Carolyn Homan!
I have been attending UGC for over 20 years, (same time as Jerry joined) when we were located at the Realty Offices for Sunday services
Are you an official member: yes
What drew you to Unity: Larry and I were looking for a church or spiritual center. When we tried UGC, it just clicked! Like for so many other UGC congregants, it "felt like coming home."
What keeps you at Unity: The opportunities to grow spiritually along with like-minded friends and to come to know my true self and why I am here on Earth. I have benefitted from all of Joe's and Jere’s talks and lessons and from the insights gained from so many wonderful classes and guest speakers over the years. Unity has helped me become more accepting and at peace with what is and I feel blessed and in appreciation each day of everyone and everything...most of the time.
Where I have volunteered over the years:
* Have been a UGC chaplain since the program's inception
* Worked several years in kitchen/hospitality
* Was a board member
* usher, greeter, etc.
* hosted at our home 7-week book program
* often helped Larry with various maintenance chores and projects
* made chaplain calls monthly
* healing circle
* have been "on call" when needed for "whatever"
Thank you Carolyn for your years of unending service. You are a jewel! We appreciate you: Rev Jere, Lezlie, the Board, and the congregants