacher, Patricia Haller, this Sunday, July 11th, and let's explore some ways we could be really wild and BE God!!
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musicians this Sunday are Gabriel Clark and Angela Williams.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
As we work to get back into our groove of Sunday Services here at UGC, the volunteer calendar is slow to fill up. This coming Sunday please bring a snack to share if you are able, and a couple of bodies in the kitchen to prep coffee, etc. is so needed!
starts this Tuesday, July 13th!
We are pleased and proud to announce a new 7 week course being offered through Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. We genuinely desire to be an effective part in improving racial equity, in healing and correcting inequity, and to nurture this Sushila Mertins and Lezlie VanNatta are co-facilitating Raising Our Racial Literacy.
The course will be based on the book Uncomfortable Conversation With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho, and each week will be a combination of discussion of the week's reading material, a video we will view with you each week, and individual sharing. We have each just completed the course and we're passionate about moving forward by sharing this with you. Expanding our knowledge, perceptions and consciousness is crucial in order to improve the lived experience of our black and brown brothers and sisters.
Tuesday's starting July 13th through August 24th,
from 4 pm - 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Please register by emailing Lezlie, ugcassistant@gmail.com, or click here.
The book, Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man, is available for sale here at UGC.
This coming Sunday, July 11th, will be Rob's final Sunday with us. He and his wife are moving to Santa Fe at the end of the month. Rob has contributed his time, his talents, his love and his prayers to us, literally beyond measure. Dearest Rob, we love you, we bless you, we wish you safe travels and a happy and peace filled new home.
Please join us as we send Rob off with all of our love.
Synchronous Teachings
Our spiritual community offers a wide array of learning opportunities—the Spiritual Exploration group, classes following The Way of Mastery, The Course of Love, The Course in Miracles, and of course, the messages we hear Sunday after Sunday in our services. UGC regularly offers teaching from Matt Kahn and, on occasion, Jeddah Mali, Leonard Jacobsen and Eckhart Tolle. Recently, I’ve been reading books channeled by Paul Selig (e.g. The Book of Love & Creation, The Book of Worth & Knowing, The Book of Mastery) and I highly recommend them! I am delighted to discover the wondrous alignment of these teachers. In all cases, the fundamental message is this: We are Divine Beings. We are not just our small, personality selves. They urge us to stop being small and to align to the vibration of our True Self—the One Presence that is in each of us.
In Love & Light,
Claire Palmerino
Please plan to meet here this coming Wednesday, 7/14, at 8 am. We want to get started early, before it gets too hot out!
July Birthdays
Joan Oliver 7/1
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansom 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelly Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
The work within this group is particularly effective for those with cancer now or in the past, dealing with cancer (or death from cancer) of a loved one, or caregiving-supporting of cancer patients. Through dream work, deep guided imagery, and energy healing, you will learn to perceive your challenges of body, mind and spirit from an unconditional, healing perspective.
Tuesday, 10am - 12:30pm
For more information email drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com
Hey everyone, this year we can say "it's that time of year again"! We are looking forward to Fair Time and the Lions Club will be once again selling their homemade caramel corn. Volunteers needed to mind the booth. The fair runs from Wednesday, August 11th through Sunday, August 15th. We will have a sign-up sheet in the sanctuary. You are also welcome to click here to sign up via email.
I saved our last sign up opportunity which was canceled due to the pandemic. I will be sending out an email to all those who had hoped to volunteer then, to see if you are available this year.
Lastly, if you have questions regarding the booth hosted by the Lions Club, please call Dennis Cassella at 530-272-2130.
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - July 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 2,670.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore ______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________
Classes _________________________
July to date: $3,420.00
June final total: 13,708.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
I feel blessed to announce that Rev. Jerry had chosen to suspend the Spiritual Exploration Group for the next 7 weeks in order to turn more focus on the very special course we are starting on July 13th, Raising our Spiritual Literacy.
We do not live in a very diverse community but that doesn't mean our consciousness isn't impactful. Let us be a part of raising the vibration of love and equity for all of our brothers and sisters.
The Women's Circle is activating again and has a new name: SHARING INSPIRATION!
Please join our Unity women this Wednesday, 7/14, at 10 am. The virtue topic will be forgiveness. They will meet in our sanctuary because we don't know if any other room can hold all that joy, laughter, and friendship! All are welcome, just show up!
We are planning a variety of activities for future Wednesdays, some of which will be off-site. Please contact the office at 530-274-2463 or check out the calendar on our website at www.unitygold.us/calendar and click on "Unity Women; Sharing Inspiration" on Wednesday.
I am hoping we have someone in our midst who is knowledgeable and experienced in irrigation. I am not asking you to do the work. What I would like is for someone to walk our property with me checking the performance of our current sprinklers. There are spots I know need repair but there may be sprinklers I am not recognizing need attention. Additionally, our sprinkler stations activated by the upstairs timer are not fully functional and I am clueless in that regard. I want to put together an overview of the scope of the project so that we can determine whether it can be a bit by bit process with volunteers or, something we need to have a professional irrigation company give us an estimate on. Call me anytime, 274-2463.
With gratitude and hugs,
You can feel the joy of gathering, hearing each other's voices in song, feeling each other's presence in prayer.
Our Power statement for July:
With spiritual understanding, I know everything is unfolding for my highest good.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
July 4, 2021
10:30 AM
"Listen to me, there is freedom in love. Every day should feel like Independence Day."
- Evy Michaels
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” - Herbert Hoover
In observance of Independence Day, the UGC office will be closed on
Monday, July 5th.
ALIGN TO THE DIVINE group will not be meeting on Monday, July 4th
Rev. Jerry Farrell
These sure have been a hot topics over the past year and a bit. How do we think about independence and freedom in relation to the light of Spiritual Truth? How do we make decisions that are from freedom but also from Truth? Join us as we explore these timely topics.
As we come back together in the sanctuary we are also resuming live music! Our musician this Sunday is Kellie Garmire.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
As we work to get back into our groove of Sunday Services here at UGC, the volunteer calendar is slow to fill up. This coming Sunday please bring a snack to share if you are able, and a couple of bodies in the kitchen to prep coffee, etc. is so needed. I am jumping in to help where ever I can. Call or text my cell if you are available this Sunday, 7/4/21. Thank you, Lezlie
Dear Board and UGC,
Thank you so much for your support during the graduation and ordination celebrations.
I, and my entire family, felt tremendously cared for, blessed, and honored by all you did.
And thanks for the gift certificate for the National. Dy and I have peeked in the door during construction and cannot wait to go!
I appreciate you all, and love being part of the Gold Country family!
Peace, love, & gratitude,
Rev Frank
For me, music is the heartbeat of the soul. Recently, while listening to StoweGood’s album “Beautiful Brokenness”, the song “My Life is a Prayer” caught the attention of my soul and changed my prayer life. This in turn changes my perspective as my view grows larger and my heart grows softer. I hope you will listen to this song while singing these words. May this music and the words of this song be a blessing in your life.
What if a prayer
Is not a plea
A desperate call
With tears that fall
On bended knee?
But, breathing out
And breathing in
It’s God in me
That lives and breathes
My trusted Friend.
My life is a prayer
That God is praying
My thoughts are words
That God is saying
My laughter is the sound
Of angels playing
My life is a Prayer
That God is praying.
What if today
I had the chance
To move and sway
God leads the way
In my life’s dance?
What If I knew
With out a doubt
No need to fear
God’s right here
With in, with out?
Love is Everywhere,
Cathy Lee Knight
July Birthdays
Joan Oliver 7/1
Catherine Arbini 7/3
Kirk Sansom 7/4
Harry Wyeth 7/5
Kristie Stevens 7/11
Marian Weast 7/25
Shelly Wandro 7/26
Jackee Earnest 7/30
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS. PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
with Dr. Nanci Shandera
The work within this group is particularly effective for those with cancer now or in the past, dealing with cancer (or death from cancer) of a loved one, or caregiving-supporting of cancer patients. Through dream work, deep guided imagery, and energy healing, you will learn to perceive your challenges of body, mind and spirit from an unconditional, healing perspective.
Tuesday, 10am - 12:30pm
For more information email drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com
We are now offering recordings of the beautiful, deep meditations being shared in the Spiritual Exploration group and the Align to the Divine group. Click HERE to experience the quiet depth and peace of this meditation from Monday. We will continue to share various in-house meditations going forward.
UGC INCOME - June 2021
Credit card tithes _______________3,406.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 7,610.00
Paypal tithes __________________ 734.00
Bookstore ______________________299.00
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________ 50.00
Classes _________________________
June to date: $12,099.00
Sharing Energy Aligned to Divine Love
Monday’s at 11:00 AM
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning. Scroll to the last option.
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Tuesday's group enjoys rich, insightful meditation and conversation.
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Please read pages 91 - 101 for Tuesday, 7/6/21. This is the main intro to Part 3 and the first section of the 4 sections.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
The Women's Circle is activating again and has a new name: SHARING INSPIRATION!
Please join our Unity women on Wednesday's at 10 am beginning July 7th. They will meet in our sanctuary because we don't know if any other room can hold all that joy, laughter, and friendship! All are welcome, just show up!
I am hoping we have someone in our midst who is knowledgeable and experienced in irrigation. I am not asking you to do the work. What I would like is for someone to walk our property with me checking the performance of our current sprinklers. There are spots I know need repair but there may be sprinklers I am not recognizing need attention. Additionally, our sprinkler stations activated by the upstairs timer are not fully functional and I am clueless in that regard. I want to put together an overview of the scope of the project so that we can determine whether it can be a bit by bit process with volunteers or, something we need to have a professional irrigation company give us an estimate on. Call me anytime, 274-2463.
With love, gratitude and hugs,
We shared live music, an inspiring message and tons of love and joy!
We are pleased and proud to announce a new 7 week course being offered through Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. We genuinely desire to be an effective part in improving racial equity, in healing and correcting inequity, and to nurture this Sushila Mertins and Lezlie VanNatta are co-facilitating Raising Our Racial Literacy.
The course will be based on the book Uncomfortable Conversation With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho, and each week will be a combination of discussion of the week's reading material, a video we will view with you each week, and individual sharing. We have each just completed the course and we're passionate about moving forward by sharing this with you. Expanding our knowledge, perceptions and consciousness is crucial in order to improve the lived experience of our black and brown brothers and sisters.
Tuesday's starting July 13th through August 24th,
from 4 pm - 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Please register by emailing Lezlie, ugcassistant@gmail.com, or click here.
We will have the book, Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man, available for sale here at UGC by Wednesday of next week.
Our Power statement for July:
With spiritual understanding, I know everything is unfolding for my highest good.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Kurtis Zumwalt
June 13, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
Falling Open When the World Falls Apart
Our guest speaker and musician is Angelika!
Rev. Angelika Schafer, originally from Germany has shared sacred music and seminars world wide with her interfaith ministry. She offers healing frequencies through her voice and instruments, and nurtures our hearts with bhajans, musical meditations, inspirational songs and prayers, in Sanskrit, English and other languages.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm.
The office is closed on Fridays.
As of Wednesday, June 2nd, Nevada County is now in the Orange Tier. We have reset the sanctuary with all the chairs for this Sunday. Masks and distancing are still required for this week. For our service on June 20th, masks will be requested but not required, provided California lifts all restrictions as planned. No need to sign up for this Sunday just come!
So far we have had 88 people here total, on varying Sunday's, for the in-person service. To date we have not had one Sunday in which we reached our 50% capacity so if you're staying home because you think you want to allow others the opportunity to attend . . . stop doing that and come join us!
What is "Juneteenth?"
Juneteenth celebrations can help us to remember and to heal, representing an evolution in consciousness that ensures we won’t repeat the past. Understand the history of Juneteenth and why it still matters today.
Click HERE to read the article by Unity Worldwide Ministries
Unity Worldwide Ministries now offers a new path to conscious spirituality …
Certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction
If you are seeking to …
- Slow down from the busy-ness of life,
- Become aware of the ineffable within you beyond words, theologies, and creeds,
- Experience your natural state of wonder, health, and wholeness,
- Discern a conscious path of awareness and compassion for yourself and others that honors “All as One,”
- And join like-minded journeyers on this path, then
Unity’s Spiritual Direction Program is designed to support you on this quest to be a
Certified Spiritual Director.
This is a new 2-year program being offered through Unity. Rev Jerry was one of the committee who developed this new program. To view more information, click HERE.
Come Back, Come Home. You Have Been Missed So Much.
Hi everyone! There is a new energy afoot these past few weeks as people are starting to come out of seclusion. It was heartwarming this week to see all the chairs back in the sanctuary in preparation for all restrictions being lifted on June 15th. I have to admit I am teary eyed just writing that. Let's just be honest and say that it has been a hard year or more, and people are looking to reconnect with their spiritual family. Here at UGC we are revelling in one of our own being ordained next Monday. What a perfect end to lockdown. Congratulations to Frank and Dyann, Joy and Dominic. Sunday, June 20th should be the first service with no restrictions. Hallelujah!! Thank you God that we made it safely this far. I think we need to celebrate and I am working on having a folk group sing and play at our June 27th service. We want you back in the sanctuary so badly we want to entice you any way we can. It will be more of a concert/service. Know that we are all waiting to see you in person. Zoom was great but it isn't as good as pressing the flesh. After all, we are incarnated spiritual beings. Hope to see you soon. Don't wait too long!
Rev. Jerry Farrell
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance. You will discover how dreams inform us from deep levels of consciousness. You will learn about the great value of recurring dreams and nightmares, Life Dreams, and symbology: personal, collective, and ancient.
June 17th
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(BE SURE TO SIGN UP WITH NANCI by Wednesday morning, 6/16; drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com. She will
email the Zoom link to you early afternoon on the Wednesday before)
Chainsaw help requested!
Richard Anderson has found a dead manzanita bush in the back that needs to be cut and taken away. If you have a chainsaw and/or a truck to assist him, he would like to take care of this Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Right now there is a free dump area to take yard waste, and that closes on Monday. If you are able to assist him, please call Richard at 272-7737
UGC INCOME - June 2021
Credit card tithes _______________3,406.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 2,594.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore _______________________ 94.00
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________
Classes _________________________
June to date: $6,094
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Tuesday's group enjoys rich, insightful meditation and conversation>
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
June Birthdays
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS - PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Our Power statement for June:
The power of my thoughts and words moves me ever closer to the Truth of my being.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
June 6, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
"Are We Being Lifted Up?"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
Jesus once said "When I be lifted up I will draw all people to myself." Isn't it nice to know someone else is doing the heavy lifting and we just have to align ourselves with the energy doing the lifting. Join us this Sunday when Rev. Jerry speaks about the evolving energy at play in our hearts, lives and in the world right now.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
The sound for our Zoom services is still a work in progress. And, yes, we have been painfully aware of the bad sound issues over the past few weeks, and have spent time each week trying to improve it. We have realized that the sound comes through best if you have a stereo system on the device that you are listening from. If you have an I-Pad or I-Phone, they are not set up for stereo. If you use stereo headphones with them, you get a much better sound quality.
REMINDER: If the sound is bad any Sunday you may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm.
The office is closed on Fridays.
Next Sunday, June 13th
Please join us next Sunday, June 13th as we welcome Angelica who will be sharing her talk, "Falling Open When The World Falls Apart." She will also be gifting us with her beautiful original music. There will be no need to sign up for this event, so please just come and enjoy!
Rev. Angelika Schafer, originally from Germany has shared sacred music and seminars world wide with her interfaith ministry. She offers healing frequencies through her voice and instruments, and nurtures our hearts with bhajans, musical meditations, inspirational songs and prayers, in Sanskrit, English and other languages.
As of Wednesday, June 2nd, Nevada County is now in the Orange Tier. We have added more chairs to the sanctuary for this coming Sunday, as we are able to seat more people due to the Orange Tier protocols. Masks and distancing are still required. For our service on June 20th, we will add more chairs to the sanctuary and masks will be requested but not required, provided California lifts all restrictions as planned. No need to sign up for this Sunday just come!
We will soon be calling him Rev. Frank! Frank's ministerial ordination is Monday, June 14th. It will be a hybrid event shared by Unity Worldwide Ministries via Zoom, to ordain the class of 2021. Frank will be ordained by Rev. Jerry in our sanctuary in the presence of family and well-wishers. The ordination and celebration will begin at 2 pm. We welcome you to join us to honor such a wonderful man and such a significant event! RSVP's are mandatory for in person attendance. Last chance to sign up to join us in person is Monday June 7th. Anyone may attend via Zoom, no RSVP needed for that!
Click HERE for the link, or copy and paste the link below to your browser.
“Fasting from Hate”
A poem by Angela Apostal
I spent some time on my deck, thinking about all
the hate.
I wondered why we spend the time, with so much to divide.
I’d rather not think about the horrible rot that separates as it does.
It distracts me so much, I found a lump in my throat.
A cry and a sigh without too much time to release a willing goodbye to all the wrongs I’ve seen pass by.
I’d rather not, tend to this rot; but I shudder if not.
I’d love to find the kernel of truth that unites rather than divides.
But I’m only one, yet many agree, that love is the only antidote whole enough to free.
All people, all time if only we sat still and listened to the divine.
That we will find in the most unlikely places and faces of our time.
I guess I’ll give it a try.
Weak as I am and tired I have no other choice worth aspiring.
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance. You will discover how dreams inform us from deep levels of consciousness. You will learn about the great value of recurring dreams and nightmares, Life Dreams, and symbology: personal, collective, and ancient.
June 17th
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(BE SURE TO SIGN UP WITH NANCI by Wednesday morning, 6/16; drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com. She will
email the Zoom link to you early afternoon on the Wednesday before)
UGC INCOME - May 2021
Credit card tithes _______________3,606.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 6,677.00
Paypal tithes __________________ 1.649.22
Bookstore _______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________50.00
Classes _______________________20.00
Misc. __________________________ 1.24
May to date: 11,827.22
June Birthdays
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
Moira Carson 6/29
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS - PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Tuesday's group enjoys rich, insightful meditation and conversation.
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
Your monthly Chaplain meeting will be held here at UGC in person!! June 13th at 9:30 am. You will most likely meet in the Zeal Room.
I am sure they would love help whenever you are available. Karle, Cydne and Richard will meet here the 2nd Wednesday of each month to maintain our grounds. There is a lot to cover so more hands on deck would be greatly appreciated! Starting this month, June 9th, at 9 am. Volunteers are welcome to arrive earlier to beat the heat.
Our Power statement for June:
The power of my thoughts and words moves me ever closer to the Truth of my being.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Theodore Upton

May 30, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
"Today, we salute and pledge our never ending appreciation to the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedoms, and defending our Nation. And, to the many front line workers who have lost their lives fighting COVID-19. Today, our hearts belong to all of you.”
― Ron Baratono
"How Do We Consciously Evolve/Become the New Human?"
with Rev. Jerry Farrell
I think most people are aware that we need a new humanity in order to bring about the changes that we know are needed at this time. How do we become a new human and evolve a new humanity? We become the change that we desire, and we do that by embodying our full Divine essence. Join us this week as Rev. Jerry lays out for us how we can do that and the opportunity that will be on offer in June for us to come together as a community to make it happen and become a reality.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm.
The office is closed on Fridays.
The office will be closed on Monday, May 31st in observance of
Memorial Day
Until mid June, we will require you to sign up in advance of our in-person Sunday Services so that we may monitor room capacity. We will also need to know how many people are in your party. This box will be in each Thursday e-bulletin for the foreseeable future. Click HERE to sign up for Sunday, June 6th.
If you have not signed up for this Sunday, May 30th, but would like to attend please call the UGC office by 8pm Saturday and leave a message with your full name and number of people in your party. 530-274-2463. We have not had maximum capacity yet so please don't hesitate to join us!
So far we have had 73 people here total, on varying Sunday's, for the in-person service. To date we have not had one Sunday in which we reached our 25% capacity so if you're staying home because you think you want to allow others the opportunity to attend . . . stop doing that and come join us!
Our Unity in the Gold Country website has been updated and went LIVE on Monday, May 24th. We are so excited with how smooth and modern it is! Go to unitygold.usor click here if you just can't wait!
It’s Time to Invigorate Our Community
Inertia! Too often I allow inertia to block me from doing the things I want to do, the things I know would be good for me, and/or the things I simply intend to do. I see an ad for a performance or event and think, “That sounds really great. I’d like to attend.” But then I don’t take the next step and purchase tickets; the date comes and goes while I stay home. I know it would be good for me to take a daily afternoon walk but most afternoons find me sitting in my chair reading or noodling on the iPad until it’s time to make dinner. Inertia keeps me in that comfortable chair. For a year now I’ve intended to clean out my hall closet…but the task remains postponed and undone. Sometimes I overcome inertia and actually attend the event, take that walk or tackle a non-routine task and, whenever I do, I’m almost always glad I did. So where am I going with this??
We reopened for in person Sunday services on Easter. If you weren’t there, let me tell you, there was such joy as we reunited in community at capacity under the current legal guidance. Since then, attendance has been meager with many people choosing to continue watching the service on Zoom. I have a feeling that, for many of us, inertia contributes to the resistance to get dressed and drive to the Center. It’s just so easy to watch the service on Zoom in the comfort of your favorite chair while sipping your morning coffee. And it takes less time. You don’t even have to shower! Does this sound familiar? If so, I hope you will resist the allure of inertia and invigorate our spiritual community with your presence. Your energy is missed. Your vibration is needed. Certainly, there are some people for whom it is still too risky to join in group activities and I honor anyone’s decision based on those concerns. But for most of us, especially those who have been vaccinated, it is time to move back to the sanctuary. We need each other whether we know it or not. As Rob Cairn likes to say, “Your instrument is necessary to make the orchestra complete!”
In love and light and a desire to see your wonderful faces,
Claire Palmerino
BOT President
UGC friends/family, we are actively making plans for full on, in-person services here starting June 20th! I will be calling in all volunteers for us to remember and re-start all the active ways we serve for Sunday Services. Ushers, platform assistants, hospitality, chaplains and at some point youth teachers . . . we want you! Beginning June 20th we'll again be offering chaplain services in the prayer chapel after the service. Lots of pieces to coordinate in this joyous process of fully re-opening!
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Tuesday's group enjoys rich, insightful meditation and conversation.
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
We will soon be calling him Rev. Frank! Frank's ministerial ordination is Monday, June 14th. It will be a hybrid event shared by Unity Worldwide Ministries via Zoom, to ordain the class of 2021. Frank will be ordained by Rev. Jerry in our sanctuary in the presence of family and well-wishers. The ordination and celebration will begin at 2 pm. We welcome you to join us to honor such a wonderful man and such a significant event! RSVP's are mandatory for in person attendance. Anyone may attend via Zoom, no RSVP needed for that!
Here is the Zoom link to enjoy the ordination online!
For planning purposes you must RSVP by Tuesday, June 1st if you plan to attend in person!
UGC INCOME - May 2021
Credit card tithes _______________3,606.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________ 4,522.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore _______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________50.00
Classes _______________________20.00
May to date: 8,198.00
June Birthdays
Pam Ignatieff 6/4
Richard France 6/8
Tuulikki Kujala 6/8
Louis Kunz 6/9
Lance Spurgeon 6/14
Richard Feather Anderson 6/15
Heather Buck 6/20
Claudia Martin 6/21
Meyer Zumwalt 6/22
Marsha Garland 6/23
Mark Wandro 6/28
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS - PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance. You will discover how dreams inform us from deep levels of consciousness. You will learn about the great value of recurring dreams and nightmares, Life Dreams, and symbology: personal, collective, and ancient.
June 17th only
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(BE SURE TO SIGN UP WITH NANCI by Wednesday morning, 6/16; drnanci@earthspiritcenter.com. She will
email the Zoom link to you early afternoon on the Wednesday before)
Our Power statement for May:
The power of my thoughts and words moves me ever closer to the Truth of my being.
Click here for a meditation on Power.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Theodore Upton
Unity in the Gold Country | 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
May 16, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
"Why Are Our Times So Divisive?"
Rev. Jerry Farrell
It is good to keep our finger on the pulse of what is happening in our times. It can feel like we are being bounced from one thing to the next and we may not have a sense of the overall picture, or indeed the message that Spirit is giving us through all of what we are experiencing. That is why this Sunday I want to talk about what the real issues of our times are and how we might respond in the most conscious and aware way.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
ONE MORE THING! Congregants have shared with us that when they use ear buds or head phones plugged into the device they are using to attend Sunday Service, the sound is dramatically better!
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm.
The office is closed on Fridays.
Until further notice, we will require you to sign up in advance of our in-person Sunday Services so that we may monitor room capacity. We will also need to know how many people are in your party. This box will be in each Thursday e-bulletin for the foreseeable future. Click HERE to sign up for Sunday, May 23rd.
If you have not signed up for this Sunday, May 16th, but would like to attend please call the UGC office by 8pm Saturday and leave a message with your full name and number of people in your party. 530-274-2463. We have not had maximum capacity yet so please don't hesitate to join us! You are not taking anyone's s
Dear Unity Family,
The crew that volunteered to do landscape clean up here at UGC deserve our standing ovation! Marlene and Cliff, Cydne, Kristie, Karle, Catherine, Rosie and Richard and Marceline were all here before 9 am and scoping out their work when I drove in. There is something about their desire to bring their energy to cleaning up our home that makes my heart expand, forcing water out of my eyes! Most of the group worked until 1, even 2 pm and the difference they made is phenomenal. We are so blessed to have you all choose UGC for your spiritual center, and deeply blessed by those of you giving of your time and energy and heart in this way.
Cydne, Richard and Karle are talking about a monthly (every other month?) meet-up-clean-up. We'd love for you to join them when you're available!
they worked with such joy and camaraderie!
Recently I have been dealing with a challenging situation. I have been in charge of placing a family member in assisted living. It has been disconcerting to see someone who has always been a smart, independent person change in so many ways. I rely on many of the lessons I have learned at Unity to help me through this journey.
I have learned to try to be patient and loving to the best of my ability, because I know he is scared of the changes he is going through on his new journey. Intolerance of his fear will only make his journey more difficult.
I understand that the universe doesn't always give us what we think we want, but rather always gives what we really need. I need to remember that I don't always see the answer at the time it is presented. I just need to keep my faith strong and know that everything happens for a reason, even if I don't know what that reason is.
I also have found a new sense of gratitude for all that this person has done for me throughout my life. I feel blessed to have had his guiding presence during good times and bad. Anything I can do to help him through this difficult phase of his life it is my privilege to be able to do. I hope I can help him find peace.
With Love, Dave
The Zoom meetings expired within the system so we have scheduled new meetings which changes the access link and codes. Just in case you saved them in a safe and easy to find place - they've changed! The access information will be in this coming Monday's All Zoom Access email (May 17, 2021).
BONUS opportunity:
We need a team to clean up our library. Books need to be sorted and categorized. Some books need to be boxed up to move out. Please reply HERE if you are interested in helping with the library clean up.
I have 3 volunteers so far and we are likely going to schedule this project to begin in about mid-June. There are plenty of books to process and the more the merrier!
YOU can attend the 2021 Unity Convention this year . . . no travel required! Enjoy stimulating speakers, inspiring workshops, heartfelt connection time, get-to-know-you networking, stirring music, and times of celebration and remembrance.
Click HERE for all the details and registration!
Registration closes on May 23, 2021
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance. You will discover how dreams inform us from deep levels of consciousness. You will learn about the great value of recurring dreams and nightmares, Life Dreams, and symbology: personal, collective, and ancient.
May 20th
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(Please register with Lezlie by Wednesday noon, day prior.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you later in the day.)
UGC INCOME - May 2021
Credit card tithes _______________ 750.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________2,836.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore _______________________
Change 4 Change_________________
Facilities Use ___________________
Classes _________________________
May to date: 3,586.00
May Birthdays
Patt Lind Kyle 5/4
Susan Cope 5/4
Mary Cooper 5/10
Richard Earnest 5/10
Cathy Lee Knight 5/11
Linda Lou Haines 5/27
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS - PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Last Tuesday's group enjoyed rich, insightful conversation which I know will continue this week.
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
Our Power statement for May:
The power of my thoughts and words moves me ever closer to the Truth of my being.
Click here for a meditation on Power.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
May 2, 2021
10:30 AM
2021 A Year of Renewal through Awakening, Healing, and Wonder.
"Seek, and Seek, and Be Amazed."
Rev. Frank Castro-Wehr
There is change afoot for sure, and we can feel it. What is the right next step for each of us, for our families, for our Spiritual Community, for our world? In this week’s talk, we hear a command to seek it out – how do we know when we find it? Let’s be amazed.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 173 686
Passcode: 118046
One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,516173686# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
REMINDER: You may view, or re-view, almost any of our Sunday Services on our YouTube page - click here, then subscribe (it's free) and you'll be notified when each new service posts!
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm.
The office is closed on Fridays.
Until further notice, we will require you to sign up in advance of our in-person Sunday Services so that we may monitor room capacity. We will also need to know how many people are in your party. This box will be in each Thursday e-bulletin for the foreseeable future. Click HERE to sign up for Sunday, May 9th.
If you have not signed up for this Sunday, May 2nd, but would like to attend please call the UGC office and leave a message with your full name and number of people in your party. 530-274-2463
On our camping trip in the redwoods with our grandchildren, we spent an evening down by the Eel River. Kaden, our 11 year old grandson bent over and picked up a handful of large pebbles of various sizes, and with an intense swing of his arm, threw the rocks into the river.
Beaming with joy, he turned to us and said, “Did you hear the music the rocks made when they hit the water?”
That started handfuls of rocks being thrown into the river so he could listen to the beautiful music the rocks were singing. Unaware of
anything else, Kaden was in complete joy as he conducted the splashing orchestra. Spinning, bending for rocks, spinning back to the river, he, the rocks, the river, merged together in joyful sound and laughter. I felt myself drift into his world. My heart filled with his utter joy. God was dancing and singing with that little boy as the canyon filled with love. What a gift I was given!
In love,

You know, before too long we will again be operating as a vibrant IN PERSON center of connection in joy, laughter, peace, prayer and spiritual inspiration!
Let's get ready!
Calling all volunteers for a day of landscape clean up. Mid May seems ideal, before it gets too hot out. May 12th, 9 am-12 pm. Please reply HERE, ASAP, if you are available. I (Lezlie) have a truck and if a couple more of you volunteers can arrive in trucks our haul away will be easy!
BONUS opportunity:
We need a team to clean up our library. Books need to be sorted and categorized. Some books need to be boxed up to move out. This is not weather sensitive so the landscape project is top priority timing wise. Please reply HERE if you are interested in helping with the library clean up.

YOU can attend the 2021 Unity Convention this year . . . no travel required! Enjoy stimulating speakers, inspiring workshops, heartfelt connection time, get-to-know-you networking, stirring music, and times of celebration and remembrance.
Click HERE for all the details and registration!
We have had a couple of people expressing interest in forming a Men's Group that would meet in person, on a regular basis. How many of you would like to participate? The tone and frequency would be determined by those choosing to attend. Please reply HERE if you would like to join a Men's Group here at UGC.
We have been receiving input equally split between those who could hear last the service fine, and those who could not. As we are constantly working to improve the sound it seems we have made progress. Please always be sure to check your speaker volume. Another alternative is to enjoy the service via the recorded video available after the service on YouTube.
Once we get our new equipment in and installed we see all of the sound quality issues being gone! That's our prayer and vision.
with Nanci Shandera, Ph.D.
During these challenging times, your dreams serve several purposes which include healing, lifting you to higher consciousness, recognizing your true self and your strengths, and offering insights and guidance in how you can gracefully and courageously face these challenges and grow spiritually.
Through a variety of modalities based upon mystical teachings, you will learn about yourself and dream symbology and how to begin deepening your awareness of your dreams and their connection to your Soul and its wisdom and guidance. You will discover how dreams inform us from deep levels of consciousness. You will learn about the great value of recurring dreams and nightmares, Life Dreams, and symbology: personal, collective, and ancient.
May 6th and May 20th
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.
(No charge though donations to UGC are always welcome.)
(Please register with Lezlie by Wednesday noon, day prior.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you later in the day.)

George Floyd’s murder trial highlights the tragedies and travesties suffered daily by our Black brothers and sisters. We white folks have the luxury of turning off the news and carrying on with our lives, while for Black people the news IS their lives. If that realization disturbs you, it’s a good thing. It means your intellect recognizes injustice and unfairness and your heart is feeling the resulting pain.
The Unity Center and The AntiRacism Institute are now offering a safe and supportive way for you to deal with the injustice of racism. “Unpacking Race and Racism: Becoming White Allies” is a small group zoom program running once a week for seven weeks from May through June. You’ll have the opportunity to more deeply understand racism and begin to see what part you can play in helping to eliminate it. The link below will give you more details about the program and how to register.
Click HERE for registration and details.
UGC INCOME - April 2021
Credit card tithes ______________ 3,456.00
Love offerings/tithes ____________7,477.00
Paypal tithes __________________
Bookstore _______________________92.00
Change 4 Change__________________8.00
Facilities Use ___________________ 150.00
Classes _________________________25.00
April to date: 11,208.00
Join us for a discussion of David Kyle's new book The Energy Teachings of the Three, led by Rev. Jerry. Last Tuesday's group enjoyed rich, insightful conversation which I know will continue this week. We are exploring the The Five Pillars of Love. Please read pages 41-54 for Tuesday, May 4th.
Tuesday, at 10 am.
Zoom link is in the All Access email that goes out every Monday morning.
May Birthdays
Patt Lind Kyle 5/4
Susan Cope 5/4
Mary Cooper 5/10
Richard Earnest 5/10
Cathy Lee Knight 5/11
Linda Lou Haines 5/27
WE NOW HAVE CARD SENDING ANGELS - PLEASE EMAIL ME (Lezlie) YOUR BIRTHDATE even if you think I already have it!
SHIFT YOUR WORLD FILM FESTIVAL, Calling the Future into Focus
This dynamic cinematic journey will present 9 feature-length films, digital world premieres, a collection of powerful shorts, panels and conversations with filmmakers, special screening events, and more!
This sounds amazing! A free film festival filled with excellent films, speakers and more. Click here for all the details and to register. You will not want to miss this fun, inspiring, enlightening experience. FREE!
Our Power statement for May:
The power of my thoughts and words moves me ever closer to the Truth of my being.
Call practitioners for an appointment.
Schedule of Services Offered:
Body Talk ____________________Patricia Haller __________________530-263-6796
Emotional Freedom (Tapping)____Lorre Eaton____________________ 510-390-5202
Healing Touch________________Claire Palmerino_________________714-773-4021
Pranic Healing ___ ____________Brie Griffen_____________________916-710-2144
Reiki________________________Kris Stevens____________________530-368-4465
Reiki________________________Pam Davis_____________________530-288-0322
Shamanic Healing_____________David Kyle_____________________ 530-263-5413
Spiritual Readings___________ Ann Marie Jaggi_________________530-205-0351
Vitality Energy Therapy_________Jackee Earnest__________________858-442-7194
Recommended minimum donation is $10-$15 per session; 100% of all donations support Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center. You may donate using the online payment method on the UGC website (www.unitygold.us) or by mailing a check to UGC; 180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Longing to make a love offering? Just click here!
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center| 530-274-2463 |
180 Cambridge Court, Grass Valley, CA 95945 |
UNITY - a positive path for Spiritual Living
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sincerely, Rev. Jerry and Lezlie
Board of Trustees
President: Claire Palmerino
Vice President: Angela Apostal
Treasurer: Yvonne Read
Secretary: Patricia Plank
Cathy Lee Knight
Dave Beatty
Marlene Bottenfield
Theodore Upton